

    1. 学生背景:美本TOP50;面试时间:2016年3月1日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance


    Sam人很nice, mba student, 但是问了我没几个问题,感觉像是周五晚上有安排想马上走——

    1. An experience that prepares you to msf

    2. An area you are interested in

    3. what do you do for fun

    4. teamwork experience

    5. one of your internship

    6. Q&A 我问了三个问题后他又突然问我为什么选owen



    1. tell me something of yourself and why msf

    2. why vanderbilt

    3. career goals

    4. teamwork experience

    5. misconception

    6. what you want the admission office to know

    7. internship (how do you get that)

    8. leadership

    9. other schools you apply

    10. one thing you are proud of




    • 美本TOP50, GMAT710, 国内两实习
    • 申2016Fall金融硕士,拿到两AD:MSF@USC;MSF@JHU;Decision:USC;Vanderbilt录取结果未详


    2.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2015年12月15日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. Career goal(in detail)真的要说很细,她会对每一个细节都询问

    2. 问我为什么选择我现在的大学。

    2. internship,how you get 国内的一些internship面试官一概没问,反倒她对我明年暑假的一个internship非常感兴趣:一家纽约的quant hedge fund。

    3. 然后她就开始问MIT和Princeton的项目。

    4. 再然后提问

    Fall 2016
    AD: Columbia MSOR, WUSTL MSFQ
    Decision: Columbia MSOR

    3.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年11月10日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    What are you most proud of in your life?

    4.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年2月22日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】Maura Clark 40分钟

    1. why msf and plan after graduation
    2. experience of receiving negative feedback
    3. experience of learning leadership from others 
    4. three things you learned on yourself in professional life
    5. top 3 criteria of selecting programs
    6. Q&A

    5.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年2月6日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】maura

    1. why MSF and your plan after graduation.
    2. An activity that you failed and what you learned from it
    3. three things you learned on yourself in professional experience(这个其实没太听清,我按照面经上面three things about yourself回答的)
    4. 实习中的什么事情让你决定申请msf
    5.top three criteria to choose msf programs.

    6.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年5月11日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】Maura  14分钟

    1.Why MSF
    2.Why Owen
    3.How did you get the XX internship? (指的是resume上的某实习)
    4.Plan after graduation
    5.Negative feedback and how you deal with it
    6.Three words to describe yourself in professional life
    7.What other schools did you apply

    7.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年1月10日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. What do you think is the most useful invention in your lifetime?
    2. A venture capitalist gives you a million dollars to launch your best entrepreneurial idea. What would you do?


    Thu May 16 11:13:32 CST 2019