

    1. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年4月6日;录取结果:被拒

    【申请专业:MS in Marketing】我是用iphone录的,感觉比用电脑顺畅,没有网速检测环节,用的是天行VPN,两个问题分别是:

    1. Why should we admit you ?

    2. What motivates you to succeed?

    2. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月21日;录取结果:被拒

    【申请专业:MS in Marketing】春假这周录完了JHU的面试,用的手机app,不知道还有没有同学没面试,要不就当明年的题库看一下吧。





    我是mkt的,所以每条都是2min 说了大概1分三四十秒说完直接暂停,觉得再说下去可能就是纯编效果不好,就罢了。

    3. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月16日

    【申请专业:MS in Marketing】Marketing 3.16 JHU MKT R3 in-person interview with Jessica in Shanghai。


    1) High speed trains in China.

    2) Internships.

    3) Career goals.

    4) Weaknesses.

    5) Why gap for a year?

    6) What are u doing now? Specific tasks.

    7) What else want to share with the committee about u?



    • How to fit in the Carey community?
    • The marketing program is relatively now, do u have any plan to promote it in China?

    感觉回答第二个的时候Jessica不是很开心 呜呜呜

    4. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月17日

    【申请专业:MS in Marketing】2个问题:

    Q1:The plan to accomplish in your field.

    Q2: 一个effective team member需要具备的important qualities

    5. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月16日

    【申请专业:MS in Marketing】JHU MKT R3 Virtual Interview。电脑面的,因为人在香港,所以不用vpn啦!


    1. What do u see yourself in 5 years time?

    2. What do you think is important for successful communication?

    每道题目我大概只回答了一分多钟,因为本人gpa below 3.0,只是去打个酱油而已啦。


    6. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月16日

    【申请专业:MS in Marketing】每题2分钟,准备了的都没中TT,不过貌似真的可以退出重新录,好bug,说好的一次过呢!


    1. 还没做过想要去做的事,why

    2. pressure对于你来说是什么,你怎么应对pressure的?

    用ipad录的,加上master pro的vpn。


    7. 学生背景:TOP2;面试时间:2016年1月21日

    【申请专业:MS in Marketing】An interview with Carey。具体内容如下:


    1. How do you judge the success of a team project?

    2. When do you find hard to deal with people?




    • top2 语言本3.55 wes 3.52(不好意思专业有点坑)语言辅修4.0 T106 GRE差的没脸说 三段不水实习(奢侈品&500强)一段创业co-founder 一个创业项目带4个人mkt director
    • 以色列summer school 4.0
    • 巴黎unesco youth forum中国代表
    • mun经历
    • 学校里就各种社团——我真的是爱玩




    【MA in Marketing】具体内容如下:

    练习题:the accomplishment that you are proud of
    1、how your fellow classmates describe you
    2、Does Carey your top choice, why?


    1. routine or challenging work, 你更prefer哪一个?
    3.what did you do yesterday?
    5.describe yourself。
    6.谈谈你的一个ethical delimma?
    8.你最近参与了什么team work,扮演了什么角色?
    10.carey是你的top choice吗?
    11.things you feel strong about?
    12.free time你都做些什么?
    15.说说你的listen and respond的能力
    19.your ideal career
    21.leadership experience
    22.your accomplishment
    25.你的key skills是什么?
    26.如果你有unlimited time,你会做什么?
    32.你是如何solve problem的?
    33.你更喜欢individual 还是team work?
    35.what motivate you to succeed?
    36.你什么你如何fit carey‘s mission?
    38.最inspire you的movie?
    39.how is your writing ability?
    40.what's your most outstanding personality?


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing



    【申请专业:MA in Marketing

    1、如果你有一笔资金用于donation 你会捐助到什么地方?为什么?
    2、an experience once you failed to keep your promise, what's the result and what did you learn?


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing

    1. If you want to start an organization to help other people, which group of people will the organization help? (回忆,非原题)
    2. Tell me about a time you felt completely lost, what's the outcome and what did you learn?


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing

    Q1: 你认为你是否有责任去帮助people in poor conditions, and how you will approach your answer?

    Q2: 是否有past work expirence in which you get more credit than you deserved? What is the outcome and how you did?


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing

    1. 如果有一个business plan在本国会make much profit, but is insensitive to other countries ,你还会accept这个plan吗?
    2. 说说你觉得最难学的一门课程,如何解决的,结果如何,学到了什么?


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing

    1. If you are going to choose a form of currency to be used internationally, what would you choose and why?
    2. Tell me about an experience when you don't know how to conclude a wiriting assignment or a speech, what is the outcome? What did you learn from it?


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing

    第一题问如果你的小组成员要missing ddl了 你会做点什么把他们拉回track
    第二题请你讲一段经历 小组成员跟你有totall different perspective,你做了什么 为什么 结果如何 学到了什么(简直死亡四连) 


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing

    第一题:different culture 的人dispute, 怎么解决。

    第二题:讲confront a team mate about unethical behavior.以及outcome和learn到了什么

    1. coke还是pepsi
    2. 最喜欢什么pizza
    3. 最喜欢什么口味冰淇淋
    4. 最喜欢什么动物


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing

    1)imagine you could introduce a product unique to your part of the world to another culture. What product would you choose and what culture would you introduce it to and why?
    2) tell me about a time when you were partered with someone on a team project who tried to do all of the work themselves. What was the outcome and what did you learn?


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing

    1. 举例说明你的speaking or listening 能力很强
       (这个题目很长 将近五行的样子 题目刚出来的时候楼主被吓了一跳 心跳加速,但是仔细看还是属于常规题)

    2. tell a experience that has great impact on your outlook and why?
      (这题是之前准备过程中没遇到过的 感觉有点反常规)

    哦对了 顺便把preparation里的题目也放上来:
    1. are you a early riser or a night owl?

    2. 最喜欢的书


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing】kira

    1. Without fund limitation, which country do you like to travel?
    2. if you have the chance to spend one hour with global famous celebrities, but he cannot say anything, who will you choose and why?
    3. Tell us an experience that something unexpected suddenly changed your plan at the last moment. What's the result? What you learn from it?
    4. if you are a CEO of a great cooperation, which product/service you would like to offer, why?
    5. Tell us an experience when you totally disagree with your mentor/supervisor/boss, how did you solve it? What's the result?
    6. You are the teamleader of a group. Your team members with different culture have the difficulties in understanding each other. What will you do? 
    7. Whether it is important for students to learn that people with different culture have different values with them?
    8. Tell us an experience when you meet setbacks that you cannot solve. What's the result? What you learn from it?


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing】kira

    1. 如果毕业三年后你有机会选择在一个国家生活 什么国家?
    2. 一次你不被允许参加活动的经历 结果是什么?学到了什么?


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing

    1. 是不是citizen of the world?为什么?
    2. 说一个你pulling all the weight 的project。


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing】kira

    1 a situation where your actions have had the potential to compromise your professional reputation
    2 What factors contributed to your decision to apply for a seat in this program? Tell us about your top three.
    3 Describe a situation where you identified a problem and several key elements that contributed to it. How did you address the situation, and what was the outcome?
    4 Stress is an inevitable part of virtually every job or degree. Give an example of a time when you were working on a project or task that was causing you some degree of ongoing stress or anxiety. What strategy or techniques did you use to manage those feelings, and what was the result? 这个长度大概有五行。。。我看也没看直接刷新了。。。。。现在看看感觉也是常规题
    5 Describe how you dealt with an unusually heavy workload in the past.
    6 Can you give me an example of a time when you felt frustrated or overwhelmed at work?
    7 Describe a time when you showed appreciation to others for a job well done. How did you show appreciation, and how were your actions received by others?
    8 How would you respond if you realized that a key skill you were hoping to gain in a particular class wasn’t actually included in the curriculum for that course?
    9 Outside of school and work, to what activity do you dedicate most of your time? Why is this important to you?
    还有个题我没复制,大意是describe a time/situation when you engaged sb in a discussion to share ideas


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing

    正式录之前的practice:(30s prepare, 60s answer)
    1、what's ur favorite ice cream
    2、what's ur favorite home-made food
    3、what's ur favorite movie
    Kira Interview:(30s prepare, 60s answer)
    Q1: how did you question a practice or procedure in your work? (大概是这个意思没有记全,实际题目比这个长,感觉刷面经的时候没有看到类似的题)
    Q2: In the past,how have you ensured that team members were informed of the details of an important project or organizational development? How did you keep them informed?


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing

    1. What is your biggest challenge now and how will you solve or manage these challenges?我记得有一个是你在master degree的学习中遇到的困难,有一点像但还是答案很大的不同的。
    2. Why should we admit u?


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing】kira

    30s 准备,60s说

    • 1.Talk about your experience that you met problem at work and solve it with a new way, what is the outcome?(大意)
    • 2.Talk about your academic or professional experience that you felt particularly motivated, what is your action and what is the outcome?(大意)


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing

    Q1. Describe a time when you have a conflict with your colleague or a customer. 
    Q2. Describe the experience that has had the most significant impact on your outlook. Why? 

    Practice Question: 
    1. If you could have a super power, what would it be?
    2. 金鱼脑想不起来了……

    27.学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年1月7日  已录

    【申请专业:MA in Marketing】kira

    1.怎么样保证是accurate information
    2.说一次经历你的limitation to underperformance, what did you do and what was the outcome.


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing】kira

    1. Describe a time when you had to adjust your communication for a diverse audience to produce the desired effect. How did you try to tailor your communication to achieve its purpose, and what was the outcome?(录完上传失败)
    2. Describe a situation you feel that there should be a better ethical dilemma awareness in your organization. (录完上传失败)
    3. Describe a situation that you change your approach to a problem and the how's the outcome (成功)
    *4. if your peer students showed the disrespectful behavior to a professor, what will you do? (从来没遇到过的问题!)


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing】kira

    1. Could you tell usabout a time when your team was under high pressure to deliver results? Whatdid you do, and what was the outcome of your action
    2. 讲一段academic或者professional的压力非常大的经历。


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing

    1. describe a project that you met frequent and unexpected changes 
    2. tell me about a world news story in the past 48 hrs that is most interesting or relevant to you, and why?


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing

    1. 一件你完成的go beyond the direction u got的事情 和它的影响 
    2. 说一说你写过的解决一件in-depth问题的document 


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing

    Q1. Describe a time you take some risks to achieve your plan
    Q2. Describe a time you are frustrated/overwhelmed by your work
    Q3. What humanity with business in mind means and give an example of people or company 


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing



    【申请专业:MA in Marketing

    1. Give us an example where you took some risk at work in order to achieve better result
    2.Please tell me about a time when you had to influence a few key stakeholders.


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing】kira

    第一个:和 diverse people communicate出现问题,如何通过desired effort解决的?结果如何?
    第二个: what is it about our program that sets our school apart for you?


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing

    1. Please describe a time when you were in disagreement with a colleague or a customer.
    2. Please tell me about the most stressful experience you've had at work.


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing】kira

    1.问一个alternative apporach解决一个问题,最后结果是什么??????
    2.global events 你了解到什么 ????


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing】kira

    1. 从过去的成功或失败的例子中学到了什么
    2. 你认为在financial study中最重要的是什么
    3. typing:business with humanity in mind and examples


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing

    1. 失败的project经历
    2. 你没做过且将来想尝试的事情


    【申请专业:MA in Marketing

    1.explain onetime you help your teammates work
    2.provide one example you need lengty documents


    1. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2017年12月28日;

    【申请专业:MSMI 市场情报】

    1. how to put you envisions into community outside the carey?
    2. a disruption or stressful events to your work?


    Fri May 24 16:07:50 CST 2019