



















    阿尔伯塔大学(University of Alberta,缩写Alberta)是一所大型公立综合性全国大学,成立于1908年,位于加拿大中西部大型城市埃德蒙顿,提供本科、硕士、博士,三种学位类型。


    校训:Quaecumque Vera(英文:Whatsoever things are true),中译:为一切真理

































































    阿尔伯塔大学开设有桥梁课程(Bridging Program,简称BP),分为Stage1和Stage2两个层级。读完BP课程,成绩合格可直接就读阿尔伯塔大学本科。


    • 高中GPA:2.0-2.7之间
    • 语言要求:
      • Stage1:要求雅思5.0,托福65-69分
      • Stage2:要求雅思5.5-6.0分,托福要求70-85分




    1.枫叶奖学金(MAPLE LEAF AWARDS)




























    发放对象:选择由Campus Saint-Jean提供的专业课程的学生。

    申请方法:申请到Campus Saint-Jean。*(1)(2)




















    本文数据主要采自阿尔伯塔大学官网和College Board

    (1)MAPLE LEAF AWARDS University of Alberta



    原住民治理和合作关系 Aboriginal Governance and Partnership Certificate in Aboriginal Governance and Partnership
    会计 Accounting Bachelor of Commerce
    适应性体育活动 Adapted Physical Activity Bachelor of Kinesiology
    国际事务 Affaires internationales Bilingual Bachelor of Commerce/Baccalauréat bilingue en Administration des affaires
    农业与资源经济学 Agricultural and Resource Economics Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
    农业企业管理学 Agricultural Business Management Bachelor of Science in Agricultural/Food Business Management
    古代与中世纪史 Ancient and Medieval History Bachelor of Arts
    动物科学 Animal Science Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
    人类学 Anthropology Bachelor of Arts
    人类学 Anthropology Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    应用数学 Applied Mathematics Bachelor of Science with Honors
    应用数学计算机科学 Applied Mathematics with Computing Science Minor Bachelor of Science with Honors
    应用数学与统计学 Applied Mathematics with Statistics Minor Bachelor of Science with Honors
    艺术 Art Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    艺术 Art Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    艺术与设计 Art and Design Bachelor of Arts
    艺术与设计 Art and Design Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art and Design
    天体物理 Astrophysics Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    天体物理 Astrophysics Bachelor of Science with Honors
    大气科学 Atmospheric Sciences Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    大气科学 Atmospheric Sciences Bachelor of Science with Honors
    生物化学 Biochemistry Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    生物化学 Biochemistry Bachelor of Science with Honors
    生物科学 Biological Sciences Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    生物科学 Biological Sciences Bachelor of Science General
    生物科学 Biological Sciences Bachelor of Science - Business Minor
    生物科学 Biological Sciences Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    生物学 Biology Bachelor of Science
    生物学 Biology Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
    生物学 Biology Bachelor of Arts
    生物医学工程 Biomedical engineering Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Biomedical Option Co-operative
    企业经济学 Business Economics Bachelor of Management
    商业经济与法律 Business Economics and Law Bachelor of Commerce
    商业研究 Business Studies Bachelor of Commerce
    细胞生物学 Cell Biology Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    细胞生物学 Cell Biology Bachelor of Science with Honors
    化学工程 Chemical Engineering Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
    化学工程 Chemical Engineering Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering Co-operative
    化学工程-计算机程序控制 Chemical Engineering - Computer Process Control Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering Computer Process Control
    化学工程计算机程序控制 Chemical Engineering Computer Process Control Co-operative Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering Computer Process Control Co-operative
    化学 Chemistry Bachelor of Science
    化学 Chemistry Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
    化学 Chemistry Bachelor of Arts
    化学 Chemistry Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    化学 Chemistry Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    化学 Chemistry Bachelor of Science General
    化学 Chemistry Bachelor of Science - Business Minor
    化学 Chemistry Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    化学 Chemistry Bachelor of Science with Honors
    化学 Chimie Baccalauréat ès Sciences
    土木工程 Civil Engineering Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
    土木工程 Civil Engineering Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Co-operative
    古典语言学 Classical Languages Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    古典研究 Classical Studies Bachelor of Arts
    古典研究 Classical Studies Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    服装、纺织品与材料文化 Clothing, Textiles and Material Culture Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology
    法语西班牙语 Combined French and Spanish Bachelor of Arts
    历史与古典 Combined History and Classics Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    伴侣表演动物 Companion and Performance Animals Bachelor of Science in Animal Health
    比较文学 Comparative Literature Bachelor of Arts
    比较文学 Comparative Literature Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    综合 Comprehensive Bachelor of Music
    会计 Computer Engineering Bilingual Bachelor of Commerce/Baccalauréat bilingue en Administration des affaires
    计算机工程-软件 Computer Engineering - Software Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
    计算机工程 Computer Engineering Co-operative Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Software Option Co-operative
    计算机科学 Computing Science Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Co-operative
    计算机科学 Computing Science Bachelor of Science
    计算机科学 Computing Science Bachelor of Arts
    计算机科学 Computing Science Bachelor of Science General
    计算机科学 Computing Science Bachelor of Science - Business Minor
    计算机科学 Computing Science Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    计算机科学-软件实践 Computing Science - Software Practice Bachelor of Science with Honors
    计算机科学与商业 Computing Science with Business Minor Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    保育生物学 Conservation Biology Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    创造性写作 Creative Writing Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Conservation Sciences
    犯罪学 Criminology Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    作物学 Crop Science Bachelor of Arts in Criminology
    CTS-商业,管理,金融 CTS - Business, Administration, Finance Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
    CTS-商业,管理,金融 CTS - Business, Administration, Finance Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    CTS-沟通艺术 CTS - Communication Arts Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    CTS-计算机科学 CTS - Computer Science Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    CTS-计算机科学 CTS - Computer Science Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    CTS-设计 CTS - Design Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    CTS-健康 CTS - Health Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    CTS-人文科学 CTS - Human Sciences Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    CTS-人文科学 CTS - Human Sciences Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    CTS-媒体 CTS - Media Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    CTS-自然资源 CTS - Natural Resources Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    CTS-重建 CTS - Recreation Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    CTS-交易,制造与运输 CTS - Trades, Manufacturing, and Transportation Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    CTS-交易,制造与运输 CTS - Trades, Manufacturing, and Transportation Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    一般教育 Degré de Généraliste Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    口腔卫生学 Dental Hygiene Baccalauréat en Éducation élémentaire
    口腔卫生学 Dental Hygiene BSc(Dental Hygiene Specialization)-Post Diploma Degree Completion
    口腔外科 Dental Surgery Bachelor of Science (Dental Hygiene Specialization)
    设计-商业与市场营销方向 Design - Business and Marketing Route Doctor of Dental Surgery
    设计-计算机科学方向 Design - Computing Science Route Bachelor of Design
    设计-工程方向 Design - Engineering Route Bachelor of Design
    设计-一般方向 Design - General Route Bachelor of Design
    设计-版画方向 Design - Printmaking Route Bachelor of Design
    设计-社会科学方向 Design - Social Sciences Route Bachelor of Design
    饮食学 Dietetics Bachelor of Design
    戏剧 Drama Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Food Science with Specialization in Dietetics
    戏剧 Drama Bachelor of Arts
    戏剧 Drama Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    戏剧 Drama Bachelor of Arts (Drama)/Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    戏剧 Drama Bachelor of Arts
    戏剧 Drama Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    戏剧-表演 Drama - Acting Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    戏剧-设计 Drama - Design Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drama - Acting
    戏剧-技术性剧院-舞台管理 Drama - Technical Theatre - Stage Management Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drama
    戏剧-技术性剧院与生产 Drama - Technical Theatre and Production Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drama
    地球与大气科学 Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drama
    地球与大气科学 Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Bachelor of Science General
    东亚商业研究 East Asian Business Studies Bachelor of Science - Business Minor
    东亚研究 East Asian Studies Bachelor of Commerce
    东亚研究 East Asian Studies Bachelor of Arts
    生态学,进化与环境生物学 Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    生态学,进化与环境生物学 Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    经济学 Economics Bachelor of Science with Honors
    经济学 Economics Bachelor of Arts
    经济学 Economics Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    教育学-运动机能学-基础 Education - Kinesiology - Elementary Bachelor of Arts
    教育学-运动机能学-中等 Education - Kinesiology - Secondary Bachelor of Kinesiology/Bachelor of Education in Elementary Education
    教育学-音乐-基础 Education - Music - Elementary Bachelor of Kinesiology/Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    教育学-音乐-中等 Education - Music - Secondary Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Education (Elementary)
    电子工程 Electrical Engineering Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
    电子工程 Electrical Engineering Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
    基本教育 Elementary education Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Co-operative
    基本教育 Elementary education Bachelor of Education in Elementary Education
    基本教育-本土研究 Elementary Education - Native Studies Bachelor of Education in Elementary Education - After Degree
    工程 Engineering Bachelor of Arts in Native Studies/Bachelor of Education in Elementary Education
    工程物理学 Engineering Physics Bachelor of Science in Engineering
    工程物理 Engineering Physics Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics
    英语 English Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics Co-operative
    英语 English Bachelor of Arts
    英语 English Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    英语语言艺术 English Language Arts Bachelor of Arts
    英语语言艺术 English Language Arts Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    企业家精神与家族企业 Entrepreneuriat et entreprise familiale Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    企业家精神与家族企业 Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise Bilingual Bachelor of Commerce/Baccalauréat bilingue en Administration des affaires
    环境地球科学 Environmental Earth Sciences Bachelor of Commerce
    环境地球科学 Environmental Earth Sciences Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    环境经济学与政策 Environmental Economics and Policy Bachelor of Science with Honors
    环境工程 Environmental Engineering Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Conservation Sciences
    环境工程 Environmental Engineering Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering
    环境科学 Environmental Science (Interdisciplinary) Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering Co-operative
    环境研究 Environmental Studies Bachelor of Science
    环境研究 Environmental Studies Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies
    环境研究 Environmental Studies Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies
    欧洲商业研究 European Business Studies Bachelor of Arts
    家庭科学 Family Science Bachelor of Commerce
    电影研究 Film Studies Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology
    金融 Finance Bachelor of Arts
    金融 Finance Bachelor of Commerce
    食用肉畜 Food Animals Bilingual Bachelor of Commerce/Baccalauréat bilingue en Administration des affaires
    食品商业管理 Food Business Management Bachelor of Science in Animal Health
    食品科学 Food Science Bachelor of Science in Agricultural/Food Business Management
    食品科学与技术 Food Science and Technology Bachelor of Science with Honors
    森林经营管理 Forest Business Management Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Food Science with Specialization in Food Science and Technology
    林业 Forestry Bachelor of Science in Forest Business Management
    法语 Français Bachelor of Science in Forestry
    法语-语言与文学 Français-langue et littérature Baccalauréat en Éducation secondaire
    法语-文学 Français-littérature Baccalauréat-ès-Arts avec spécialisation
    法语-语言 Française-langue Baccalauréat-ès-Arts
    法语语言与文学 French Language and Literature Baccalauréat-ès-Arts
    法语语言与文学 French Language and Literature Bachelor of Arts
    普通科学 General Science Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    普通科学 General Science Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    普通科学 General Sciences Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    地质学 Geology Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
    地质学 Geology Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    地球物理 Geophysics Bachelor of Science with Honors
    地球物理 Geophysics Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    德语语言与文学 German Language and Literature Bachelor of Science with Honors
    德语语言与文学 German Language and Literature Bachelor of Arts
    操作管理 Gestion des operations Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    人力资源管理 Gestion des ressources humaines Bilingual Bachelor of Commerce/Baccalauréat bilingue en Administration des affaires
    战略管理与组织 Gestion Stratégique et Organisation Bilingual Bachelor of Commerce/Baccalauréat bilingue en Administration des affaires
    全球发展研究 Global and Development Studies (Interdisciplinary) Bilingual Bachelor of Commerce/Baccalauréat bilingue en Administration des affaires
    历史 Histoire Bachelor of Arts
    历史 History Baccalauréat-ès-Arts
    历史 History Bachelor of Arts
    历史 History Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    艺术史,设计与视觉文化 History of Art, Design and Visual Culture Bachelor of Arts
    艺术史,设计与视觉文化 History of Art, Design and Visual Culture Bachelor of Arts
    人文因素环境管理 Human Dimensions of Environmental Management Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    人文因素环境管理 Human Dimensions of Environmental Management Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Conservation Sciences
    人文地理 Human Geography Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Conservation Sciences/Bachelor of Arts in Native Studies
    人文地理 Human Geography Bachelor of Arts
    人力资源管理 Human Resources Management Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    免疫与感染 Immunology and Infection Bachelor of Commerce
    免疫与感染 Immunology and Infection Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    整合生理学 Integrative Physiology Bachelor of Science with Honors
    整合生理学 Integrative Physiology Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    国际商业 International Business Bachelor of Science with Honors
    运动机能学 Kinesiology Bachelor of Commerce
    土地开垦 Land Reclamation Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology
    拉丁美洲研究 Latin American Studies Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Conservation Sciences
    拉丁美洲商业研究 Latin-American Business Studies Bachelor of Arts
    法学 Law Bachelor of Commerce
    语言学 Linguistics Juris Doctor
    语言学 Linguistics Bachelor of Arts
    管理信息系统 Management Information Systems Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    市场营销 Marketing Bachelor of Commerce
    材料工程 Materials Engineering Bachelor of Commerce
    材料工程 Materials Engineering Bachelor of Science in Materials Engineering
    数学物理学 Mathematical Physics Bachelor of Science in Materials Engineering Co-operative
    数学科学 Mathematical Sciences Bachelor of Science with Honors
    数学 Mathematics Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
    数学 Mathematics Bachelor of Arts
    数学 Mathematics Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    数学 Mathematics Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    数学 Mathematics Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    数学 Mathematics Bachelor of Science General
    数学 Mathematics Bachelor of Science - Business Minor
    数学 Mathematics Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    数学-计算机科学 Mathematics - Computational Science Bachelor of Science with Honors
    数学与经济 Mathematics and Economics Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    数学与经济 Mathematics and Economics Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    数学与金融 Mathematics and Finance Bachelor of Science with Honors
    数学与金融 Mathematics and Finance Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    数学与物理 Mathematics and Physics Bachelor of Science with Honors
    数学与物理 Mathematics and Physics Bachelor of Science
    数学与物理 Mathematics and Physics Bachelor of Arts
    数学与计算机科学 Mathematics with Computing Science Minor Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
    数学 Mathématique Bachelor of Science with Honors
    数学 Mathématique Baccalauréat en Éducation secondaire
    机械工程 Mechanical Engineering Baccalauréat ès Sciences
    机械工程 Mechanical Engineering Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
    医学实验室科学 Medical Laboratory Science Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Co-operative
    医学实验室科学 Medical Laboratory Science Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science
    医学 Medicine Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science
    采矿工程 Mining Engineering Doctor of Medicine
    采矿工程 Mining Engineering Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering
    现代语言学 Modern Languages Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering Co-operative
    分子,细胞与发育生物学 Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology Bachelor of Arts
    分子,细胞与发育生物学 Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    音乐 Music Bachelor of Science with Honors
    音乐 Music Bachelor of Arts
    音乐 Music Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    音乐 Music Bachelor of Arts
    音乐 Music Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    音乐-综合方向 Music - General Route Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    音乐 Musique Bachelor of Music
    纳米工程 Nanoengineering Baccalauréat en Éducation secondaire
    纳米工程 Nanoengineering Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics Nanoengineering Option
    纳米工程 Nanoengineering Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics Nanoengineering Option Co-operative
    纳米工程 Nanoengineering Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Nanoengineering Option
    纳米级系统设计 Nanoscale System Design Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Nanoengineering Option Co-operative
    纳米级系统设计 Nanoscale System Design Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Nanoscale System Design Option
    本土研究 Native Studies Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Nanoscale System Design Option Co-operative
    本土研究 Native Studies Bachelor of Arts in Native Studies
    本土研究 Native Studies Bachelor of Arts in Native Studies with Honors
    自然资源,能源与环境 Natural Resources, Energy and the Environment Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Conservation Sciences/Bachelor of Arts in Native Studies
    神经系统科学 Neuroscience Bachelor of Commerce
    护理 Nursing Bachelor of Science with Honors
    护理学 Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing
    护理学 Nursing Registered Psychiatric Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing
    护理学 Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing - After Degree
    护理学 Nursing Bilingual Bachelor of Science in Nursing/Baccalauréat bilingue ès sciences Infirmières
    营养学 Nutrition Bachelor of Science in Nursing with Honors - After Degree
    营养与食品科学 Nutrition and Food Science Bachelor of Science with Honors
    运营管理 Operations Management Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Food Science
    古生物学 Paleontology Bachelor of Commerce
    古生物学 Paleontology Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    石油钻采工程 Petroleum Engineering Bachelor of Science with Honors
    石油钻采工程 Petroleum Engineering Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering
    药理学 Pharmacology Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering Co-operative
    药剂学(入门实践) Pharmacy (entry-to-practice) Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    药剂学(药剂师实践) Pharmacy (for practicing pharmacists) Doctor of Pharmacy
    哲学 Philosophy Doctor of Pharmacy
    哲学 Philosophy Bachelor of Arts
    哲学与宗教 Philosophy and Religion Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    体育活动与健康 Physical Activity and Health Bachelor of Arts
    体育教育 Physical Education Bachelor of Kinesiology
    体育教育 Physical Education Bachelor of Science
    体育教育 Physical Education Bachelor of Arts
    体育教育 Physical Education Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    物理科学 Physical Sciences Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    物理科学 Physical Sciences Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
    物理科学 Physical Sciences Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    物理科学 Physical Sciences Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    物理科学 Physical Sciences Bachelor of Science General
    物理 Physics Bachelor of Science - Business Minor
    物理 Physics Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    物理 Physics Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    物理 Physics Bachelor of Science General
    物理 Physics Bachelor of Science - Business Minor
    物理 Physics Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    生理学 Physiology Bachelor of Science with Honors
    物理学 Physique Bachelor of Science with Honors
    钢琴 Piano Baccalauréat ès Sciences
    规划 Planning Bachelor of Music
    规划 Planning Bachelor of Arts
    政治科学 Political Science Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    政治科学 Political Science Bachelor of Arts
    政治科学 Political Studies Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    心理学 Psychologie Bachelor of Arts
    心理学科学 Psychologie sciences Baccalauréat-ès-Arts
    心理学 Psychology Baccalauréat ès Sciences
    心理学 Psychology Bachelor of Arts
    心理学 Psychology Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    心理学 Psychology Bachelor of Science
    心理学 Psychology Bachelor of Arts
    心理学 Psychology Bachelor of Science General
    心理学 Psychology Bachelor of Science - Business Minor
    心理学 Psychology Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    放射疗法 Radiation Therapy Bachelor of Science with Honors
    娱乐、体育与旅游 Recreation, Sport and Tourism Bachelor of Science in Radiation Therapy
    宗教研究 Religious Studies Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, Sport and Tourism
    宗教研究-东方与美国土著宗教传统 Religious Studies - Eastern and Native American Religious Traditions Bachelor of Arts
    宗教研究-主题研究 Religious Studies - Thematic Studies Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    宗教研究-西方宗教传统 Religious Studies - Western Religious Traditions Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    自然资源,能源与环境 Ressources naturelles, énergie et environnement Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    零售与服务 Retailing and Services Bilingual Bachelor of Commerce/Baccalauréat bilingue en Administration des affaires
    罗曼斯语 Romance Languages Bachelor of Commerce
    斯堪的纳维亚语言与文学 Scandinavian Language and Literature Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    科学与教育-生物科学 Science and Education - Biological Sciences Bachelor of Arts
    科学与教育-数学科学 Science and Education - Mathematical Sciences BSc (Specialization in Science and Education)/BEd (Secondary)
    科学与教育-物理科学 Science and Education - Physical Sciences BSc (Specialization in Science and Education)/BEd (Secondary)
    政治科学 Science politique BSc (Specialization in Science and Education)/BEd (Secondary)
    科学,技术与社会 Science, Technology and Society Baccalauréat-ès-Arts
    生物科学 Sciences biologiques Bachelor of Arts
    生物科学 Sciences biologiques Baccalauréat en Education/Baccalauréat-es-Sciences
    普通科学 Sciences générales Baccalauréat ès Sciences
    数学科学 Sciences mathématiques Baccalauréat en Éducation secondaire
    数学科学 Sciences mathématiques Baccalauréat en Education/Baccalauréat-es-Sciences
    物理科学 Sciences physiques Baccalauréat ès Sciences
    物理科学 Sciences physiques Baccalauréat en Education/Baccalauréat-es-Sciences
    社会科学-政治 Sciences socio-politiques Baccalauréat ès Sciences
    第二语言-克里语 Second Languages - Cree Baccalauréat-ès-Arts avec spécialisation
    第二语言-克里语 Second Languages - Cree Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    第二语言-法语 Second Languages - French Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    第二语言-法语 Second Languages - French Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    第二语言-德语 Second Languages - German Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    第二语言-德语 Second Languages - German Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    第二语言-意大利语 Second Languages - Italian Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    第二语言-意大利语 Second Languages - Italian Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    第二语言-日语 Second Languages - Japanese Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    第二语言-日语 Second Languages - Japanese Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    第二语言-其它 Second Languages - Other Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    第二语言-其它 Second Languages - Other Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    第二语言-西班牙语 Second Languages - Spanish Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    第二语言-西班牙语 Second Languages - Spanish Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    第二语言-乌克兰语 Second Languages - Ukrainian Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    第二语言-乌克兰语 Second Languages - Ukrainian Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    中等教育-本土研究 Secondary Education - Native Studies Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    社会研究 Social Studies Bachelor of Arts in Native Studies/Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    社会研究 Social Studies Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education
    社会学 Sociologie Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education - After Degree
    社会学 Sociology Baccalauréat-ès-Arts
    社会学 Sociology Bachelor of Arts
    社会学 Sociology Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    西班牙与拉丁美洲研究 Spanish and Latin American Studies Bachelor of Arts
    西班牙语言与文学 Spanish Language and Literature Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    运动教练 Sport Coaching Bachelor of Arts
    运动表演 Sport Performance Bachelor of Kinesiology
    统计学 Statistics Bachelor of Kinesiology
    统计学 Statistics Bachelor of Science General
    统计学 Statistics Bachelor of Science - Business Minor
    统计学 Statistics Bachelor of Science with Specialization
    战略研究与组织 Strategic Management and Organization Bachelor of Science with Honors
    可持续农业系统 Sustainable Agricultural Systems Bachelor of Commerce
    系统集成管理 Systemes integres de gestion Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
    未选 Undeclared Bilingual Bachelor of Commerce/Baccalauréat bilingue en Administration des affaires
    未选 Undeclared Bachelor of Arts
    未选 Undeclared Bachelor of Science
    未选 Undeclared Bachelor of Arts
    零售 Vente Bachelor of Science General
    零售与服务 Vente au detail et services Bilingual Bachelor of Commerce/Baccalauréat bilingue en Administration des affaires
    视觉艺术 Visual Art Bilingual Bachelor of Commerce/Baccalauréat bilingue en Administration des affaires
    声乐 Voice Bachelor of Arts
    野生动物与牧场资源管理 Wildlife and Rangeland Resources Management Bachelor of Music
    妇女与性别研究 Women's and Gender Studies Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Conservation Sciences
    妇女与性别研究 Women's and Gender Studies Bachelor of Arts
    经济学 Économie Bachelor of Arts with Honors
    经济学与商业法 Économie et droit des affaires Baccalauréat-ès-Arts
    加拿大研究 Études canadiennes Bilingual Bachelor of Commerce/Baccalauréat bilingue en Administration des affaires
    加拿大研究 Études canadiennes Baccalauréat-ès-Arts
    事务管理研究 Études d'administration des affaires Baccalauréat-ès-Arts avec spécialisation
    欧洲研究 Études européennes Bilingual Bachelor of Commerce/Baccalauréat bilingue en Administration des affaires
    跨学科研究 Études interdisciplinaires Bilingual Bachelor of Commerce/Baccalauréat bilingue en Administration des affaires
    跨学科研究 Études interdisciplinaires Baccalauréat-ès-Arts
    拉丁美洲研究 Études latino-americaines Baccalauréat-ès-Arts avec spécialisation
    社会研究 Études sociales Bilingual Bachelor of Commerce/Baccalauréat bilingue en Administration des affaires




    阿尔伯塔大学医学与牙科学院(Medicine & Dentistry)开设的研究生会项目有:

    麻醉学与疼痛医学 Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine MSc Medicine & Dentistry
    生物化学 Biochemistry MSc, PhD Medicine & Dentistry
    生物医学工程 Biomedical Engineering MSc, PhD Medicine & Dentistry
    细胞生物学 Cell Biology MSc, PhD Medicine & Dentistry
    牙科学 Dentistry MSc, PhD Medicine & Dentistry
    健康科学教育 Health Sciences Education MEd Medicine & Dentistry
    实验医学与病理学 Laboratory Medicine and Pathology MSc, PhD Medicine & Dentistry
    医学遗传学 Medical Genetics MSc, PhD Medicine & Dentistry
    微生物医学与免疫学 Medical Microbiology and Immunology MSc, PhD Medicine & Dentistry
    医学 Medicine MSc, PhD Medicine & Dentistry
    神经系统科学 Neuroscience MSc, PhD Medicine & Dentistry
    妇产科学 Obstetrics and Gynecology MSc, PhD Medicine & Dentistry
    肿瘤学 Oncology MSc, PhD Medicine & Dentistry
    眼科学 Ophthalmology MSc, PhD Medicine & Dentistry
    儿科 Pediatrics MSc, PhD Medicine & Dentistry
    药理学 Pharmacology PhD, MSc Medicine & Dentistry
    生理学 Physiology MSc, PhD Medicine & Dentistry
    精神病学 Psychiatry MSc, PhD Medicine & Dentistry
    放射学与诊断成像 Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging MSc, PhD Medicine & Dentistry
    外科手术 Surgery MSc, PhD Medicine & Dentistry



    阿尔伯塔大学康复医学院(Rehabilitation Medicine)开设的研究生会项目有:

    交流科学与障碍 Communication Sciences and Disorders MSc, MSc-SLP/PhD Rehabilitation Medicine
    职业疗法 Occupational Therapy MSc Rehabilitation Medicine
    理疗学 Physical Therapy MSc Rehabilitation Medicine
    康复医学 Rehabilitation Medicine MSc, PhD, MSc-SLP/PhD, PBC Rehabilitation Medicine




    护理学 Nursing MN, PhD Nursing



    阿尔伯塔大学药学和制药科学学院(Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences)开设的研究生会项目有:

    药学和制药科学 Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences MSc, PhD Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences




    生物医学工程 Biomedical Engineering MSc, PhD Engineering
    化学与材料工程 Chemical and Materials Engineering MEng (Course-based), MBA-MEng (Course-based), MSc, PhD Engineering
    土木与环境工程 Civil and Environmental Engineering MSc, MEng (Course-based), PhD Engineering
    电气与计算机工程 Electrical and Computer Engineering MSc, MEng (Course-based), MBA-MEng (Course-based), PhD Engineering
    网络互连 Internetworking MSc Engineering
    机械工程 Mechanical Engineering MSc, MEng (Course-based), PhD Engineering




    人类学 Anthropology MA, PhD Arts
    艺术与设计 Art and Design MA, MDes , MFA, PhD Arts
    比较文学 Comparative Literature   Arts
    戏剧 Drama MA, MFA, PhD Arts
    东亚研究 East Asian Studies MA Arts
    经济学 Economics MA, PhD Arts
    英语与电影研究 English and Film Studies MA, PhD Arts
    历史与古典 History and Classics MA, PhD Arts
    人文计算 Humanities Computing MA, MA-MLIS Arts
    语言学 Linguistics MSc, PhD Arts
    现代语言与文化研究 Modern Languages and Cultural Studies MA, PhD Arts
    音乐 Music MA, MMus, DMus, PhD Arts
    哲学 Philosophy MA, PhD Arts
    政治学 Political Science MA, PhD Arts
    心理学 Psychology MA, MSc, PhD Arts
    宗教研究 Religious Studies MA, PhD Arts
    社会学 Sociology MA, PhD Arts
    妇女与性别研究 Women's and Gender Studies MA Arts




    生物科学 Biological Sciences MSc, PhD Science
    化学 Chemistry MSc, PhD Science
    计算机科学 Computing Science MSc, PhD Science
    地球与大气科学 Earth and Atmospheric Sciences MA, MSc, PhD Science
    网络互连 Internetworking MSc Science
    数学与统计科学 Mathematical and Statistical Sciences MSc, PhD Science
    多媒体 Multimedia MSc Science
    物理学 Physics MSc, PhD Science
    心理学 Psychology MA, MSc, PhD Science



    阿尔伯塔大学本土研究学院(Native Studies)开设的研究生会项目有:

    本土研究 Native Studies MA, PhD Native Studies



    阿尔伯塔大学农业生命与环境科学学院(Agricultural Life and Environmental Sciences)开设的研究生会项目有:

    农业,食品与营养科学 Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science MAg (Course-based), MSc, PhD Agricultural Life and Environmental Sciences
    人类生态学 Human Ecology MA, MSc, PhD Agricultural Life and Environmental Sciences
    可再生资源 Renewable Resources MAg (Course-based), MBA-MAg (Course-based), MBA-MF (Course-based), MF, MSc, PhD Agricultural Life and Environmental Sciences
    资源经济学与环境社会学 Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology MAg (Course-based), MBA-MAg (Course-based), MSc, PhD Agricultural Life and Environmental Sciences




    教育政策研究 Educational Policy Studies MEd, EdD, PhD, PBC Education
    教育心理学 Educational Psychology MEd, PhD Education
    教育研究 Educational Studies MEd Education
    初等教育 Elementary Education MEd, EdD, PhD Education
    健康科学教育 Health Sciences Education MEd Education
    图书馆与信息研究 Library and Information Studies, School of MLIS, MA-MLIS, MBA-MLIS (Course-based) Education
    中等教育 Secondary Education MEd, EdD, PhD Education



    阿尔伯塔大学公共卫生学院(Public Health, School of)开设的研究生会项目有:

    公共健康 Public Health, School of MPH (Course-based), MSc, PhD Public Health, School of



    阿尔伯塔大学体育和娱乐学院(Physical Education and Recreation)开设的研究生会项目有:

    体育教育与娱乐 Physical Education and Recreation MA, MCoach, MSc, PhD, PBC Physical Education and Recreation



    阿尔伯塔大学Saint-Jean校区(Campus Saint-Jean)开设的研究生会项目有:

    加拿大研究 Campus St-Jean: Etudes canadiennes MA Campus Saint-Jean
    语言与文化研究 Campus St-Jean: Etudes en langue et culture MEd Campus Saint-Jean




    通讯与科技 Communications and Technology MA Extension
    社区活动 Community Engagement MA Extension



    阿尔伯塔大学商学院(Alberta School of Business)开设的研究生会项目有:

    商科(博士) Business (Doctoral Level) PhD Alberta School of Business
    商科(硕士) Business (Master's Level) MBA , MBA-MAg (Course-based), MBA-MEng (Course-based), MBA-MF (Course-based), MBA-MLIS (Course-based), MBA-BSc in Pharmacy (Course-based), MBA-JD (Course-based), MD-MBA (Course-based), MAcc (Course-based), MFM, PMC Alberta School of Business




    法学 Law LLM, PhD, MBA-JD (Course-based) Law

    Tue Jul 16 13:36:22 CST 2019