

    1. 学生背景:985学校;面试时间:2016年3月11日;录取结果:AD小奖

    【申请专业:MS in Business Analytics】楼主16FALL主申商业分析(BA),很幸运地收到了WFU MSBA的AD附带5000刀小奖。


    1、class size明显超过了john white承诺的情况。录取群有26人,确定去的有23人,FB群组上非中国人有14人。不过项目确实在控制国际生的比例,官网3.28开始对国际生面试预约进行限制,4.12提出拒绝接受国际生的申请

    2、同mam一样,会为每位同学配一名mentor指导就业,也会安排一些和msa相似的recruiting events




    因为项目是第一年,并且二月左右官网才更新拿到stem certification的信息,所以申请者申请时间普遍偏晚,二三月是申请和录取的高峰,lz认为今年的timeline对之后的申请不太具有参考价值。WFU录取一向是“先到先得”的情况,建议17FALL申请的同学还是尽早提交申请。





    4、career goal,未来是否想在美国工作,有没有想去的公司






    面试很轻松,像聊天一样,followup问题比较多,如果john white对回答比较满意会给出积极的feedback



    2、你认为teamwork的best group size

    3、3分钟的typing question





    3、看重面试表现,沟通能力,确定要去的同学中有拿到imc和uva commerce的,都是非常重视面试的项目


    • 硬件:211&985 G720 T109 GPA3.65(WES) 实习一个国内市场研究一个国外市场研究一个咨询公司
    • 海外经历:小学加拿大读书一年,大学俄罗斯海外志愿者一个月
    • Rej:Commerce@UVA

    2. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年2月14日;录取结果:AD小奖

    【申请专业:MS in Business Analytics】我面试是40分钟。面试官是项目director,John White,总体感觉人挺Nice,白人大叔。面试时手头拿着你简历,会根据简历提问的感觉。。。感觉他会appreciate面试者的一些unique的想法或经历,他一直强调项目的diversity.


    1、introduce yourself & why interested in BA


    3、biggest achievement

    4、teamwork experience, 追问一个team里面什么是最重要的?

    5、突然让typing(我也不知道是不是必须项),给4分钟打“tell me a business leader you admire and why”

    6、然后他问了个问题,我信号不好没听清,让他重复,仍然只能支离破碎没听明白,他突然说我想换个问题“tell me your career plan”

    7、what make you a successful leader? (他看我介绍及简历有较多leadership例子)


    9、any question?

    3. 学生背景:985学校;面试时间:2016年4月19日

    John White,相信各位关注/正在申请WFU的宝宝们都非常熟悉,因为很多WFU面经写的都是他面的试。


    admisson office效率非常高,这点是大家都知道的,预约了两天后的面试,

    面试当天,一小时前John White发来邮件说因为内部原因,需要取消今天的面试,改明天同一时间。



    结果到了晚上约定时间,还没收到面试邀请,我就发邮件问John White,说我准备好了,还没有收到邀请。于是他说,发错邮箱了,于是他重发了一个链接到我邮箱,我打开链接,由于是国外的网,打开的很慢,估计要五分钟,于是在等着打开的时候,我回了邮件说怎么join面试?因为用的是webex,我没有经验,怕打开链接还有什么技巧。

    于是囧白回了邮件说:怎么join面试之前有admisson office发的邮件已经说的很清楚了,由于两次unsuccesufful try 他have no choice but to conclude this interview.于是他立即取消了面试。(全程不超过3分钟)



    然后回了个邮件说 我知道怎么join,只是为了确保再问一下,并且我这边打开外网很慢,非常抱歉。

    隔了一晚上admin office又发来邮件说让我重新再约一下,约好了,接下来第三次了,







    5.team organize的经历





    10.大概就是这些了- -、然后问问题 然后他说了半天 关于WFU的很多很多,很多,很多东西,我就不一一写下来了,想知道的可以留言问我



    • 国内985,英语专业,大三美国MSU交换一年。G700,T102,GPA3点几,银行,电视台实习


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】面试官:Tyler Burrows

    1.22晚上和Tyler Burrows面试的,预约11点,9点发了invitation,提前5分钟可以start meeting。人很好,每个问题完都有positive反馈,并且会顺便提供一些信息,最后问我有什么问题的时候我说你都已经cover了。问题挺常规的,基本跟看的面经差不多。没有让自我介绍,直接问问题,顺序不太对记不清了,一共不到30min

    1. why wfu
    2. 选择学校和项目看中什么(我说想去暖和的地方他就追问了一句有没有去过美国)
    3. 对于graduate school有没有什么concern(我问是针对wfu还是general的,他说都行)
    4. 接下来有什么计划
    5. 怎么知道wfu的(我提到在forum做research,他就说了chase dream)
    6. 为什么本科选econ
    7. 你的朋友会怎么描述你
    9. 想去什么industry或者Company
    10. any question?

    最后check了一下材料齐没齐,然后跟我说现在admission committee meets regularly,所以应该很快会有news





    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira


    如果在接下来24 小时,没有地域和金钱限制,你想去哪里,做什么,为什么?       

    你想穿越去10,000 年以前还是10,000 以后的未来?为什么?       


    正式测试:经典课外活动题Outside of school and work, to what activity do you dedicate most of your time?        
                    你的dream job


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira

    1. What's your favourite question to ask new friends or to get a conversation started?
    2. What did you create recently and what will you create next?
    3. What's the acedemic or extracurriculumn activity that prepare you for the MSBA program?
    4. Writing: Who's the teacher or professor that influence you the most? why they have positive impact on you?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1.Outside of school and work, to what activity do you dedicate most of your time?

    2.What would you notice first about people? Why?

    3.What is your favorite memory in your childhood?


    5.What advice would you give to yourself as a 6-year-old child?



    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira

    1. What is the scariest thing that you have ever done?
    2. How would your best friend describe you? Why?
    3. Somethinginteresting that wasn’t included in your application form?

    who inspires you most?why?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira

    1.The best decision you've ever made?Why?(面经里没有,但素材重复的有)
    2.Please give an example of an academic or extracurricular activity form your undergraduate Education that has prepared you for study in the MSBA program.
    3.A book you read recently
    Writing:Who has influenced you most? Why?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1.What did you want to be when you were a kid? How has it changed?
    2.An academic or extracurricular activity. How does it help you to prepare for the MSBA program?

    3.tell me one interesting thing about you that we don't know in your application?

    11.学生背景:211,电子商务,GRE:320(152+168),雅思:7;面试时间:2018年12月4日   已录+ $2,500 scholarship

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】  25分钟

    1.Why undergraduate school;
    2.Why MSBA;
    3.Why WFU;
    7.长短期career goal;


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】 Kira

    1. What is best piece of advice you ever received?
    2. The scariest thing you've ever had/done (断网了所以多一题)
    3. 一次别人完全 rely on you to get something done的经历,what's the outcome?
    4. Outside of school and work, to what activity do you dedicate most of your time? How has this helped prepare you for this program? 
    5. (Written) What inspires you in life?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1. 今天发生的最好的一件事
    2. 个人生生活哲学
    3. 投入最多的课外活动
    写作:自己的role model


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1.what is the advice you would give to 12 years old of you?
    2.the most personal change 
    3.the accomplishment outside school and work, what is the step of the accomplishment?

    who do you talk to the most? why?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1. short-term and long-term goal and how MSBA program help you 
    2. a decision that you successfully convice others 
    3. team experience of getting back the right track
    4. what is having "drive" mean to you and how is important in MSBA program
    5. personal advantages applied into personal and professional life 
    6. a projrct you've done to show your analytic and problem-solving ability
    7. anything to share?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Kira

    • 1.Why are you interested in furthering your knowledge in the business analytics field, and how will Foster help you with this? Please be specific.
    • 2.Tell me about a time when you had to persuade someone to accept your decision.
    • 3.Tell me about a time when you were working as part of a dysfunctional team. How did you help to resolve the group’s issues and get back on track?
    • 4.Tell us about a personal strength you have, and how you're taking advantage of this in your personal and professional life. Why is this?
    • 5.Tell me about something in your life that you’re practicing self-discipline with. Please provide some details about any initial results, and how you’ll bring these skills to the MSBA program.
    • 6.Describe a project you worked on that demonstrates your analytical and creative problem-solving skills.
    • 7.Is there anything else you would like to share with the admissions committee?

    17.学生背景:211财经 gpa84 103 325  三段实习(某flag+vc+小创业项目);面试时间:2018年1月26日  

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Kira

    • 1.Please giveus an example of an academic or extracurricular activity from yourundergraduate education that has prepared you for study in the MSBA program.
    • 2.Typing: 讲一个身边朋友最优秀的地方

    18.学生背景:211财经 gpa84 103 325  三段实习(某flag+vc+小创业项目);面试时间:2018年1月26日  

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】  Briana

    • 1.introduce yourself
    • 2.Why MSBA?
    • 3.What's your favorite course?
    • 4.别人对你的常见的misunderstanding是什么?(当时这个问题听了三遍才听清..)
    • 5.career goal
    • 6.Other MSBA programs you are applying for and what is the most important factor when you choose a program
    • 7.why wfu?(这里提到了director囧白的一些贡献,小姐姐表示很认同)
    • 8.your friends talk about you(优点+缺点)
    • 9.在teamwork中,你觉得最重要的3点是什么?
    • 10.how do you stay organized with DDL?
    • 11.you can bring to this program


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1. 想对12岁自己提什么建议

    2.最后是:the last thing you create? and what do you want to create next?

    3.Outside of school and work, to what activity do you dedicate most of your time?



    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    video2:如果让你学一个random skill,会学什么?
    video3:What is the most meaningful accomplishment outside the classroom and work place? What is the step to this accomplishment?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】  Kira

    1.As you are now applying to the Foster MSBA program, what steps have you taken in your academic and professional life to prepare you for success in this graduate program?

    2.Is it more important to be a good listener or a good communicator? Please explain your answer.

    3.Tell me about a time when you had to make sacrifices to ensure that your work was done on time. What did you learn, and how will you bring these skills to the MSBA program at Foster?

    4.Describe a project you worked on that demonstrates your analytical and creative problem-solving skills.

    5.Is there anything else you would like to share with the admissions committee?

    22.学生背景:双非财经院校  金融专业 雅思7 gmat 720 gpa 3.45/4;面试时间:2018年11月16日    被拒

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】  John Montana

    1.why undergraduate major?why ba?why wfu?




    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Kira

    1. 给6岁的你advice
    2. 你认为做人最重要的是要有哪些品质?
    3. 你最有趣的事情没有被囊括到申请表上的
    4.(typing) 当你遇到bad day的时候,你会call谁


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】tyler

    1.tell me about yourself+ why undergraduate+ why major
    3.why msba
    4.why wfu
    5.short+long term goal
    7.what makes you stand out from other candidate
    8.other schools you are applying? what do you look for when applying for schools?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1. why GWU MSBA program
    2. please name two or three software programs that you find the most useful.


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】  25分钟

    1. why wfu
    2.why msba
    3.why undergraduate
    4.why undergraduate major
    5. career goal
    6.tools to get organized
    7.freetime interests
    8. any other programs you apply
    9. Q&A


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1.    Introduction

    2.    楼主有三段academic背景,介绍的时候少说了一个就针对这个让我再介绍一下

    3.     是怎么听说过wfu的(我说因为你们这个项目很well-known,他笑了hhh)

    4.    why ba


    6.    2strength

    7.    楼主刚工作,问工作后的difference和在学校的时候


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira

    1. 中奖了会等多久告诉别人
    2. the biggest change you made in ur life
    3. The thing you devoted to the most other than school and work
    what inspires you in life.


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1.  Please give an example of an academic or extracurricular activityform your undergraduate education that has prepared youfor study in the MSBA program.

    2.  What do you want to improve about yourself?
    3. Describe your ideal day

    typing: 和一个人不管死着还是活着的人吃晚饭


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】  john Montana

    1. 长短期计划应该是问了
    2. 实习的问题肯定问啦,而且问得还挺细的
    3. 如果五分钟内教他一个东西,教什么呢
    4. 平时free time都干什么,我说我看美剧 弹钢琴(弹个屁啊我就只看剧)
    5. 最近读的一本书(我真的最近有看书,看的朱炫大师兄的《持剑者心伤》。。可是这玩意儿咋用英文说啊,武侠 我也一时忘了咋说 气死我了。。。
    6. 最喜欢的一本书 (我喜欢冰与火之歌 这个很英文


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】  30min

    • 1.self intro
    • 2.why undergraduate
    • 3.why msba at this point
    • 4.why wfu
    • 5.how do you know wfu
    • 6.other schools apply
    • 7.biggest challenge in msba study
    • 8.long term goal
    • 9.dream company
    • 10.a successful teamwork experience& your role
    • 11.a uncompeptitive situation& how you deal
    • 12.most important 3 quality for leader
    • 13.opitimal team size
    • 14.your organize tool
    • 15.2 good point & 2 need to improve about you
    • 16.you unique characteristic
    • 17.your greatest success in leadership
    • 18.an interesting thing about you
    • 19.hobbies outside school and work
    • Q&A


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】 Jennifer   30min

    1. Why undergraduate school
    2. Why undergraduate major
    3. Your career goals
    4. Which of your extracurricular activities do you value most?
    5. Which of your internship experience do you value most?
    6. Why USA?
    6. What factors are important when you are choosing a graduate school?
    7. Why WFU?
    8. Why MSBA?
    9. What other schools do you apply for?
    10. What makes you happy (因为楼主用了pumpkin code免了essay,所以Jennifer问了其中一个essay question)
    11. Q&A


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1. If you can try out any job one day, what kind of job do you want to do?
    2. The biggest change in your life.
    3. Extra curriculum that helps prepare MSBA
    Typing: Something inspired you


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1. Why undergrad
    2. why major
    3. how do you hear about wfu
    4. why msba and why wfu
    5. leadership
    6. 3 characteristics of a good team
    7. how to stay organized


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Jennifer 20分钟

    1. tell my about your undergraduta study and California(暑课)
    2. difference between two schools 
    3. favourite thing in California
    还有一个没听清 她说never mind
    4. why WFU
    5. plan for winter holiday


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1.    Introduce about Undergraduate school, why choose it

    2.    How do I think of SH (I mentioned SH), how many people in SH

    3.    What do I do in spare time? (linked to will I hang out in SH) ---I said my hobby is basketball, she then asked which position I played

    4.    Come back to academic: about my undergraduate major, my exchange program experience (I talked about my friends who study at US), she asked their major

    5.    When did I decide to study in US; when I first heard WFU

    6.    Any questions about curriculums?

    7.    Where do I want to stay after graduation? (I answered with my career goal here)

    8.    How did I get my internships?

    9.    What will my life be like in my next semester?

    10.What will be a challenge in your BA study.

    11.What other schools did I apply? What’s the criteria of selecting programs.

    37.学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年12月7日      已录   2.5K奖

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】  Erica   

    1.why undergraduate school?
    2.why undergraduate major?
    3.why WFU?
    4.why BA?
    5.any other schools u are applying for?
    6.long term goal?
    7.what difficulties you might encourter during the program and how do you plan to overcome them
    8.two skills u can bring to the program
    any questions?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】  Tyler Burrows   30mins

    1 talk about yourself, 我的BG比较特殊,所以让我解释了一下为什么生物学转MKT,现在在EY工作

    2 Why master

    3 short term career goal,Dream company

    4 long term career goal

    5 Why wakeforest

    6 自己的三个特点

    7 你觉得Teamwork最重要的是什么

    8 Teamwork经常是什么角色(这里给我讲了很多课堂的方式是很consulting的,做Case的,很多Teamwork)

    9 觉得进这个项目最大的挑战什么

    10 还申请了什么学校,怎么选

    11 让我提问了两个问题

    a)    问了实习的问题,小哥讲了很多学校的就业率和课程的内容。中心意思就是我们的学生能力都很好,在读的时候找工作就可以了,毕业直接上班。

    b)    问了业余生活的问题,讲了很多体育运动相关的还有就业相关的内容(engagementXX)


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】35分钟

    1.why WFU
    2.why MSBA
    3.why undergrad school and major
    4.you most successful experience as a team leader
    5.describe an experience when you find yourself in a competitive environment and how did you cope with that(为什么这道题我在面经里没看到)
    6.2 skills that you will bring to the program
    7.your dream job and dream company
    8.other schools you applied 


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira

    1. Tell me one interesting about you not included in your application
    2. your life pilosophy (这个之前题库好像没有)
    3.the best news you had today
    4.typing:which leader you admire most? why?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】  Erica Crutch 

    1. Why Undergrad?
    2. Why major?
    3. Why WFU? Where do you first hear about WFU (MSBA)?
    4. Any other schools you applying to?
    5. Long term goal?
    6. Top two skills you can bring to the program?
    7 Any questions?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】  Jennifer

    4.How to have fun. What you do in spare time 
    6.Why wfu  择校标准,还申了啥学校


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】 

    1. Why undergraduate school?
    2. Why undergraduate major?
    3. 3 things your friends would describe you
    4. how to stay organized?
    5. one question from my resume.


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】 kira

    1.What advice would you give to yourself as a 12-year-old child?

    2.How would your best friend describe you?Why?

    3.How do you handle stress?What strategy do you use?

    4.Outside of school and work, to what activity do you dedicate most of your time?why?

    Type question: Give me an example of something that inspires you.


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】John Montana

    1. self-introduction
    2. 我交换的经历
    4. 我的实习经历 the internship I have benefited most
    5. why WFU
    6. WHY MSBA
    7. hobbies and interests
    8. other schools you have applied


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Jennifer

    1.introduce yourself,直接以上来就是问的工作经验。。。我有三段工作经验,自己开公司,在PWC实习当过data analyst(我认为肯定和BA关系最大),在YELP当customer success manager full time, 本来以为肯定会问PWC实习,结果一句都没有提。。。。不知道是不是瞧不起我的短实习。。。反正就问了很多开公司的经历和现在的工作
    2.为什么选择BA (我在这里也说到了为什么要选择WFU, 所以没有问,我觉得不然也会问一句)
    4.为什么要选择上graduate school
    5.回到了我在YELP的工作,是否是team work,有没有遇到什么很难处理的问题

    47.学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年11月9日    已录

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira

    1.introduce yourself 
    2.why wfu
    3.a good leader应该什么样
    4.how do you stay organized(tool)
    5.what is your greatest accomplishment
    6.career goal
    7.one thing want to change during undergraduate
    8.how will your peer describe you
    9.one thing you want to improve most
    10.Do you have any misconception from others and how do you overcome that
    11.what will u teach me in five mins
    13.other school you apply
    14.how to balance internship and study
    15.how do you handle disappointment


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Montana

    1. Why MSBA
    2. 怎么学会的R和python(上一题回答中我说了自己学了)
    3. 简历上的一个project细节(上一题回答中我说了在这个project学了python)
    4. Why WFU
    5. what makes a sucessful team leader
    7. 你觉得最有意义的实习
    8. 详细问了上一个实习里的细节
    6. who do you admire?
    7. 你觉得目前有什么事正在改变整个business area
    8. 聊一聊你对AI的看法


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira

    1. If someone asked you to give them a random piece of advice, what would you say?
    2. How would your best friend describe you? Why?
    3. Something interesting that wasn’t included in your application form?
    Who are your role models? Why?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira

    1. If someone asked you to give them a random piece of advice, what would you say?
    2.What is the most meaningful accomplishment outside the classroom and work place. What is the step to this accomplishment?
    3.What would you notice first about people? Why?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira

    1. outside the workplace or school, what're some activities you would like to share
    2. the skill that you are most proud of
    3. ice-breaking question

    52.学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年11月2日   已录

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira

    1.Whatadvice would you give to yourself as a 12-year-old child?
    2.一次别人完全rely on you to get something done的经历,what's the outcome?
    3.tell me one interesting thing about you that you didn'tinclude in your application

    typing: Describe your role model and why


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira

    1. If you were to write a book, what would you name it and what would it be about?
    2. What's the biggest change you've ever made? (没遇到过的那道题)
    3. Please give an example of an academic or extracurricular activity form your undergraduate education that has prepared you for study in the MSBA program.



    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira

    four questions 3 oral + 1 typing

    Oral: prepare 30s answer 1min
    Q1: What is your favorite memory in your childhood? 
    Q2: What do you want to improve about yourself?
    Q3: Outside of school and work, what activity you dedicate most of your time to? How does it help you study in the MSBA program?

    Typing: 5min
    Q: Who inspires you and why?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1. What did you create recently and what will you create next?
    2. Describe your dream job.
    3. Outside of school and work, to what activity do you dedicate most of your time? How has this helped prepare you for this program?  
    4. (Typing) Who's the teacher or professor that influence you the most? Why they have a positive impact on you?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira

    2.Please give us an example of an academic orextracurricular activity you’re your undergraduate education that has preparedyou for study in the MSBA program. 
    3.Tell us about the last thing you created. What do you want to createnext?




    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira

    1. what is one of the scariest things you have done?
    2. Share one of the interesting things about yourself that is not in the application.
    3. what is a skill you have that you are most proud of? 
    4.(written) which person do you talk to the most in your life? why?

    58.学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年10月4日     已录

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Tyler  30分钟

    1. self introduction and why undergraduate major
    2. why msba?
    3. other programs ur applying for? why wfu?
    4. how to stay organized
    5. the biggest challenge
    6. ur characteristics (类似于你的优点)
    7. concerns when u enter ur graduate program
    8. Q&A


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira


    1. Outside school and work, towhat activity do you dedicate most of your time? How has this helped you forthe MSA program?

    2. What's the academic or extra curriculum activity that preparesyou for the MSBA program? / extracurricular activity you commit yourself to

    3. What's your favorite question to ask new friends or to get aconversation started?

    4. What would you notice firstabout people? Why?

    5. What you admire most aboutyour best friend.

    6. How would your best frienddescribe you? Why?

    7. Which person in your life doyou talk to the most, and why?

    8. When you feel depressed, whoyou will talk to

    9. 如果你可以邀请一个人和你共进晚餐,不管这个人是现在还活着的还是已经去世的,你会邀请谁?

    10.描述一个你的role model

    11. experience that you fixsomething

    12. How do you handle stress?What strategy do you use?

    13. if let you change one thingof the world, which would you choose/促进人类社会更美好,做些什么



    16. a successful group project/ Describe your most satisfying group workexperience

    17. A recent group project thatyou are proud to be part of. What role did you play? What contribution did youmade to the group?

    18. Tell me about a time when youwere assigned a role on a team that you felt was not suited to your skills.What was the outcome of this situation?

    19.一次别人完全rely on you to get something done的经历,what's the outcome?

    20.一次组员有不同意见看法的团队经历,howdid you manage it? / teamwork disagreements 怎么解决


    22.你有一次在dysfunctional的团队里的经历,你是怎么去解决问题的?怎么把团队重新拉入正轨的?How could you bring everything on track?

    23. What are your personalcharacteristics? some of your best characteristics

    24. What do you want to be when you were a kid, how has it changed?

    25. What advice would you give toyourself as a 12-year-old child?/你想对6岁的你一些什么建议/你想对17岁的你说什么?

    26. favorite childhood memory

    27. what is your earliestchildhood memory? Why is it significant to you?

    28. the scariest experience

    29. Describe daily routine you would follow.

    30. If someoneasked you to give them a random piece of advice, what would you say?

    31. How do you like basic lifephilosophy

    32. Tell us the most interesting fact about yourself that is not inyour application

    33. If you were going to write abook, what would you call it? What would it be about?


    35. what's the best news you hadtoday.

    36.描述你理想的一天/ Regardless of money, what youwould like to do in the next 24 hours


    38.你的dream job

    39. If you can try out any jobfor a day, what kind of job do you want to do?


    41. What’s your best decisionever made?

    42. what's the best thing youhave had so far?

    43. What is most important to youin the life?

    44. What is themost meaningful accomplishment outside the classroom and work place? What isthe step to this accomplishment?

    45. Tell us arandom skill you would like to learn. 
    46. What did you create recently and what will you create next?

    47. most undervalued profession(是undervalued skill的变题)/ what do you think is the mostundervalued professional skills nowadays


    49.如果让你学一个random skill,你会学什么?/如果可以改变自己,你想到提升自己的什么方面

    50. Tell us about somethingyou've learnt recently?


    1. favorite color (typing)

    2. Who's the teacher or professorthat influences you the most? Why they have positive impact on you? (typing)

    3. Who is the leader you admirethe most? (typing)

    4. favorite movie (typing)

    5. Give me an example ofsomething that inspires you. (typing)

    6. Who isthe person you would call when you are on a bad day (typing)

    7. Which person in your life doyou talk to the most, and why? (typing)

    60.学生背景:美本,GPA 3.83, GMAT690, 实习一个;面试时间:2018年4月12日     

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Tyler

    1. 介绍一下你自己以及说一下为什么选择本科的学校,为什么想学BA,为什么选择WFU
    2. 问我去年毕业后这一年都做了什么,还追问我实习都做了哪些,和分析的关系
    3. 本科为什么学习ECON
    4. 你目前为止最大的成就是什么
    5. 你到目前为止最大的失望是什么
    7. 问我还申请了哪些学校,选择学校的标准是什么

    61.学生背景:g 155+168+4.5    t 105 985 211 金融本 3.6    2银行实习;面试时间:2018年1月15日    已录 

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1. 如果你中了lottery,会多久告诉别人?
    2. 你除了课程和工作之外的最大的accomplication, 你是如何一步步达到成功的
    3. 如果让你学一个random skill,你会学什么?
    写作:你最admire的leader, why?

    62.学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年3月8日    已录 

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1.why choose your undergraduate university and major?
    2.why MSBA?
    3.why WFU?
    4.what will be your biggest challenge if you attend wfu?
    5.the things you can bring to WFU's MSBA
    6.one unique characteristics that qualify your for msba at wfu
    7.other program you applied
    8.long-term career goal
    9.the most successful teamwork
    10.how do you handle disappointment
    11.your favorite business leader,why he inspires you

    63.学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年1月22日    已录 

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Tyler Burrows 30min

    1. why wfu
    2. 选择学校和项目看中什么(我说想去暖和的地方他就追问了一句有没有去过美国)
    3. 对于graduate school有没有什么concern(我问是针对wfu还是general的,他说都行)
    4. 接下来有什么计划
    5. 怎么知道wfu的(我提到在forum做research,他就说了chase dream)
    6. 为什么本科选econ
    7. 你的朋友会怎么描述你
    9. 想去什么industry或者Company
    10. any question?

    64.学生背景:TOP5 GPA:3.84; T:107; G:700;面试时间:2018年2月15日    wl

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Tiffany  16分钟

    1. self-introduction
    2. why undergraduate school(她让我spell the name, 但是我没有反应过来……)
    3. why undergraduate major
    4. why BA
    5. 上一问中提到的一个activity的追问
    6. why WFU
    7.A common misconception other people have about you 
    8.What resources do you use to stay informed
    9.How do you stay organized
    10. What skill can you bring to this program(问了是不是academic,说broadly就可以了)
    11. The biggest challenge for your future study in MSBA
    12. What other graduate programs do you apply for
    13. 3 positive characteristics that your friends will descrip you
    14. How do you handle disappointment
    15. Q&A

    65.学生背景:不详;面试时间:2017年11月15日    已录

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Tyler

    1. Self-introduction
    2. Why MSBA?
    3. Why Wake Forest?
    4. Three characteristics of you that are valuable to a team?
    5. How was your Exchange Program(之前在Columbia Univ交换)
    6. How was your undergraduate major (lz转专业)
    7. How to stay organized?
    8. What's your career goal?
    9. Sth about you not included in the resume?
    10. What's the most important factor for you to choose a program?
    11. Are you applying for other programs?
    12. Do you have the experience in programming? 
    13. The biggest challenge in applying MSBA?
    14. Q&A

    66.学生背景:财经211,数学类专业,3.9(rank1),108,323(v157 q166)+4,四大实习,加拿大科研,本校科研sci论文已投递;面试时间:2018年2月15日    wl

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Tyler

    1.Self introduction. Where are you from. Why this undergraduate major.
    2.Why MSBA
    3.How do you know about WFU
    4.Other program, criteria for chossing program
    5.How to stay organized
    6.How do your friends describe you
    7.What three words would others use to descirbe you
    8.1 strength you need to improve

    67.学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年1月30日    wl

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Tyler 40分钟

    1. Self introduction, where are you from, hobbies(我说我去过很多国家 他就问了我去过哪些 顺便说他也喜欢travel)
    2. Why undergraduate major
    3. Biggest challenge in undergraduate study (和我之前看的问graduate application不太一样,我还和他确认了一下问的是本科遇到的challenge)
    4. Why MSBA(我的理由和一些音乐app有关,然后他说听起来这个app的操作还挺weird…)
    5. How do you know about WFU, why WFU(再次提到我大CD)
    6. Other programs, criteria for choosing program
    7. How to stay organized
    8. How to stay informed
    9. How do your friend describe you


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Neel

    • 1.Self-introduction
    • 2.Why your undergraduate school and program?
    • 3.Why MSBA?
    • 4.Why WFU?
    • 5.The biggest challenge of your application for Business Analytics
    • 6.What other graduate program do you apply for?
    • 7.What 3 words would others use to describe you?
    • 8.Three characteristics of you that are valuable to a team?
    • 9.Describe a situation when the teamwork didn't work well and what's your role in the teamwork?
    • 10.long-term career goal
    • 11.what other organization tools do you use
    • 12.2 strengths and 2 areas that you need to improve
    • 13.How do you handle the pressure?
    • 14.Please tell me your most successful leadership experience
    • 15.what can you contribute to the program?
    • 16.Q&A


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】40-45分钟

    1.刚开始闲聊, 礼貌性的how are you doing, 慰问完以后我说我面试完还要回去工作. 之后话题就切入到我的工作了. 在闲聊阶段我就说了一下我工作的内容, 然后有说有笑的就开始面试了
    2.How did you grow up and why did you choose University of Iowa(大学本科)?
    3.Why did you choose your majors in undergraduate school(这个问题应该是有的,但是我在问题2的时候已经说了我为什么choose major所以她就没有问了)
    4.Why BA
    5.Why WFU
    6.Your weakness in application
    7.Your hobby
    8.What's your career goals after graduate school
    9.How is Iowa City(我读书的地方)
    10.Your performence in the inverview(问我对自己被interview的评价,这题有点出乎意料)
    11.Q&A:我问了一个有没有机会能学一点machine learning方面的知识,另外一个就是问了一下transportation(因为没有驾照,估计以后是要住在公交车站旁边或者找一个有车的室友的)


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Tyler

    • 1.self introduction and why undergraduate major
    • 2.why wfu
    • 3.why msba
    • 4.long term and short term goal
    • 5.your greatest achievement
    • 6.how to stay informed
    • 7.what is your role in a team
    • 8.what is your concern about graduate study
    • 9.biggest challenge in your life
    • 10.other schools applied and the most important factor when choosing schools
    • Q&A


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】tyler burrow

    1. 自我介绍
    2. 为什么选择我的本科大学? 
    3. 毕业后,gap 一年再干嘛? 
    4. 为什么选在wakeforest? 
    5. 为什么选择 msba? 
    6. 为什么选择本科会计? 
    7. 3 个性格,你朋友会describe you? 
    8.有申请其他学校吗? 选择因素是什么? 


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Tiffany Watson  30min

    1. Why your undergraduate school
    2. Why your undergraduate major
    3. Why MSBA
    4. Why WFU
    5. Long term career goal
    6. A common misconception that other people have abou you
    7. How do your peers describe you
    8. An advice from your mentor
    9. How do you stay informed
    10. How do you stay organized
    11. What skill can you bring to this program
    12. What industry do you want to enter
    13. The biggest challenge for your future study in MSBA
    14. What other graduate programs did you apply for
    15. Q&A


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Briana Brewer  25分钟

    1、why undergraduate school
    2、why MSBA
    3、how do you know WFU
    4、how do you think MSBA program in WFU
    5、two qualities you can bring to MSBA program
    6、biggest challenge you will have when applying for MSBA
    8、long-term goal
    9、three characteristics in a team
    10、two characteristics of you and two suggestions to you
    11、experience to share ,这段经历体现了你的什么特质(类似于successful project)
    12、any questions?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】John Montana 40分钟

    1,国际生就业的backup plan是什么?

    75.学生背景:不详;面试时间:2017年11月16日    已录

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】45分钟

    2、Why WFU, Why BA
    3、personal interest;
    4、2个strength 2个weakness;
    5、how do you handle disappointment;
    6、why undergraduate school;
    7、other graduate school
    8、what‘’s the challenge for you to study in our program
    9、how do you stay informed
    10.a misperception of you
    11.how to release stress;
    12.when teammembers have differnet ideas with you


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】webex  10分钟

    1. 为啥本科专业
    2. 本科专业学(玩)的开心吗
    3. 申了其他什么学校
    4. group work失败经历
    5. mentor和从他身上学到的
    6. 你能贡献给program的两点
    7. 成功的team的特质
    8. 实习怎么找到的
    9. 申请ba的最大挑战
    10. 到了新班级想让同学知道什么
    11. 从哪知道wfu
    12. Q&A

    76.学生背景:bg美本 710, 两段实习(一个美国);面试时间:2017年12月18日    

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Erica

    1. why undergraduate school
    2. why undergraduate major
    3. how do u know and why WFU MSBA
    4. why MSBA
    5. other program?
    6. long term career goal
    7. how do u handle disappointment
    8. what's most important for a team
    9. 3 characters your friends think of you
    10. Misconception about u and how u deal with it

    77.学生背景:不详;面试时间:2017年11月5日    已拒

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】


    1. What do you want to be when you were a kid, how has it changed?
    2. 问除了学习和工作,你在哪个activity上最commit yourself to
    3.What is most important to you in the life?
    4.Typing: Someone inspires me,why?

    Tiffany Watsons

    1. Self-introduction
    2. Why WFU
    3. Why do you want to pursue a master degree ( 貌似是新题)
    4. Why you undergraduate school
    5. Why you undergraduate major
    6. 3 factors of a effective team
    7. what role do you usually have in a team
    8. Q&A


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira

    1.If someone asked you to give them a random piece of advice, what would you say?


    2.Why your undergraduate school & undergraduate program?
    3.Why MSBA?
    4.How do you know about Wake Forest?
    5.The biggest challenge of your application for Business Analytics
    6.What other graduate program do you apply for?
    7.What do you use to stay informed?
    8.Your favorite business leader
    9.What 3 words would others use to describe you?
    10.Where do you need to improve? 2 points.
    11.The 3 most important factors in teamwork
    12.List 3 qualities for a leader
    13.Describe a situation when the teamwork didn't work well and what's your role in the teamwork?
    14.Describe a situation where you challenge one of the team member without affecting the team
    15.If you could go back to 5 years ago, what would you change?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1.Describe  daily routine you would follow.
    2.Tell us the most interesting fact about yourself that is not in your application(中)
    3.Tell us a random skill you would like to learn.(中)
    4.(Type)Who is the person you would call when you are on a bad day?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】John Montana

    1. tell me more about your background
    2. why undergraduate major
    3. teamwork experience
    4. what is important for an effective team
    5. why msba
    6. what make you feel most excited in the MSBA program at WFU (貌似新的?)
    7. what other programs you apply
    8. the biggest challenge for your future study of MSBA
    9. how do you stay organized 
    10. your most important internship
    11. ideal company to work, why
    12. How do you know WFU

    81.学生背景:美本top50;面试时间:2017年12月18日    已录 $2500奖

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Neel

    详细背景:美本top50 Major in Finance, Minor in Information Science and Technology
    gpa 3.91 
    gre 315
    一段part-time(Abercrombie & Fitch)
    member of beta gamma sigma

    1. Tell me about yourself and why you choose your undergrad school
    2. What other graduate program do you apply for?
    3.Why MSBA?
    4.How do you know about Wake Forest?
    5.What 2 words would others use to describe you?
    6.Where do you need to improve? 2 points.
    7.Describe a situation when the teamwork didn't work well and what's your role in the teamwork?
    8.Describe organizational tools you use.
    9. What is your most successful experience?
    10. What can you bring to MSBA?
    11. What is your hobby to relax?
    12. Long-term career goal.


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Kira

    1. If someone asked you to give them a random piece of advice, what would you say?
    2. If let you change one thing in the world, which one you would choose?
    3. What is the most meaningful accompishment outside the classroom and work place? What is the step to this accomplishment?
    4. Typing: who is the teacher or professor that influences you the most? Why they have positive impacts on you?

    Jennifer  20min

    1.比如说楼主有交换经历,Jennifer问我New York怎么样, 以后想在哪里工作,大城市还是小城市,一定要我说具体城市。



    -how do you know andwhy WFU, other program

    -why undergraduateschool major

    -why msba

    -short-termlong-term career goal(company to work for)



    -Programming skills;


    Behavior questions:


    -What is the mostimportant for a team

    -A situation whenthe teamwork didn’t work well and your role;

    -Three factors of aneffective team;

    -What role youusually have;

    -When teammatesdisagree with you.



    -Two or three words




    -Describe organizational tools you use./How to stay organized?

    -what's the challengefor you to study in our program

    -how do you stayinformed/what resources you use to stay informed



    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira

    practce question
    1. what kind of super power you want to have ? 
    2. what professionalism mean to you ? 

    1. what is your most accomplishment out of work and school?
    2. what are big or small goals in you life?
    3.say a specific routine in you daily basis? why?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Neel

    1,Why msba
    2,why wfu
    3,how do you know wfu
    4,how will your supervisor describe you 3个方面
    5,motivate unmotivated team member
    6,two good qualities and two aspects that need to improve
    8,long term goal
    9,successful teamwork experience
    10, hobbies 
    11,any dream company or position?(最后这个问题是因为我的career goal比较特殊)


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Tyler 40分钟

    1. Introduce yourself
    2. Why undergraduate school
    3. Why finance(本科是finance)
    4. Why MSBA
    5. Why WFU and how do you know about WFU (前五题感觉是必问的问题)
    6. What's your ineterest
    7. What's your favorite course
    8. What's your favorite professor
    9. Other MSBA programs you are applying for and what is the most important factor when you choose a program
    10. Your short-term and long-term career goal
    11. 3 best characteristics your friends talk about you
    12. What are you doing to improve yourself
    13. Q&A


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1 如果让你当一个公司CEO 你会选择哪个?为什么?
    2 accomplishment achieved out school and work place. step
    3 most important thing in your life
    4 最常找谁倾诉?

    87.学生背景:211&985公管本,gpa wes后3.65,G720 T109,实习有两个市场研究公司,一个咨询公司,一个电商公司,工作中用过sql;面试时间:2016年5月11日    

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    4、career goal,未来是否想在美国工作,有没有想去的公司


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】KIRA

    Typing:sth inspire u

    89.学生背景:中外合办大学,Finance专业,GPA:3.7/4.0,IELTS 7.5(6.5),GMAT 720;面试时间:2017年12月2日    

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】John 40分钟

    1. introduce yourself
    2. why your undergraduate school? 我答了之后有细节追问
    3. 你觉得你有啥优点可以contribute to the study of this program
    4. 未来的目标
    7. 具体行业?
    8. 分享一个handle stress的经历,学到了什么
    9. 为什么选WFU


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Tiffany

    1. self-introduction
    2. why wfu
    3. why msba
    4. why undergraduate school and major
    5. two things you can bring to wfu
    6. what's the biggest challenge
    7. what's your program about (我提到了自己在和老师做一个项目)
    9. what did you do in your intern
    10. how do you deal with disappointment
    11. what's the most interesting part of your major
    12. how do you know wfu
    13. what role do you play in a team
    14. q&a

    91.学生背景:不详;面试时间:2017年12月15日    已录

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Tyler

    1. introduce yourself
    2. Why undergraduate school
    3. Why changed major
    4. Why MSBA
    5. Why WFU
    6. What is your biggest challenge when applying for BA
    7. Long-term and short-term career goal
    8. internship experience
    9. A misconception of you
    10. three characteristics your friends would describe you (其实我只说了两个。。因为中途聊high了之后他就接着问下一题了)
    11. programming skills


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Neel  45分钟
    1.自我介绍 (originally from, why chose your undergraduate school)
    2. Why WFU and why WFU's MSBA?
    3. What tools do you use to organize? LZ从学习和工作还有日常生活三个方面列举tools
    4. How do you handle disappointment? Give out details and how did you overcome it.
    5. Two things you can bring to WFU's MSBA. (What skills you can bring to our program)
    6. What resources do you use to get information/stay informed?
    7. Describe a goal you didn't achieve and how you deal with it. 
    8. What's the challenge for you to apply for our program?
    9. Share me an experience when you missed the deadline. How did you deal with it?
    10. Do you think what are the most important things in the teamwork?
    11. Other graduate schools?
    12. What your peer will describe you (2 positive and 2 areas need improvement)?
    13. A misperception of you -> how you overcome it?
    14. How do you hear about WFU?
    15. Share me an experience when you get a loss doing the thing you think is right. 
    16. Describe a time when a teammate has different perspective with you and how did you deal with it? 
    17. Tell me 3 points that you learned from your mentors at school/at work


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira

    4、written:something inspires you


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Neel

    what is a common misperception of you and how you deal with it?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】John White

    5.team organize的经历
    10.大概就是这些了- -、然后问问题 然后他说了半天 关于WFU的很多很多,很多,很多东西,我就不一一写下来了,想知道的可以留言问我


    Tue May 21 13:59:41 CST 2019