

    1. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2014年3月10日

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies, MMS】今天晚上面的duke mms,面试官Gloria guan,很nice的中国姐姐。聊下来最后都high了,各种中文词语乱蹦。


    1. introduce yourself

    2. why do you want to apply for mms since you want to study finance

    3. which industry do you want to be in

    4. leadership experience

    5. tricky team members

    6. how do others describe you/ what is your leadership style

    7. what is your biggest achievement

    8. do you have any failure in your life

    9. what is your hobby/ what kind of music do you like

    10. stay in US or back to china

    11. which internship do you like most

    12. which internship you hate

    13. Q&A

    看题量就知道没那么好混,尤其是把我逼的都把我大本命二本命全都介绍一遍了,我真的到最后都已经身体不受控制 各种肢体。不过gloria 姐真的很和善,完全不紧张。

    2. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年4月27日

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies, MMS】今天九点面的,估计是最晚的中国人了哈哈哈,信号不是很好,有时候听不清楚,大家这点要注意一下。学点打断的话,不要像我连信号都不会说,只能撑着。幸好提问题时信号还是可以的,话不多说,直接放出问题。

    1. why mms

    2. clubs you want to join

    3. biggest chance in fuqua

    4. long and short term career objective

    5. what you can bring to your classmates

    6. how others describe you

    7. leadership experience

    8. a leader you admire

    9. anything you want to share


    3. 学生背景:TOP2;面试时间:2016年3月8日

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies】An interview (45 minutes) with Russell Davis



    2.是否参加过他们的info session




    6.在一个全新的team里 member都是一个level 彼此不认识,如何开始一起做事

    7.什么是soft skill

    8.自己有什么soft skill需要加强

    9.career goal 还问了具体的公司

    10.能为duke带来什么,有什么能在hard skill soft skill方面跟大家分享的



    13.最崇拜的leader 认识的不认识的都可以

    14. 30秒说如何找到实习的(因为真的没时间了)

    然后给了我很多建议,说了duke比较好的一些东西:如何为study strategy做准备;如何选择适合自己的club;有哪些优势资源可以利用;还顺便问了我是不是考虑过在美国找工作并没有等我回答就说这个很难很难,但是不是没有人成功过。如果我希望做好,就要怎样怎样怎样。画风太神奇的一次面试,整体感觉像是在跟隔壁老大叔聊人生哲学

    总而言之,受益匪浅啊,还聊了电影爱好万达等,然而我俩语速都很快所以信息量这么大也没有特别久。我本身特别话痨特别喜欢讲故事多次被他打住进行下一个话题。反正是很神奇的面试,我需要缓一缓。最后送给大家一句russell反复强调的话:Never just hang out with Chinese! Never! That’s a huuuuuugggee mistake! 祝大家offer滚滚来!


    • top2 语言本3.55 wes 3.52(不好意思专业有点坑)语言辅修4.0 T106 GRE差的没脸说 三段不水实习(奢侈品&500强)一段创业co-founder 一个创业项目带4个人mkt director
    • 以色列summer school 4.0
    • 巴黎unesco youth forum中国代表
    • mun经历
    • 学校里就各种社团——我真的是爱玩



    4. 学生背景:Top2;面试时间:2016年3月2日

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies】An interview (40 minutes) with Elizabeth。Elizabeth问的都非常常规,没有challenge,没有太多follow up。人挺nice的。具体内容如下:

    1. Why MMS

    2. Why duke,why Fuqua

    3. How can MMS help you

    4. 最近的一个Internship

    5. Career Goal

    6. A leader you admire

    7. leadership经历

    8. How do others describe you

    9. Clubs you want to join at fuqua?

    10. anything else you want to share?

    11. Q&A



    Top2,110,770,3.55。无工作经验。四大审计/五百强/国内PE/MBB(不是summer)。交换。社团leader。很多公益。未来回国比较想走金融方向。主要纠结点在项目质量、回国brand name。








    • UR MSF:




    • Duke MMS dku:





    虽然面官跟我说dku track依然属于fuqua,拿的是fuqua的证书,但非常担心以后直接成了DKU(现在交deposit已经是向DKU交了)





    5. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月3日

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies】An interview with Diane。晚上10点面的。上来很少寒暄,几乎直接问问题,所以上来有点小紧张。具体内容如下:

    1. why mms

    2. leadership eg

    3. teamwork eg


    5. approach a new group

    6. questions for me




    6. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月1日

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies】An interview (40mins) with Elizabeth。Elizabeth超漂亮!第二轮 具体内容如下:


    2、Leadership exp

    3、A leader you admire (貌似必问?)

    4、How your teammates describe you?

    5、Why Fuqua MMS

    6、What can you bring to our community  

    7、Anything else you want to mention?

    8、Questions for me


    • AD: LBS MiM; Brandeis MAief
    • Interview: Duke MMS
    • Pending: UT Austin MSF; WUSTL MSFQ
    • WL: MIT MFin
    • Rej: LSE MSF

    7. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月3日

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies】An interview (40mins) with Elizabeth。Elizabeth超漂亮!第二轮 具体内容如下:

    1. Tell me more about your major

    2. What is your goal

    3. Leadership experience

    4. Which leader do you admire

    5. How teammates think about you

    6. Why Duke

    7. More about the resume you want to share

    8. Q&A 

    录取结果(2016 Fall MiM + MBA + MSCM):

    • Applied: LBS MiM, MIT SCM, HKUST MIMT, Duke MMS, Kellogg MSMS, Yale MBA Silver scholars, Columbia AA, WUSTL MSSCM
    • AD: Columbia AA, MIT ZLOG, WUSTL, HKUST
    • Decision: Columbia

    8. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月2日

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies】An interview (40mins) with allison。今天早上10点半面 第二轮 具体内容如下:

    1. why mms

    2. go though internships,how do you get internships

    3. leadership experience,要说详细

    4. share some difficulties you got in teamwork experience

    5. interests

    6. after class activities

    7. Q&A

    8. dream company


    9.不详 2016年3月2日

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies】An interview (40mins) with Elizabeth。Elizabeth是admission office的,人美声清楚性格还好,我网络中途断了两次还是不厌其烦,真是个好妹子! 第二轮 具体内容如下:


    1.29 踩线提交,推荐信一周前早交了。我那时候还在东北乐呵呵打雪仗;

    2.24 3:00am查到面试结果的通知邮件,因为人在泰国玩没有带电脑,忘记了Duke ID,在焦虑中入睡

    2.25 托人查到invited了,开心!于是去看了人妖表演;

    3.2 7:00面试,5:40就起床化妆了,Duke你看我多用心!


    1. 拿着我的简历看了一通,就回答yes就好了

    2. ST/LT

    3. How this program will help you

    4. What to bring to future classmates

    5. Impressive leadership experiences

    6. feedbacks from teammates

    7. Why interested in Duke

    8. Hobby

    9. Q&A


    10.不详 2016年2月28日

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies】An interview with Russell Davis。Russell大大面试风格是很EASY的,问题都很传统,第二轮具体内容如下:

    1.Why mms

    2.Short term career goal

    3.如果一个小组刚刚成立,成员彼此都不认识,你该如何自处?如何让小组顺利approach first project




    7.你平时都干些什么 for fun


    关于russell 大大还可以补充几点,一个是他很和蔼,但是语速很快,信息量很大。第二个是如果是网络面试的时候当你遇到了网络问题面试不顺利的时候,一定不能慌,因为这个可能成为面试官考核你的一个附加题。你的处理方式会让面试官留下深刻的印象。


    • g740, 雅思7.5,五段实习,包括三个外企,两个是500强的mkt部门

    11.不详 2016年3月7日

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies】An interview with Elizabeth。第二轮具体内容如下:

    1. Tell me about your major

    2. Go through each Internship

    3. How can MMS help you?

    4. Why interested in Fuqua

    5. Career Goal

    6. A leader you admire

    7. How do you approach a group of people when you know no one?

    8. How do others describe you?

    9. Clubs you want to join at fuqua?

    10. The biggest opportunity in Fuqua

    11 Anything else you want to share?

    12 Q&A


    12.211 2015年4月3日 waitinglist

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies】Lisa


    1、how do you know this program

    2、why you choose your major

    3、what is your favorite place

    4、Internship you like best

    5、Team failure

    6、what motivate you to attend so much activities and to apply for our program

    7、career goal

    8、how do your friends or family describe you



    【申请专业:管理研究硕士-商业基础(Master of Management Studies : Foundations of Business,缩写:MMS-FOB)】

    Duke MMS:FOB Round 1 面试

    1. Self Intro
    2. Why MMS
    3. What is Team Fuqua? How do you know?
    4. Have you talked to any alumni at Fuqua?
    5. Leadership experience? What did you do?
    6. Use three points to illustrate how you succeeded in your leadership experience
    7. Career goal?
    8. Why major?
    9. What other schools have you applied?
    10. Q&A


    艾茉莉大学金融,经济数学Double Major本科,GPA3.5,托福已免,GRE331/4.5,工作与实习经历:大一HSBC资管实习 大二美国IBD 大三中信证券ECM


    14.学生背景:Top30 美本;面试时间:2018年3月5日

    【申请专业:管理研究硕士-商业基础(Master of Management Studies : Foundations of Business,缩写:MMS-FOB)】面试官:Michele White

    收到面试邀请之后,我在官网上找到了admission ambassador(都是alum),然后在LinkedIn上connect问能不能set up phone call了解多一点这个项目,他们十分乐意,有两个还帮我mock了,给了很多很中肯的意见,这也使得我觉得面试的时候感觉很顺,还是很有用的

    大概是R2最后一个面试了的吧,之前校友一直reschedule到最后还是没空,换成了admissions counselor给我面。人很nice,一直在记笔记,但也很conversational

    1. How do you think your friends and family would describle you
    2. Why did you make such commitment coming to US for college?
    3. Any difficulty transitioning and adapting?
    4. Your leadership experience
    5. Describe a leader you looked up to
    6. Team comflicts/ A situation in which you had a disagreement with teammates
    7. What would you do if your teammate is shy
    8. How did you learn Fuqua/ Why Fuqua?
    9. Why do you think MMS program is a best fit for you?
    10. Passion outside professional life and academic life
    11. Career goals (我主动share了backup plan)
    12. Understanding of Team Fuqua(因为我说了我reached out to MMS alum and stuffs)
    13. Q&A


    Top30 美本,商科本科,GMAT770,一商行一段pe一段投行实习,有社团和志愿者经历



    【申请专业:计量管理硕士(Master of Quantitative Management,MQM)】面试官:Tammy


    1.       Self-intro

    2.       Why duke

    3.       Leadership experience and what you learned about yourself

    4.       How would you improve your leadership at Fuqua if admitted?

    5.       How to approach people you don’t know when working in a team? What about people you already know?

    6.       Experience on a failed team

    7.       What kind of work environment do you like? In a team or by yourself

    8.       What makes you stand out from your peers? (from other candidates)

    9.       Rewarding experience outside school

    10.     Experience of handling conflicts or challenge

    11.     Career goal and how would MQM help?

    12.     Plan B if not admitted to this program.

    13.     Reasons for second choice oftrack (我自己在回答问题11时已经提了first choice)

    14.     Ever used network to get professional experience? How would you use the network at Fuqua?

    追问:how would you get those (important) people to help you?

    15.     What does team Fuqua means to you? Why is it important to you? (最后提问环节跟我说了team Fuqua对他们很重要,有Fuqua Friday, 大家是一个community)




    12月12日Waiting List;3月13日已被拒

    16.学生背景:复旦 面试时间:2019年2月27日

    【申请专业:MMS FOB】30min40s


    复旦 major3.54 minor3.7 / ECNU minor 3.8 / IBT 111(S 26) / GRE 320+ / GMAT 710+
    4实习(券商、咨询、快消、NGO) 2科研 学生活动志愿者若干

    1. Leadership exp
    2. team member 的例子
    3. UCB 和中国教育有什么区别
    4. 选一个你最想成为的书中的人物
    5. role model是谁,在领导风格上影响了你什么
    6. 你觉得自己有什么strength
    7. 你觉得自己有什么weakness
    8. why MMS at this time
    9. 家人朋友怎么形容你
    10. 你有什么问题咩?


    17.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年2月26日

    【申请专业:MMS FOB】

    1.Walk through your CV
    2.Failure of teamwork
    3.Your role in a team
    4.Your expectation of teamwork
    5.How to approach others when you go to a new environment
    6.Weakness and how to solve it in FUQUA
    7.How do you find your internship
    8.Your understanding of team FUQUA
    9.Why MMS
    10.Why Fuqua
    11.The most important assets that you can bring to FUQUA

    18.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年2月22日

    【申请专业:MMS FOB】26分钟

    4.why mms at this stage
    5.why fuqua
    7.contribution to Fuqua

    19.学生背景:美本 面试时间:2019年2月26日

    【申请专业:MMS FOB】35分钟

    1. How do you think of xxx internship? (resume上的每个experience都问了,问题很简单,就是how did you feel, did you like it 之类的,其实就是what have you learned)
    2. How was xxx? (这里是楼主实习过的一个大公司,可能是比较有名所以又专门问了一次)
    3. How's your current working experience? Do you like it so far?
    4. What can you bring to Duke?
    5. Why do you apply to MMS?
    6. What is your career goal? 
    7. Anything you want to ask me?
    8. What do you do for fun?

    20.学生背景:GRE 不到320 GPA 不到3.0 额 世界top40大学 基金公司 证券公司 trader 德勤实习 面试时间:2019年4月1日

    【申请专业:MMS FOB】Jamie 20分钟

    1. why mms at this time
    2. interests
    3. 悉尼的一些生活经历
    5.leadership experience
    6. team member experience
    7. team member 欣赏的特性
    8. club
    10. 会给duke带来什么
    11.课上没有认识的人 会怎么去approach

    21.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年2月26日

    【申请专业:MMS FOB】Alistar 23min


    (3 parts: a leadership experience, what you learn from it, how to motivate others)

    2.Teamwork experience

    3.How to approach new people?

    4.What’s your strengths and weaknesses?

    5.What makes a good leader?


    6.What makes you stand out from other applicants?

    (follow up了一个关于我为什么选本科专业的问题)


    7.Challenge in Durham


    8.Why mms dku program?


    22.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年2月26日

    【申请专业:MMS FOB】半小时

    1. How your friends describe you
    2. Leadership experience 
    3. Why DKU why mms
    4. Career goal
    7.q & a

    23.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年2月22日

    【申请专业:MMS FOB】Steven Chen 45分钟

    1. Tell me about your past experience and why you choose this program?
    2. Leadership experience
    3. Teamwork experience (进一步问了其中一个challenge以及如何说服队友并解决的)
    4. If you are working with four other teammates for a group project that due 9 am tomorrow, and you have 15 things on your to-do list, how are you going to work with your group and prioritize the tasks? (听完问题有点懵,因为什么context都没给。他后来解释说“I just want to understand your thought process”)
    5. What makes you a strong candidate for the program?
    6. How do you plan to contribute to the Duke Fuqua community

    24.学生背景:985 211 工科&管理学 两段暑校一段交换 G710 T118 GPA 3.5+ 咨询 券商 互联网公司实习若干 面试时间:2018年11月24日

    【申请专业:MMS FOB】 Ann Li


    ·       1.为什么你本科是金融,很好奇你当时为什么选的这个专业

    ·       2.研究生毕业的职业规划

    ·       3.之前实习的老板给了你什么feedback,你如何incorporate it into your work

    ·       4.接上条,这个feedback你有运用在学习或者其他的工作中吗?

    ·       5.你是边上课边实习吗,那你要back and forth吗(只是一个follow-up小问题)

    ·       6.你在团队合作中有【give others constructive feedback】的例子吗

    ·       7.(接上问)那你们这个团队合作最终结果如何,成功吗

    ·       8.这个团队合作中遇到的最大的冲突是什么,如何解决

    ·       9.你现在在做实习吗,什么实习

    ·       10.你觉得你作为目前公司的一份子,给你老板提供的最大价值是什么

    ·       11.(因为我回答我现在在FA实习,需要很self-motivated去主动pitch客户)很好奇FA是怎么去pitch客户的?

    ·       12.(接上问的一个小问题)你发cold mail,打cold call的成功概率有百分之多少?

    ·       13.你当leader的时候有fail过吗,从中学到了什么?

    ·       14.(接上问的一个小问题)那你及时调整自己的leadership style后,结果怎么样?

    ·       15.如果你必须和自己不喜欢的、难以相处的人合作,你会怎么解决?

    ·       16.(接上问的一个小问题)所以你会选择face-to-face communication吗?

    ·       17.你觉得那些难以相处的人和你合作的话,会给你什么样的评价?

    ·       18.你有什么缺点吗?如何克服自己的缺点?你找到什么好办法吗?

    ·       19.(接上问的一个小问题)你有什么喜欢的名言警句吗

    ·       20.Why Duke?Why Fuqua?Why MMS?

    ·       21.你去过Durham吗,因为很多大城市来的人会不适应这里的田园生活,会有culture shock,而且你必须得有车

    25.学生背景:211财经 Business English,  3.79/4.0;112/730/ 500强快消mkt两段(一段是summer拿到return)+在纽约做了Non-profit startup+咨询/学生会主席+志愿者/学校research assistant 面试时间:2018年11月29日  已录

    【申请专业:MMS FOB】Saachi Chawla  35分钟

    • 1.Introduce yourself
    • 2.Why Fuqua; Why MMS?

    (这边我提了我想要继续mkt的career,她提了一个follow up)

    • 1.what kind of mkt job? specify a little?
    • 2.leadership experience
    • 3.What kind of team member will you describe yourself as
    • 4.team work failure
    • 5.when others give you constructive feedback& advice
    • 6.问了我还有什么想要告诉她的(这边我补充了一段刚刚没有讲到的实习,说了how this internship changed me my perspective balabala…)
    • 7.问我有什么想要问她的(问了how duke career service help with her landing job in Samsung and how does the Fuqua experience helped her in work)
    • 8.这边她提了 if you come eventually definitely involve more with the club activities...

    26. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年11月27日

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies, MMS】  30分钟

    1. Self introduction
    2. 3 words describe yourself
    3. Why MMS
    4. Career goal
    5. Where you find this program
    6. Strength
    7. Weakness and how Fuqua help you improve it
    8. How do you understand Team Fuqua
    9. Which club do you want join 
    10.Any leadership?
    11.Any team work?
    12. Which course do you like in MMS

    27. 学生背景:SH中流985,GPA 85,一份top2国内券商实习,三份consulting firm实习,I7,G700+,志愿者+社会活动一些;面试时间:2018年2月28日

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies, MMS】   Bonnie Liu   30分钟

    1. Self-introduction

    2. Why Duke
    3. 详细地介绍一下你的实习经历
    4. 跟我说一下你第一天去实习的时候,怎样去approach怎样去reach out?(Detailed experience)
    5. 为什么会有不同行业的实习?
    6. career goal
    7. leadership experience
    8. strength & weakness
    9. Q&A 

    28. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年12月7日

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies, MMS】  43分钟

    1.    self introduction(我把career goal也说了)

    2.    最喜欢哪份实习?最不喜欢哪个实习?各给出理由。

    3.    Why MMS(我把自己转专业的原因说了)

    4.    你要是这个项目没有被录取,会去哪里?(我说我还申请了英国的管理学硕士,她就说嗷也就是你不会入职,一定要现在读,我就又解释了why now)

    5.    对leadership看法。我举了我们boss的一个启发我的例子,她就问你有没有什么模仿这样的example在teamwork中展现出了某些特质。

    6.    你印象中别人对你的有建设性的feedback

    7.    你的朋友和家人怎么describe你?

    8.    你有什么想补充说明的?(感觉自己多说几点能带来什么contribution就好了)

    9.    你有什么问题想问?

    29. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年2月20日

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies, MMS】





    5.teamwork experience

    6.short long term goal

    7.job location

    8.Why MMS

    9.What you want to gain in MMS

    10.What you can gain from MMS

    11.1 minute to talk to the AO: How I can add value to MMS (比较新颖的问法)

    12.你的上司怎么评价你 优点 缺点


    14.leader 如果有人比你更pro 你会争做leader么

    15.professional knowledge 重要还是confident重要 (追问)

    30. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2014年3月10日

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies, MMS】45分钟

    1.why mms?
    2.what can you contribute to this program?
    3.why do you want to study business?(因为楼主本科非商科)
    4.How do your teammate describe you? 
    5.The most creative things you've done?
    6.An experience notice your leader did't do well.
    7.How do you describe yourself?  
    8.How do you do in your classroom? 

    31. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2014年12月13日  WL

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies, MMS】Enrique Toubes   50分钟

    1. Self introduction. Let me know more about you.
    2. Why MMS
    3. Internship experience. 然后我就顺势问了他consulting的经历,blabla西班牙口音真美
    4. Talk about your favorite course this semester.  
    5. How do your colleges or students describe you?
    6. Do you plan to find a job in the US?
    7. If you are not admitted into this program, what’s your back up plan?
    8. If you are admitted into this program, what can you contribute to the class/program?
    9. Talk about a teamwork in your internship 
    8. What kind of clubs do you want to join in Duke?

    32. 学生背景:Top5 EE ;面试时间:2018年3月14日  

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies, MMS】Meredith Bolon

    详细背景:Top5 EE major(3.69), Management minor(3.96) ,TOEFLGRE一般的水平
    实习:互联网/海外VC/top consulting/两年校内创业经历/商行+500强EE企业的实习(没写)

    2.team experience
    3.career goal & why & how
    4.team conflict & 如何解决的
    5.why mms & why dku
    6.团队中担当什么角色(not leader)& why
    7.introduce your family
    10.你理解的Team Fuqua

    33. 学生背景:Top5 EE ;面试时间:2018年3月14日  

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies, MMS】  40分钟

    1 go through the resume 但是要tell me sth outside your resume
    2 teamwork experience
    3 leadership experience
    4 3 words to describe yourself lz最后一个词硬是想不起来,面馆就换成了 how your friends described you
    5 exchange experience
    6 why this program why fuqua
    7 what did you learn in your school club 
    8 Q &A

    34. 学生背景:不详 ;面试时间:2017年1月30日  

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies, MMS】40min

    1. tell me sth about yourself
    2. why duke MMS
    3. brief internship description 
    4. 上个问题提到的其中一份实习的具体情况(follow-up Q)
    5. how did u launch your internship
    6. more information about your current study/program, what's the strength it brings to your future study or career?
    7. what Team Fuqua means to u
    8. challenging teamwork experience
    9. why u
    10. 上个问题提到的一个mentorship program具体情况 (follow-up Q)
    11. u did a lot of research,how did u get it?
    12. feedback of Duke Alumni u reached before (follow-up Q)
    13. talk more specific about career goal
    14. Q&A

    35. 学生背景:中部美本top 60 ;面试时间:2018年2月28日  wl

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies, MMS】56分钟

    详细背景:中部美本top 60 商院不错 (211财经转学),商学院奖学金2次,finance major,GPA 3.6+,渣GRE 316,托福waived, 一份国内咨询实习(不水),跟学院教授做研究(时间不长),一些志愿者+社团经历。推荐信有位教授曾是华尔街资深portfolio manager (关系不错不清楚有无强推)

    1. tell me about yourself   

    2. Do you have some hobbies
    3. conflicts in teamwork
    4. What kind of role do you want to be in a team? Team leader?
    5. What kind of leader do you want to be
    6. 对teammates的要求? 如果达不到要求怎么办
    7. What would you do if you can't get along well with teammates
    8. teammates就是死活不参加活动怎么办
    9. 失败的team work经历
    10. 必修课和team building events是否一定会去
    11. personal motto
    12. 最近学到或感受到的一件事
    13. Why MMS, come back to China or stay in the USA
    14. What's your career goal
    15. back-up career plan (之前说毕业找不到咨询就找金融, 问我如果进了很有名的咨询公司但做着不合适,是不是就跳槽去金融公司)
    16. greatest accomplishment 
    17. questions to ask

    36. 学生背景:帝都211财经院校,三维都不高,实习两个保险公司&国资TOP咨询公司,还有一些奖和海外项目的经历 ;面试时间:2018年3月14日  

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies, MMS】35min


    2、leadership experience


    4、在杜克outsideclass 你准备怎么样提升自己




    37. 学生背景:不详 ;面试时间:2018年3月2日  已录

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies, MMS】Allie 30分钟

    1. Why DKU
    2. team experiences
    3. leadership expriences
    4. your strengths
    5. academic以外的爱好
    6. Q&A

    38. 学生背景:上海语言类211 ;面试时间:2018年2月22日  已录

    【申请专业:Master of Management Studies, MMS】30min

    详细背景:上海语言类211 管理学院 PR专业 复旦金融辅修
    国外经验比较丰富:UCLA暑校、NUS & Oxford暑期交流,法国高商交换

    1. 分享一个leadership案例,并且问了几个follow-up的问题
    2. 在上述案例里对自己有了怎样的认识
    3. 到一个陌生环境里,你要去怎么approach别的人
    4. 你觉得如何当一个好的team member
    5. team leader重要的特质
    6. 你还有啥问题吗?


    【申请专业:管理研究硕士-商业基础(Master of Management Studies : Foundations of Business,缩写:MMS-FOB)】35分钟

    2. team work
    3. Why Fuqua
    4. Why MMS
    5. Career goal
    6. Most successful experience
    7. Intership
    8. 个性特点
    9. Strength
    10. 还申了什么学校


    【申请专业:管理研究硕士-商业基础(Master of Management Studies : Foundations of Business,缩写:MMS-FOB)】

    1 tell me more about yourself;
    2 academic research experience;
    3 teamwork experience(not team leader);
    4 conflicts in teamwork;
    5 your greatest accomplishment;
    6 some productive work( create something new);
    7 backup plan (if cannot admitted by any program);
    8 why school; come back to china or stay in usa;
    9 q&a

    41.学生背景:不详;面试时间:2017年1月29日  已录

    【申请专业:管理研究硕士-商业基础(Master of Management Studies : Foundations of Business,缩写:MMS-FOB)】45分钟

    1. tell me about yourself (information not shown on cv)
    2. tell me about your latest internship experience/ what did you do and what you learned from that
    3. tell me about the soft skills you learned from your internship experience
    4. your teamwork experience?
    5. how you overcome difficulties?
    6. what's your career goal? why? 
    7. your biggest strength and weakness
    8. any other school you apply for/plan B if you are not admitted
    9. questions to ask


    【申请专业:管理研究硕士-商业基础(Master of Management Studies : Foundations of Business,缩写:MMS-FOB)】

    1.    Self introduction

    2.    Qualities that a team need

    3.    Role that I play in a team

    5.    My strengths that cancontribute to Fuqua

    6.    Why Fuqua and why MMS

    7.    Frustrated feedback from teammembers and how I grew from that

    8.    Leadership experience


    【申请专业:管理研究硕士-商业基础(Master of Management Studies : Foundations of Business,缩写:MMS-FOB)】diane

    1.why mms
    2.leadership eg
    3.teamwork eg
    5. approach a new group
    6.questions for me


    【申请专业:管理研究硕士-商业基础(Master of Management Studies : Foundations of Business,缩写:MMS-FOB)】Claire

    • 1.Self intro
    • 2.Why MMS
    • 3.WM能比的过Amozon嘛(完全没准备freestyle了 小姐姐reaction还不错的样子)
    • 4.leadership experience
    • 5.conflicts in a team
    • 6.career goal
    • 7.how your friends describe you
    • 8.favorite role in a team (not a leader)
    • 9.motivation
    • 10.passion beyond academic and professional field
    • 11.Q&A

    45.学生背景:top2 语言本3.58 语言辅修4.0 三段不水实习(奢侈品&500强) 一段创业co-founder 一个创业项目带4个人mkt director 以色列summer school 4.0
    巴黎unesco youth forum中国代表 mun经历 学校里就各种社团;面试时间:2016年3月8日  

    【申请专业:管理研究硕士-商业基础(Master of Management Studies : Foundations of Business,缩写:MMS-FOB)】Russell Davis  45分钟

    1.     介绍自己
    2.     是否参加过他们的info session
    3.     为什么选择mms
    4.     认为人之存在在于什么
    5.     为什么diversity重要
    6.     在一个全新的team里 member都是一个level 彼此不认识 如何开始一起做事
    7.     什么是soft skill
    8.     自己有什么soft skill需要加强
    9.     career goal 还问了具体的公司
    10.  能为duke带来什么 有什么能在hard skill soft skill方面跟大家分享的
    11.  来读mms的strategy是什么样的
    12.  五个词形容自己
    13.  最崇拜的leader 认识的不认识的都


    【申请专业:管理研究硕士-商业基础(Master of Management Studies : Foundations of Business,缩写:MMS-FOB)】

    1. Why Duke?
    2. 理想的Leadership是怎样的?你是怎么实践这样的Leadership的?
    3. 因为楼主表示对Marketing感兴趣,所以问你本科专业与Marketing完全无关,是什么契机让你对Marketing感兴趣?
    4. Short-term Career Plan (虽然她只是问了short-term,但是楼主主动share了long term,并且说是根据long term确定了short term)
    5. Most successful experience
    6. How my friends describe me?
    7. Understanding to "Team Fuqua"
    8. What clubs or activities I want to attend if admitted (Except Wome in Business I mentioned before)
    9. 可能我太多的Team Work经历都在讲社团(某A组织,如果有一样在这个社团的应该懂,真的有很多关于Team Work的感悟),她又特意问了我,工作上的Team Work经历


    Thu Jun 06 15:46:02 CST 2019