耶稣会常春藤(Jesuit Ivy)指的是波士顿学院,源自1956年时任麻省参议员的约翰·F·肯尼迪在波士顿学位毕业庆典上的演讲,他将波士顿称为“Jesuit Ivy”。这个属于本身或许有些矛盾。常春藤盟校主要是由新教徒创立的,而波士顿学院则正是因为当时天主教徒无法入读哈佛大学而被迫创立的,但作为波士顿学院长期以来的捐赠者,以及虔诚的天主教徒,肯尼迪及肯尼迪的父亲、外加三个兄弟五人却都毕业于哈佛大学。现在这一术语已成为波士顿学院的绰号。*(1)
“Never before in our history has there been a greater need for men of integrity and courage in the public service. Never before in our history has there been a greater need for the people to take up willingly the responsibility of free government. Certainly you as educated Catholics are committed to bear your share of the burden, for the philosophy that you have been taught here at Boston College is needed in the solution of the problems we face. As graduates of the Jesuit Ivy, facing war and peace, with the fate of Western civilization hanging in the balance, the somber question indeed of the survival of our Faith and country at stake, each man among you can afford to answer that call to service”
(1)Jesuit Ivy