寇伊学院(Coe College)成立于1851年,位于爱荷华州小城锡达拉皮兹(Cedar Rapids)市区,是一所四年制小型私立护理学院和文理学院,开设学士和硕士学位课程。该校是男女合校,提供校园住宿。*(1)
电话:(800) 332-8404 *(2)
邮寄地址:1220 First Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402*(2)
- 新英格兰学校及学院协会(NEASC)
- 中部各州学院及学校协会(MSACS)
- 中北部学院及学校协会(NCACS)
- 西部学校及学院协会(WASC)
- 西北学院及大学认证委员会(NWCCU)
- 南部学院及学校协会(SACS)
TOEFL要求 | 68 | 学费 | $41,000 | 3月1日 | |
SAT均分 | 1090-1340(1600) | 食宿 | $8,820 | semester | |
平均GPA | 3.56 | 申请费 | $30 | 是否提供ESL课程 | Yes |
申请人数 | 3,457 | 录取率 | 63.3% | 是否提供奖学金 | Yes |
四年毕业率 | 60% | 小班比例(<20) | 72.4% | 教授水平满意度 | 100% |
六年毕业率 | 67% | 中班比例(20-49) | 26.8% | 学生满意度 | 83% |
新生保持率 | 77% | 大班比例(>50) | 0.8% | 教师博士学位比例 | 91% |
毕业2年平均薪水 | $35,500 | 就业率 | 70% | 校友网络认可度 | 95% |
校园安全事件 | Criminal Offenses -- On-Campus | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 |
谋杀 | Murder/Non-negligent manslaughter | 0 | 0 | 0 |
过失杀人 | Negligent manslaughter | 0 | 0 | 0 |
强奸 | Rape | N/A | N/A | 5 |
乱伦 | Incest | N/A | N/A | 0 |
强奸幼童罪 | Statutory Rape | N/A | N/A | 0 |
猥亵 | Fondling | N/A | N/A | 0 |
性侵犯-强迫 | Sex offenses - Forcible | 4 | 6 | N/A |
性侵犯-非强迫 | Sex offenses - non-forcible (incest and statutory rape only) | 0 | 0 | N/A |
抢劫 | Robbery | 0 | 0 | 0 |
暴力袭击 | Aggravated assault | 1 | 1 | 6 |
盗窃 | Burglary | 2 | 4 | 6 |
汽车盗窃 | Motor vehicle theft | 0 | 0 | 0 |
纵火 | Arson | 0 | 0 | 0 |
GPA | 班级排名 | ||
分段 | 占比 | 分段 | 占比 |
3.75以上 | 44% | TOP10% | 27% |
3.5-3.74 | 19% | TOP25% | 55% |
3.25-3.49 | 16% | TOP50% | 88% |
3.0-3.24 | 13% | 50%以下 | 12% |
2.50-2.99 | 7% | 75%以下 | 1% |
2.49以下 | 1% |
支出项目 | 项目英文名 | 2016-2017学年费用 |
学费 | Tuition and fees | $41,000 |
住宿费用 | Room and board | $8,820 |
书本费 | Books and supplies | $1,000 |
个人花费 | Estimated personal expenses | $1,670 |
交通费 | Transportation expenses | $1,000 |
合计 | Estimated Total | $53,490 |
1. The College appreciates diversity and does provide a good platform for the minorities.
2. Small and friendly community
3. It's easy to approach faculty and adminadministration.
4. Flunk Day
5. Campus security
6. Computers
7. Liberal arts education
8. Campus location is close to restaurants, shopping, and other forms of entertainment.
9. Dedicated students
10. Nice facilities
1. School spirit among students is missing.
2. Small campus area
3. Surrounding community can be unsafe.
4. Expensive cost of living
5. There's a lot of on-campus drama that's similar to high school.
6. Small, inconvenient kitchens in dorms
7. There are some arrogant "rednecks" on campus.
8. Athletes *(5)
专业名称 | 专业英文名 | 专业名称 | 专业英文名 |
会计 | Accounting | 国际问题研究 | International Studies |
非裔美国人研究 | African-American Studies | 文学 | Literature |
美国研究 | American Studies | 数学 | Mathematics |
艺术 | Art | 分子生物学 | Molecular Biology |
艺术史 | Art History | 音乐 | Music |
亚洲研究 | Asian Studies | 神经科学 | Neuroscience |
运动训练 | Athletic Training | 护理 | Nursing |
生物化学 | Biochemistry | 组织学 | Organizational Science |
生物学 | Biology | 哲学 | Philosophy |
工商管理 | Business Administration | 体育 | Physical Education |
化学 | Chemistry | 物理 | Physics |
传播学 | Communication Studies | 政治学 | Political Science |
计算机科学 | Computer Science | 建筑学预科 | Pre-Architecture |
创意写作 | Creative Writing | 牙医预科 | Pre-Dental |
经济学 | Economics | 工程预科 | Pre-Engineering |
教育学 | Education | 法学预科 | Pre-Law |
英语 | English | 医学预科 | Pre-Med |
对外英语 | English as a Second Language - ESL | 药学预科 | Pre-Pharmacy |
环境科学 | Environmental Science | 物理疗法预科 | Pre-Physical Therapy |
环境研究 | Environmental Studies | 助理医师预科 | Pre-Physician Assistant |
电影研究 | Film Studies | 足医预科 | Pre-Podiatry |
法语 | French | 公共卫生预科 | Pre-Public Health |
法国研究 | French Studies | 兽医预科 | Pre-Veterinary |
性别研究 | Gender Studies | 心理学 | Psychology |
一般科学 | General Science | 公共关系 | Public Relations |
德语 | German | 宗教学 | Religion |
德国研究 | German Studies | 社会学 | Sociology |
历史 | History | 西班牙语 | Spanish |
跨学科研究 | Interdisciplinary Studies | 西班牙研究 | Spanish Studies |
国际贸易 | International Business | 戏剧艺术 | Theatre Arts |
国际经济学 | International Economics | 写作 | Writing |
(1) Coe College College Board
(2) Coe College Wikipedia
(3) Coe College USNEWS
(4) Coe College Princeton Review
(5) Coe College College Prowler