
学校中文名 学校英文名 专业名称 开设学位 位置
福坦莫大学 Fordham University Literarcy Education (Birth-6th) Master Bronx, NY
福坦莫大学 Fordham University Adolescence Physics Master Bronx, NY
福坦莫大学 Fordham University Literacy 5-12th grade Master Bronx, NY
福坦莫大学 Fordham University Adolescence Mathematics Master Bronx, NY
塔斯基吉大学 Tuskegee University General Science Education Master Tuskegee, AL
希伯来联合学院 Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute Of Religion Religious Education Master New York City, NY
刘易斯大学 Lewis University Literacy and English Language Learning with Reading Endorsement Master Romeoville, IL
刘易斯大学 Lewis University Reading and Literacy Master, Graduate Certificate Romeoville, IL
刘易斯大学 Lewis University Literacy and English Language Learning with Reading Endorsement Graduate Certificate Romeoville, IL
奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 Austin Peay State University Master of Arts in Education - Reading Master Clarksville, TN
奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 Austin Peay State University Master of Arts in English Master Clarksville, TN
奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 Austin Peay State University Reading Master Clarksville, TN
阿肯色大学小石城分校 University of Arkansas - Little Rock Reading Education Master Little Rock, AR
开普兰大学 Kaplan University MA in Teaching Master ,
缅因托马斯学院 Thomas College Master of Science in Literacy Education Master Waterville, ME
缅因托马斯学院 Thomas College Master of Science in Computer Technology Education Master Waterville, ME
于默奥大学 Umea University Sports Science/ Pedagogy Graduate Certificate, Master Umea, Sweden
西南浸会学院 Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Christian Education Master Fort Worth, TX
西南浸会学院 Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Doctor of Educational Ministry Doctorate Fort Worth, TX
西南浸会学院 Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Christian School Education Master Fort Worth, TX
巴特勒大学 Butler University Reading Master Indianapolis, IN
巴特勒大学 Butler University Music Education Master Indianapolis, IN
北卡罗来纳中央大学 North Carolina Central University Physical Education Master Durham, NC
鲍伊州立大学 Bowie State University Reading Education Master Bowie, MD
俄勒冈大学 University of Oregon Educational Foundations Master Eugene, OR
桑佛德大学 Samford University Home Economics Education Master Birmingham, AL
桑佛德大学 Samford University Music Education Master Birmingham, AL
明尼苏达圣托马斯大学 University of St. Thomas (MN) Reading Master Minneapolis, MN
明尼苏达圣托马斯大学 University of St. Thomas (MN) Police Leadership, Administration and Education Master Minneapolis, MN
中密歇根大学 Central Michigan University Master of Arts degree in Reading and Literacy K-12 Master Mount Pleasant, MI
中密歇根大学 Central Michigan University Graduate Program - Music Education Supervision Master Mount Pleasant, MI
中密歇根大学 Central Michigan University Graduate Program - Teaching Chemistry Master Mount Pleasant, MI
中密歇根大学 Central Michigan University Graduate Program - Teaching Mathematics Master Mount Pleasant, MI
乔治福克斯福音学院 George Fox Evangelical Seminary Partners in Ministry Certificate Graduate Certificate Portland, OR
韦兰浸会大学 Wayland Baptist University Education Literacy Master Plainview, TX
德克萨斯大学安东尼奥分校 University of Texas At San Antonio Reading and Literacy Master San Antonio, TX
太平洋大学(加利福尼亚) University of The Pacific MusicEducation Master Stockton, CA
太平洋大学(加利福尼亚) University of The Pacific Master of Music in Music Education Master Stockton, CA
德保罗大学 DePaul University Teaching Japanese Certificate Graduate Certificate Chicago, IL
德保罗大学 DePaul University Language Literacy/Specialized Instruction Master Chicago, IL
德保罗大学 DePaul University English Master Chicago, IL
德保罗大学 DePaul University Teaching Chinese Certificate Graduate Certificate Chicago, IL
西康涅狄格州立大学 Western Connecticut State University Music Education Master Danbury, CT
西康涅狄格州立大学 Western Connecticut State University Option in Reading Master Danbury, CT
玛丽维尔大学 Maryville University Art Education Master Saint Louis, MO
温斯洛普大学 Winthrop University Master of Arts in Teaching- Biology Master Rock Hill, SC
温斯洛普大学 Winthrop University M.A.T. in Education Master Rock Hill, SC
温斯洛普大学 Winthrop University Master of Arts in Art Education Master Rock Hill, SC
温斯洛普大学 Winthrop University Music Education Master Rock Hill, SC
温斯洛普大学 Winthrop University Master of Arts in Teaching - Art Master Rock Hill, SC
特拉华州立大学 Delaware State University Science Education Master Dover, DE
卫斯理学院 Wesleyan College Middle-Level Mathematics Master Macon, GA
卫斯理学院 Wesleyan College Middle-Level Science Master Macon, GA
科罗拉多学院 Colorado College Elementary Teaching Program Master Colorado Springs, CO
科罗拉多学院 Colorado College Secondary & K-12 Teaching Programs Master Colorado Springs, CO
西雅图城市大学 City University of Seattle Professional Certification for Teachers Graduate Certificate Bellevue, WA
大峡谷州立大学 Grand Valley State University Literacy Studies Master, Graduate Certificate Grand Rapids, MI
大峡谷州立大学 Grand Valley State University English Master Allendale, MI
波特兰州立大学 Portland State University Center for Science Education Master Portland, OR
波特兰州立大学 Portland State University Teaching Music Master Portland, OR
波特兰州立大学 Portland State University Teaching Mathematics Master, Graduate Certificate Portland, OR
波特兰州立大学 Portland State University Teaching Science Master Portland, OR
宾州加利福尼亚大学 California University of Pennsylvania Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science Master California, PA
宾州加利福尼亚大学 California University of Pennsylvania Reading Specialist Master California, PA
宾州加利福尼亚大学 California University of Pennsylvania Teaching Geography and Regional Planning Master California, PA
佛罗里达农工大学 Florida A And M University / Florida State University Health, Physical Education and Recreation Master Tallahassee, FL
弗雷斯诺太平洋大学 Fresno Pacific University Reading/Language Arts Program Master, Graduate Certificate Fresno, CA
弗雷斯诺太平洋大学 Fresno Pacific University Graduate Mathematics, Science and Educational Technology Master Fresno, CA
威廉玛丽学院 College of William and Mary Literacy Leadership Master Williamsburg, VA
威廉玛丽学院 College of William and Mary Curriculum and Instruction Master Williamsburg, VA
圣玫瑰学院 College of Saint Rose Literacy Graduate Certificate, Master Albany, NY
圣道大学 University of The Incarnate Word Physical Education Master San Antonio, TX
道林学院 Dowling College Literacy Education Master Oakdale, NY
佐治亚州立大学 Georgia State University Reading, Language and Literacy (ESOL) Master Atlanta, GA
乔治华盛顿大学 The George Washington University Brain Injury: Educational & Transitional Services Graduate Certificate ,
乔治华盛顿大学 The George Washington University Reading & Literacy Graduate Certificate ,
乔治华盛顿大学 The George Washington University Experiential Education & Jewish Cultural Arts Master ,
乔治华盛顿大学 The George Washington University Museum Education Master ,
德州女子大学 Texas Woman's University Chemistry Master Denton, TX
德州女子大学 Texas Woman's University Reading Master, Doctorate Denton, TX
西弗吉尼亚大学 West Virginia University Music Performance, Education Master, Doctorate Morgantown, WV
西弗吉尼亚大学 West Virginia University Secondary Mathematics Education Master Morgantown, WV
西弗吉尼亚大学 West Virginia University Reading Master Morgantown, WV
西弗吉尼亚大学 West Virginia University Secondary Foreign Languages Education Master Morgantown, WV
东田纳西州立大学 East Tennessee State University Storytelling Graduate Certificate Graduate Certificate Johnson City, TN
东田纳西州立大学 East Tennessee State University Graduate Program in Teaching and Learning, Advanced Studies (RODP) Master Johnson City, TN
东田纳西州立大学 East Tennessee State University Master of Arts in Reading - Reading Education Concentration Master Johnson City, TN
德克萨斯大学汎美分校 University of Texas-Pan American MS in Kinesiology Master Edinburg, TX
德克萨斯大学汎美分校 University of Texas-Pan American M.Ed. in Reading and Literacy Master Edinburg, TX
北亚利桑那大学 Northern Arizona University Teaching Science with Certification, MAT-S Master Flagstaff, AZ
北亚利桑那大学 Northern Arizona University Science Teaching, MAST Master Flagstaff, AZ
纽约圣约瑟学院 St. Joseph's College Master of Arts in Literacy and Cognition Master Patchogue, NY
圣心大学 Sacred Heart University Initial Teacher Certification/Paid Teaching Internship Graduate Certificate, Master Fairfield, CT
圣心大学 Sacred Heart University Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Master Fairfield, CT
宾州州立大学公园分校 Pennsylvania State University Music Education Doctorate, Master University Park, PA
宾州州立大学公园分校 Pennsylvania State University Art Education Doctorate, Master University Park, PA
俄勒冈大学 University of Oregon Educational Foundations Master Eugene, OR
刘易斯大学 Lewis University Literacy and English Language Learning with Reading Endorsement Master Romeoville, IL
刘易斯大学 Lewis University Literacy and English Language Learning with Reading Endorsement Graduate Certificate Romeoville, IL
刘易斯大学 Lewis University Reading and Literacy Graduate Certificate, Master Romeoville, IL