
学校中文名 学校英文名 专业名称 开设学位 位置
三一基督学院 Trinity Christian College Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology Master Palos Heights, IL
沙米纳德檀香山大学 Chaminade University of Honolulu Counseling Psychology Master Honolulu, HI
伊利诺伊大学厄本那-香槟分校 University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign Rehabilitation and Disability Studies Doctorate, Master Champaign, IL
阿克伦大学 University of Akron Case Management for Children and Families Graduate Certificate Akron, OH
阿克伦大学 University of Akron Marriage and Family Counseling/Therapy Master Akron, OH
阿克伦大学 University of Akron Community Counseling Master Akron, OH
阿克伦大学 University of Akron Case Management for Children and Families Master Akron, OH
阿克伦大学 University of Akron Addiction Counseling Certificate Graduate Certificate Akron, OH
阿克伦大学 University of Akron Collaborative Program in Counseling Psychology Doctorate, Master Akron, OH
安提奥新英格兰大学 Antioch University New England Clinical Mental Health Counseling with concentration in Substance Abuse/Addictions Counseling (MA) Master Keene, NH
安提奥新英格兰大学 Antioch University New England PhD in Marriage and Family Therapy Doctorate Keene, NH
安提奥新英格兰大学 Antioch University New England Dance/Movement Therapy and Counseling (Post Master's Certificate) Graduate Certificate Keene, NH
海瑟顿基金会 Hazelden Foundation Master of Arts in Addiction Studies: Integrated Recovery for Co-Occurring Disorders Master Center City, MN
海瑟顿基金会 Hazelden Foundation Master of Arts in Addiction Counseling: Advanced Practice Master Center City, MN
海瑟顿基金会 Hazelden Foundation Master of Arts in Addiction Counseling Master Center City, MN
拉文大学 University of La Verne Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling Master La Verne, CA
拉文大学 University of La Verne M.S., Marriage and Family Therapy Master La Verne, CA
托马斯杰斐逊大学 Thomas Jefferson University Master’s Degree in Couple and Family Therapy Master Philadelphia, PA
自由大学 Liberty University Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Counseling Master Lynchburg, TN
科罗拉多大学科罗拉多斯普林斯分校 University of Colorado At Colorado Springs Counseling & Human Services Master Colorado Springs, CO
孟菲斯大学 University of Memphis School Psychology Master, Doctorate Memphis, TN
索尔兹伯里大学 Salisbury University Psychology Master Salisbury, MD
北德克萨斯大学 University of North Texas Rehabilitation Counseling Master Denton, TX
北德克萨斯大学 University of North Texas Counseling Psychology Doctorate Denton, TX
北德克萨斯大学 University of North Texas Career Counseling Graduate Certificate Denton, TX
尼亚克学院 Nyack College Counseling Master Nyack, NY
尼亚克学院 Nyack College Counseling Master Nyack, NY
大会神学院 Assemblies Of God Theological Seminary Master of Arts in Counseling Master Springfield, MO
密苏里州立大学 Missouri State University Counseling and Assessment Doctorate Springfield, MO
密苏里州立大学 Missouri State University Counseling Master Springfield, MO
密苏里州立大学 Missouri State University Orientation and Mobility Graduate Certificate Springfield, MO
东南俄克拉荷马州立大学 Southeastern Oklahoma State University Counseling Psychology Master Durant, OK
东南俄克拉荷马州立大学 Southeastern Oklahoma State University Behavioral Studies Master Durant, OK
孟菲斯大学 University of Memphis School Psychology Master, Doctorate Memphis, TN
伊利诺伊大学厄本那-香槟分校 University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign Rehabilitation and Disability Studies Doctorate, Master Champaign, IL
旧金山大学 University of San Francisco Counseling Psychology Master San Francisco, CA
印第安纳基督学院 Christian Theological Seminary Marriage and Family Therapy Master Indianapolis, IN
印第安纳基督学院 Christian Theological Seminary Pastoral Care and Counseling Master Indianapolis, IN
北爱荷华大学 University of Northern Iowa Mental Health Counseling Master Cedar Falls, IA
密苏里大学 University of Missouri - Columbia Counseling Psychology Doctorate, Master Columbia, AL
纽约州立大学水牛城分校 University at Buffalo Counseling Psychology Doctorate Buffalo, NY
纽约州立大学水牛城分校 University at Buffalo Rehabilitation Counseling Master Buffalo, NY
纽约州立大学水牛城分校 University at Buffalo Mental Health Counseling Advanced Certificate ONLINE Graduate Certificate Buffalo, NY
南密西西比大学 University of Southern Mississippi Marriage and Family Therapy Master Hattiesburg, MS
南密西西比大学 University of Southern Mississippi Counseling Psychology Doctorate, Master Hattiesburg, MS
威斯康星职业心理学院 Wisconsin School Of Professional Psychology Clinical Psychology Doctorate, Master Milwaukee, WI
西华盛顿大学 Western Washington University Rehabilitation Counseling Master Everett, WA
西华盛顿大学 Western Washington University Mental Health Counseling Master Bellingham, WA
爱荷华大学 University of Iowa Music Therapy Master Iowa City, IA
爱荷华大学 University of Iowa Counseling Psychology Doctorate Iowa City, IA
爱荷华大学 University of Iowa Rehabilitation Counseling Master, Doctorate Iowa City, IA
加州整合大学 California Institute of Integral Studies Integral Counseling Psychology Master, Graduate Certificate San Francisco, CA
加州整合大学 California Institute of Integral Studies Drama Therapy Master San Francisco, CA
肯塔基大学 University of Kentucky Rehabilitation Counseling Doctorate, Master Lexington, IN
肯塔基大学 University of Kentucky Marriage and Family Therapy Program Master Lexington, IN
威斯康辛大学斯图特分校 University of Wisconsin - Stout Vocational Rehabilitation Master Menomonie, WI
威斯康辛大学斯图特分校 University of Wisconsin - Stout Marriage and Family Therapy Master Menomonie, WI
威斯康辛大学斯图特分校 University of Wisconsin - Stout Mental Health Counseling Master Menomonie, WI
威廉玛丽学院 College of William and Mary Counselor Education Programs Master, Doctorate Williamsburg, VA
威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校 University of Wisconsin - Madison Special Education Doctorate, Master Madison, IL
威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校 University of Wisconsin - Madison Counseling Psychology Master Madison, IL
圣玫瑰学院 College of Saint Rose Mental Health Counseling Master Albany, NY
西密歇根大学 Western Michigan University Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology Master, Doctorate Kalamazoo, MI
西密歇根大学 Western Michigan University Alcohol and Drug Abuse Graduate Certificate Kalamazoo, MI
哥伦比亚特区大学 University of The District Of Columbia Counseling Master Washington, DC
威斯康辛大学密尔沃基分校 University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Social Work Master Milwaukee, WI
宾夕法尼亚福音学院 Evangelical Seminary Master of Arts in Marriage andFamily Therapy Master, Graduate Certificate Myerstown, PA
里吉斯学院 Regis College Counseling Psychology Master Weston, MA
加州州立大学萨克拉门托分校 California State University, Sacramento Career Counseling Master Sacramento, CA
加州州立大学萨克拉门托分校 California State University, Sacramento Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling Program Master Sacramento, CA
宾州加利福尼亚大学 California University of Pennsylvania School Psychology Graduate Certificate, Master California, PA
明尼苏达圣托马斯大学 University of St. Thomas Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC) Master Miami, FL
加勒比高级研究中心 Caribbean Center For Advanced Studies Psychology Doctorate, Master Doral, FL
德克萨斯卫斯理大学 Texas Wesleyan University Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy Master Fort Worth, TX
德克萨斯卫斯理大学 Texas Wesleyan University Master of Science in School Counseling Master, Graduate Certificate Fort Worth, TX
德克萨斯卫斯理大学 Texas Wesleyan University Master of Arts in Professional Counseling Master Fort Worth, TX
德克萨斯卫斯理大学 Texas Wesleyan University Play Therapy Edorsement Graduate Certificate Fort Worth, TX
春田学院 Springfield College General Counseling Master, Graduate Certificate Springfield, MA
春田学院 Springfield College Marriage and Family Therapy Graduate Certificate, Master Springfield, MA
春田学院 Springfield College Art Therapy Master Springfield, MA
春田学院 Springfield College Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counseling Master Springfield, MA
春田学院 Springfield College Rehabilitation Counseling and Services Master Springfield, MA
北德克萨斯大学 University of North Texas Rehabilitation Counseling Master Denton, TX
北德克萨斯大学 University of North Texas Career Counseling Graduate Certificate Denton, TX
北德克萨斯大学 University of North Texas Counseling Psychology Doctorate Denton, TX
加州州立理工大学波莫纳分校 California State Polytechnic University Pomona Psychology - Marital and Family Therapy Master Pomona, CA
辛普森大学 Simpson University Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology Master Redding, CA
尼科尔斯州立大学 Nicholls State University Psychological Counseling Master Thibodaux, LA
沙米纳德檀香山大学 Chaminade University of Honolulu Counseling Psychology Master Honolulu, HI
阿萨普学院 Assumption College Rehabilitation Counseling Master, Graduate Certificate Worcester, MA
圣弗朗西斯大学 University of Saint Francis Clinical Mental Health Counseling Master Fort Wayne, IN
辛兰多大学 Shenandoah University Music Therapy Master Winchester, VA
中佛罗里达大学 University of Central Florida Career Counseling Graduate Certificate Orlando, FL
中佛罗里达大学 University of Central Florida Counselor Education Master, Doctorate Orlando, FL
中佛罗里达大学 University of Central Florida Children's Services Graduate Certificate Orlando, FL
中佛罗里达大学 University of Central Florida Play Therapy Graduate Certificate Orlando, FL
中佛罗里达大学 University of Central Florida Marriage and Family Therapy Master, Graduate Certificate Orlando, FL
中佛罗里达大学 University of Central Florida School Psychology Doctorate Orlando, FL
南卡罗来纳州立大学 South Carolina State University Rehabilitation Counseling Master Orangeburg, SC
乌普萨拉大学 Uppsala University Psychotherapy Master, Graduate Certificate Uppsala, Sweden