纽约理工学院(New York Institute of Technology,缩写NYIT)成立于1955年,拥有两个校区,主校区位于纽约长岛的旧韦斯特伯里(Old Westbury),属于纽约市的郊区地带,另有一所位于曼哈顿,属于纽约市的中心地带。
纽约理工学院是一所中等大小的四年制私立大学及医学院,开设有本科、硕士及博士三种学位课程。该校是一所男女合校的学校,在USNEWS排名分类中被归为北部地方性大学。学校基本不提供校园住宿。*(1) (2)
电话:(516) 686-7520 (800) 345-6948
邮寄地址:Box 8000,Old Westbury, NY 11568 *(1)
- 新英格兰学校及学院协会(NEASC)
- 中部各州学院及学校协会(MSACS)
- 中北部学院及学校协会(NCACS)
- 西部学校及学院协会(WASC)
- 西北学院及大学认证委员会(NWCCU)
- 南部学院及学校协会(SACS)
TOEFL要求 | 79 | 学费 | $30,780 | 7月1日 | |
SAT平均分 | 920 - 1120 (1600) | 食宿 | $12,230 | Semester | |
GPA要求 | 平均:3.10 | 申请费 | $50 | 是否提供ESL课程 | Yes |
申请人数: | 6,546 | 录取率 | 65.9% | 是否提供奖学金 | Yes |
四年毕业率 | 22% | 小班比例(<20) | 60.8% | 教授水平满意度 | 77% |
六年毕业率 | 46% | 中班比例(20-49) | 37.9% | 校园融洽度 | 64% |
新生保持率 | 70% | 大班比例(>50) | 1.2% | 校园安全度 | 50% |
#74 Admissions Selectivity Rating
#60 Quality of Life Rating
#67 Fire Safety Rating
#60 Green Rating*(4)
- Electives are so limited. Professors are few for each course so you're stuck with them.
- I went to NYIT because I want to study architecture and possibly go into the 5-year program. Architecture is extremely strenuous and there is little time for anything but homework and work on projects. The core classes I take aren't bad and most professors have convenient office hours. There are some large lectures but after we split into small groups to understand the lecture better.
- NYIT's graphic design program is really fun. It starts out hard because you have to understand the programs but once you get it you can do some amazing things in terms of 3D modeling . Don't slack off in this major because the work will start to build up quickly.
- I enjoy the class but with any college the time to grasp and understand materials is somewhat limited. I really enjoy the small class sizes, I feel its very important that students get to interact in a small group rather then just a massive classroom.
- I am a premedical major and the faculty is lacking proper knowledge. The school is expensive and should spend money on more qualified professors that can help students do well on the Medical School examination. Not many students enter into medical schools because the professors are not good teachers except a select few.*(5)
(1) New York Institute of Technology College Board
(2) New York Institute of Technology Wikipedia
(3) New York Institute of Technology USNEWS
(4) New York Institute of Technology Princeton Review
(5) New York Institute of Technology College Prowler