1. 申请专业:Master in Finance;学生背景:北京大学;面试时间:1月23日
1. Why Master in Finance in Princeton?
2. What do you find your internship in XX and what you have learned?
3. Give me one example about your __________? (可以是leadership/teamwork...)
4. What do you want to do after expected graduation from the program?
5. What's your view against the market?
Any Questions?
2. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年2月2日
【申请专业:MS in Finance】具体内容如下:
1. Tell us about your specific career goal
2. How did you line up your summer internships, and what key learnings did you gain from these experience?
3. Any research experience? What type of research would you want to pursue if admitted to Princeton?
4. Speaking of China, what is your perspective on yje global markets now?
5. Have you ever done personal investing? Do you have a favorite stock?
6. Leadership experience
7. What do you like to do in your spare time?
8. Any question for her
总共进行了20分钟左右,其中有四分钟是我问问题,感觉虽然聊的还不错,但是有点水,没有体现出自己的tech skills
最后给了我她的邮件 如果有updated internship可以email给她 然后告诉我录取结果会在二月中旬release