

    1. 学生背景:上海交通大学;面试时间:2019年1月10日(20分钟)







    2. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2015年1月4日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】WUSTL Likelive Video 六道题。时间安排大致是20-30分钟写答案 15分钟录制 后面全用来编辑和上传比较好

    Tell us about the major challenges youhave faced at school or in your job over the last year. What made them so? (60seconds)

    Tell us about a time when yourexpectations were not met and how you responded. (60 seconds)

    Tell us about a time when you ventured outof your comfort zone. (60 seconds)

    Describe a time in your job when you havetaken initiative. What was the outcome? (60 seconds)

    Do you prefer working in a team orindependently? Why? (60 seconds)

    In what way do you think you could make acontribution to our program? (60 seconds)

    3. 学生背景:EE;面试时间:2015年2月3日 

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】



    3、Why WUSTL;

    4、学生背景是EE,所以被问why finance.

    5、问除了申请去读graduate school,还有什么别的计划,学生说一边申请一边找工作,结果又问又有工作,又有ad,要去哪一个.



    4. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年1月18日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】


    1、perform best in one project

    2、your objective in this program

    3、what is the thing you can not live without

    4、a time when you thought specifically about a project strategy and goals in deciding on a course of action.

    5、未来科技创新将怎样shape the economy

    6、a company is disrupting their respective industry

    7、analyze information and make a recomendation



    【申请专业:MS in Finance】

    Q1 你有没有收到过别人的feedback?怎么respond?做了哪些change?

    Q2 Why Olin? 

    Q3 What's the best piece of advice you ever recieved?

    Q4 Discribe a time when you accomplished something in a rather unusual or unconventional way

    Q5 Discribe a time when you had to make a decision that you knew would be unpopular

    Q5‘Give me an example of a time you adjust quickly to change over which you had no control. What was the impact of the change?

    Q6 Discribe a time when you solve a problem that was beyond your responsibility


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】


    1. 为什么现在申请研究生?

    2. 这个program怎么帮助你?

    3. 你想与古今哪位作家吃晚饭?为什么?

    4. 你有没有rejection的经历?你是怎么做的?

    5. 你有没有一个经历:如果不 do it immediately,就会变成major problem?

    6. 讲一个你convince其他人的经历


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】


    2,why olin? 我们学校有哪些资源文化吸引你? 

    3,Do you preferred working independently or in a team ? 

    4,Tell me abt an experience where you was able to derive insight from a great deal of research, what was the insight? and how did you apply it?

    5, Describe the most complex assignment you have had, what was your role?

    6, Describe the project or situation that best demonstrates your analytical abilities, what was your role? 


    1. Tell me about a time when you did or said something and it had a positive impact on a fellow student or co-worker.

    2. What do you see as the biggest challenge in pursuing this program?

    3. What is the one thing you can't live without?

    4. How do you define “overall well-being”?

    5. Tell me about a time you helped resolve a group problem.

    6. What would you do if you saw your boss stealing from your company?






    12.integrity challenged的时候怎么做


    14. how technological innovation shape future economy

    15.举例子,你从complicated problem里找到key issue

    16.古今你最想和哪位作家一起have dinner



    20. 形容你是怎样为一位classmate defend 的

    21. 形容你的一次小组活动


    23. 举例说明你为什么是一个好的朋友

    24. Talk about a situation when you have a lot to do and feel stressed. How do you deal with it;形容你是怎样处理multitask的?

    25. Do you like work independently or on a team?

    26. Sometimes a minor problem may eventually become a major one. Give a example that successfully prevent it

    27. Give an example about when you derived insight from a lot of research and how it benefited you

    28. What excites you in this program?

    29. What do you see as your next step from a career perspective after graduating from this program?

    30. What invention do you think has most benefited humanity? What has it benefited us and has ithad any negative effects?

    31. How will technological innovation shape the economy in the coming decade?

    32. Tell me about a time when you had to analyze information and make a recommendation. Was the recommendation accepted? If not, why?  =28

    33. Describe a situation where you performed at your best.

    34. What criteria did you use when selecting which graduate schools you would apply to?

    35. How would you continue to be engaged with Olin after graduation?

    36. What specific tactic have you used to combat a negative attitude (either yours or someone else’s). Give an example.

    37. 为什么要学这个专业

    38.best advice received

    39. 举例说明你是如何用不同的方式different approach解决问题的

    40.你认为为new project 做计划需要哪些步骤

    41. Academic dishonesty很严重/重要在education,为什么以及怎么办

    42. Can you think of a time when someone interpreted something you said or did in a negative way, even though you didn’t intend for it to be negative? 

    43.讲一个你解决complicated problem的经历,用了什么方法以及它是怎么benefit你的?


    45. typical decisions on a daily basis

    46.Tell us about the major challenges you have faced at school or in your job over the last year. What made them so?

    47.Tell us about a time when your expectations were not met and how you responded. (60 seconds)

    48.Tell us about a time when you ventured out of your comfort zone. (60 seconds)

    49.Describe a time in your job when you have taken initiative. What was the outcome? (60 seconds)

    50.In what way do you think you could make a contribution to our program?

    51. Tell me about a tough decision you made, what's the step, how to you consider to make objective decision.

    52. Tell me about a time when you presented yourself(formally introduce yourself) a little too casually when you should have been professional. What did you learn from this experience?

    53. What has been a consistent strength of yours? How do you know this is a strength?

    54. How do you make decisions? Tell us the considerations, processes that lead to your decisions.

    55. recount什么时候你开始deliberately choose to establish a positive relationship with your classmates or co-worker?

    56. 为了达到你的goals,你怎么分配时间的?

    57. 如果你在一个team工作,你希望你的teammates能帮你弥补你自己哪方面的缺陷?

    58.你是怎样让别人理解一个technical thing的,举例

    59. 分享一次你将negative experience转变成positive experience的经历


    61. Explain a situation when you witnessed a conflict within a team. How to you solve it? How could you done better?

    8.学生背景:211学校   面试时间:2016年1月11日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】with Jessica Voss



    Q3:创业的公司到底怎样的呀,一些相关问题,我 走了公司怎么办- -

    Q4:随便挑一个实习跟她讲一下,学到了什么,怎么apply 到Olin 的学习中


    Q6:还申请了哪些项目,why Olin stand out of others


    9.学生背景:美本    面试时间:2015年12月17日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】


    2.gap一年干了些啥,到开学之前有什么on your list需要完成的


    4. 我是美本,问我刚来美国的时候最大的挑战是什么

    5.来没来过st louis,有另一半吗(闲聊模式开启)以后如果你来上学,另一半咋办?喜欢这儿吗去过哪玩儿?



    10.学生背景:本科华科财务金融&南开会计硕士   面试时间:2015年12月11日


    1. 说一个你比别人发现问题都早的情况





    6.说一个你从大量研究中derive insight的情况


    8.你毕业后还会怎样engaged with Olin school


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】面试:KIRA



    1.    3 things Why choose Olin?

    2.    Whyprogram?

    3. 3things we should know about you

    4. themost challenging course and how it means to your master study

    5. Myinterest in St. Louis

    6. howwould you make an impact on the finance industry (Describe the impact you willhave on the finance industry and how do you plan to remain relevant in yourcareer)

    7. yourfavorite food in your country

    8. if we visit your hometown, where will you take us to

    9. Tellus about the most important person in your life and why they mean so much toyou

    10. favoritemovie or book

    11. amentor that you learn from and what does he/she have you want to apply for thisprogram

    12. Sharewith us the funniest thing happened to you recently.

    13. Talkabout a leader you have worked with, why do you admire him/her

    14. thetraits or skills you have will help you be valuable in finance industry


    1. A student is selected as Class President and isscheduled to accept the position and speak to the entire student body onFriday. On Wednesday it is discovered that the student has not completed aself-study course requirement that is mandatory for all student senaterepresentatives. The course takes a week to be completed. Given that thestudent has not started the coursework and will not be able to finish beforethe announcement on Friday, please describe what actions should be taken inorder to resolve the situation.



    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】

    1. How are you? 
    2. Why MSF not MBA (学生有1年半工作经验)
    3. Why OLIN?(强调人少)
    4. ST/LT goal


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】kira

    1.how would you get involved in Olin after graduation

    2.how does knowledge of different areas of business within a organization benefit you?

    3. effective/innovative solution to the problems.


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】kira

    1. 3 things about you

    2. person you admire & what do you want to learn from olin to implement the attributes

    3. favorite movie

    4. favorite thing about olin

    5. why saint Louis

    6. most challenging course 


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】kira

    1、why St.Louis
    2、why Olin(3reasons)
    3、why msf
    4、favorite book or movie
    5、如果要带人去参观hometown, 会带着去哪里
    6、3 things we should know about you
    7、think about a experience working with a mentor or a leader. What do you want to learn in the program to acquire the attributes you most admire?


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】

    1、Three things we should know about you
    2、If we visit your hometown, where would you take us to?
    3、Explain how you choose the master of science in Finance program and what you are hoping to discover through the curriculum
    4、Share with us what interests you about St. Louis
    5、Describe the impact you will have on the finance industry and how do you plan to remain relevant in your career
    6、Why Olin (3 reasons)?
    7、For the first time in many years, the basketball team has made it to the championship game. In order for a player to be eligible, they must have a “C” grade average. A few days prior to the game, the coach learns that his two star players have dropped below the required grade average. According to policy, they should be suspended from the team. But if they are suspended, they won’t play in the championship and the whole team is depending on them. What should the coach do?


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】

    1、Three things we should know about you.
    2、The most challenge course in undergraduate, and what do you learn from it and how do you apply that in MSF in Olin
    3、Think about a leader or a mentor you have worked with, what do you hope to learn in the program that will help you implement the skills and attributes you most admire?
    4、If we visit your hometown, where would you take us to?
    5、Why MSF fits you?
    6、Share with us what interests you about St. Louis. 
    7、Why Olin (3 reasons) ?
    8、Describe your favorite thing in Olin.


    【申请专业:金融硕士-资产管理方向  MSF WAM】

    1.why St. Louis

    2.the traits or skills you have will help you be professional in financial industry

    3.The most challenge course in undergraduate, and what do you learn from it and how do you apply that in … in Olin business school

    4.three things that we should know about you

    5.favorite book or movie

    6.most excited thing about olin
    class president
    A student is selected as ClassPresident and is scheduled to accept the position and speak to the entirestudent body on Friday. On Wednesday it is discovered that the student has notcompleted a self-study course requirement that is mandatory of all studentsenate representatives. The course takes a week to be completed. Given that thestudent has not started the coursework and will not be able to finish beforethe announcement on Friday, please describe what actions should be taken inorder to resolve the situation.


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】

    1. three things we should know about you

    2. why MSF is right for you

    3. Olin excites you most的方面

    4. St. Louis interests you的方面

    5. if we visit your hometown, where will you take us to

    6. how would you make an impact on the finance industry


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】

    1.favorite book or movie

    2.why St.Louis

    3.why Olin(3reasons)

    4.why msf
    5.3 things we should know about you

    6.what will you impact on the finance industry and how you maintain relevant to your career?

    7.class president的写作


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】kira

    1.6+1常规题why MSF?
    2.3 things why choose Olin?
    3.why st. louis?
    4.3things we should know about you?
    5.favorite food in your country?
    6.describe the impact you will have on finance industry and how do u plan to remain relevant in your careet?


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】

    1.Three things we should know about you.
    2.The most challenge course in undergraduate, and what do you learn from it and how do you apply that in MSF in Olin
    3.Why St. Louis?/St. Louis interests you的方面
    4.Olin excites you most的方面
    5.The traits or skills you have will help you be valuable in finance industry
    6.funniest thing recently


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】Jason Brown

    2、why master degree
    3、short-term/long-term career goal
    7、why olin
    8、Questions want to ask


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】  David McKee

    1\ Self-introduction (David's hint: your edu background/work history/why this school and program/what you value most/etc.)
    2\ What's your impression about Olin?
    3\ Why Master now?
    4\ What's your opinion on wealth and asset management in the future?
    5\ Why WAM?
    6\ Your long&short term career goal?
    7\ If you have a negative impression on someone when you first meet him, later you find yourself wrong in doing so, how do you correct? (= =weird question)8\ Describe some quality of a successful leader?
    9\ If you got admitted to all the school you've applied, what's the three most important factor for your decision?


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】

    1 3things
    2 funniest thing
    3 why msf
    4 why St.Louis
    5 impact on industry and remain relevant
    6 why Olin
    作文 class president那题


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】kira

    1. 3 things about you
    2. favorite food
    3. why program
    4. traits or skills you have will help you bevaluable in finance industry
    5. 3 things why choose Olin
    6. interest in St. Louis 
    7. 班长选举


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】kira

    1、3 things we should know about you.
    3、most challenging undergraduate course and how it will help your study in the msf program.
    4、think about a leader or a mentor you have worked with, what do you hope to learn in the program that will help you implement the skills and attributes you most admire?
    5、what interests you about St.Louis.
    6、记不得具体表述了,反正意思是why Olin。
    7、(笔试)A student is selected as Class President and is scheduled to accept the position and speak to the entire student body on Friday. On Wednesday it is discovered that the student has not completed a self-study course requirement that is mandatory for all student senate representatives. The course takes a week to be completed. Given that the student has not started the coursework and will not be able to finish before the announcement on Friday, please describe what actions should be taken in order to resolve the situation.


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】kira

    1. three things we should know about you
    2. Describe the 3 reasons you are attracted to Olin
    3. your favorite food in your country
    4. the traits or skills you have will help you be valuable in finance industry
    5. Explain how you choose the master of science in finance program and what you are hoping to discover through the curriculum
    6. share with us what interests you about st. louis
    写作:Class President那题


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】kira

    口语:3 things about you,对你有影响的人,why olin,why msf,对金融行业怎么保持relevant


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】

    1. If you have a chance to go to Mars, but you can't see your families any more, will you go there?
    2. Would you be rather hot or cold?
    3.If you were a proud owner of a boat, what would you name it?
    4.what do you typically notice in people at the first time?


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】

    1.three things we should know about you
    2.Describe the impact you will have on the finance industry and how do you plan to remain relevant in your career
    3.Tell us about the most important person in your life and why they mean so much to you 
    4.the most challenging course and how it means to your master study 
    5.Describe your favorite thing in Olin
    6.Share with us what interests you about St. Louis


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】

    1. three things we should know about you

    2. why MSF is right for you

    3. Olin excites you most的方面

    4. St. Louis interests you的方面

    5. if we visit your hometown, where will you take us to

    6. how would you make an impact on the finance industry

    7.Traits and skills that will help you become a professional inmarketing analysis

    8.Three reasons you choose Olin

    9.Favorite movie or book




    13.你认识的一个mentor身上有什么潜质你想要学习,Olin MACC会怎么帮到你

    14.A student is selected as Class President and is scheduled to accept theposition and speak to the entire student body on Friday. On Wednesday it isdiscovered that the student has not completed a self-study course requirementthat is mandatory of all student senate representatives. The course takes aweek to be completed. Given that the student has not started the coursework andwill not be able to finish before the announcement on Friday,please describewhat actions should be taken in order to resolve the situation.

    15.你是篮球队教练,要参加一个比赛 然后有一个规定是运动员成绩达到C才能参加比赛 但是你的两个star player没有达标 然后问你怎么处理


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】

    1.     3 things we should know about you

    2.     favourite food in your country

    3.     most challenging course inundergraduate, how do you plan to apply it in msf program

    4.     Your impact on financial industry,how to be relevant through career.

    5.     Why St. Louis

    6.     One thing most excited about Olin.

    7.     Writing: class president.


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】

    1. 3 things about you
    2. Why msf
    3. Why St. Louis
    4. 3 reasons for Olin
    5. Your impact on finance industry and how to remain relevant
    6. Your hometown
    7. Writing: class president那道题。


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】kira

    1.      3 things we should know about you
    2.     Why MSF
    3.    Why Olin (3)
    4.     Why St. Louis interest you
    5.     impact and how to remain relevant
    6.     traits or skills you have
    7.     Important person

    36.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2017年11月16日  

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】kira

    1. 3个事情we should know about you
    2. Why MSF
    3. St.Louis interests 你的地方
    4. 3个你喜欢Olin的原因
    5. 你国家最喜欢的食物
    6. 你觉得做finance要具备的特质
    7. 写作5分钟:一个学生被选举为班长,周五的时候老师会宣布结果,但是周三的时候老师发现这个学生没完成一个coursework,但如果你参选,这个coursework必须完成的,完成这个coursework要一周,现在来不及了,怎么办。

    37.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2017年11月28日  

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】

    1. 3 things we should know about you
    2. favorite thing about Olin
    3. favorite food in your country
    4. why msf
    5. trait and skill of a professional
    6. 一个mentor身上具备的什么特质,是你想要学习的
    7. Basketbal team

    38.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2017年1月25日  

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS in Finance)】Jessica  10分钟

    1. Introduction
    2. Why msf Why now
    3. Why WUSTL Why Olin
    4.Talk about the Fiancial Changes in last decade and How to deal with it
    5. Your team experience when you have to do more beyond your responsibility
    6.  Team experience that others disagree with you
    7. Three factors of choosing program

    39.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2021年1月19日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】

    1、Describe how do you think MSF/Olin will prepare you for your future career.

    2、One place in St Louis that you are excited to visit.

    3、What would you cook for your friends at a dinner party and why

    4、Tell us about a student club or organization that you would want to join or start at Olin

    5、Which track did you choose as your primary track of interest? Share how this track best aligns with your future career goals?

    6、What makes you a competitive candidate?

    写作:You have been offered an opportunity to interview for an internship with a company that is on your target list. The interview is on Wednesday at 10 AM on the north side of town. On Tuesday, you receive an offer from your top choice company to interview on the same day at 11 AM. The companies are 45 minutes apart by car. This is your dream opportunity, however, you have already made a commitment to the other company. What do you do?


    1. 学生背景:UIUC;面试时间:2016年3月31日

    【申请专业:Master of Quantitative Finance, MSQF】

    1. 本科学历、专业

    2. internship印象最深刻的一个

    3. career goal

    4. extracurricular activities

    5. Other programs applied

    6. Anything interesting to share?

    7. Q&A

    2. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月30日

    【申请专业:Master of Quantitative Finance, MSQF】

    1. why olin

    2 .tell me about your internship experiences

    3. Will you find a job in Beijing or other cities after graduation.

    4. personal interests

    5. Any thing else need to tell to me.

    6. questions

    3. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月5日

    【申请专业:Master of Quantitative Finance】

    1. Why finance? Why Olin? Future career goal?

    2. What did you learn in your internship? How do you manage your time? What do you do in your spare time?

    3. 社团活动的teamwork,怎么表现出你的leadership?

    4. What will be the challenge if you are admitted to the program?

    5. Why do you think you are a good fit? what are the edges you got? How is your experience going to help you excel at Olin?


    Q: Olin 今年招多少人?还有多少名额?

    A: 33-35人左右。已经招了多少人没统计

    4. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年2月25日

    【申请专业:Master of Quantitative Finance】An interview (15mins) with amy johnson

    1. highlight in your undergraduate study

    2. what you learned from the internship 

    3. your experience in the student union 

    4. Why Olin, why msfq


    5. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年1月18日

    【申请专业:Master of Quantitative Finance】

    1.Can you think of a time when someone interpreted something you said or did in a negative way, even though you didn't intend for it to be negative.

    2.What criteria did you use when selecting which graduate schools you would apply for?

    3.They say you never have a 2nd chance to make a 1st impression. Do you agree or disagree with this?why?

    4.Give an example of how the analysis of large data sets can affect business strategy.

    5.Describe a difficult situation you anticipated, the action you took and the outcome

    6.Tell me about a time when you had to analyze a great deal of information in order to solve a problem 

    6. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年1月17日;面试结果:REJ

    【申请专业:Master of Quantitative Finance】

    1、Tell me about a time when you did or said something and it had a positive impact on a fellow student or coworker.

    2、What do you see as your next career step after graduating from this program?

    3、Can you think of a time when someone interpreted something you said or did in a negative way, even though you didn’t intend for it to be negative?

    4、Tell me about a time when you had too much to do and it was causing you to feel stressed. What did you do?

    5、Describe a time when you were able to transform a negative experience into positive experience.

    6、What has been a consistent strength of yours? How do you know this is a strength?

    7、Tell me about a time when you were given feedback regarding your actions. How did you respond? What change did you make?

    8、a situation that you perform best

    9、a good time to study in the graduate school

    10、Why is this program important to you?

    11、What criteria did you use when selecting which graduate schools you would apply to?

    12、Why did you choose Olin? What about our culture appeals to you?

    13、What do you see as the biggest challenge in pursuing this program?

    14、How would you continue to be engaged with Olin after graduation?

    15、Why Olin? How can we help you in ways that other programs or schools can’t?

    16、Give an exampleof when you had to explain a complex technical issue to someone who didn’t haveany technical experience.

    17、Tell me about atime when you presented yourself a little too casually when you should havebeen more professional.

    18、What did youlearn from this experience?

    19、Do you prefer towork independently or on a team? Why?

    20、Tell me abt anexperience where you was able to derive insight from a great deal of research,what was the insight? and how did you apply it?

    21、Describe themost complex assignment you have had, what was your role?

    22、Describe theproject or situation that best demonstrates your analytical abilities, what wasyour role?

    23、What experiencehave you had with computer programming?

    24、Tell me about atime when you had to analyze information and make a recommendation.   

    25、Was therecommendation accepted? If not, why?

    7.学生背景:华科财务金融     面试时间:2016年1月14日

    【申请专业:Master of Quantitative Finance】with Jamie

    1. introduction

    2.为什么选择Olin 关于Olin 你知道什么

    3.为什么选择你 over 别人

    4.我刚说了他们是小班授课同学关系比较close 她就问我平时会干啥增进同学感情的

    5.毕业之后的打算+ultimate goal



    8.学生背景:陆本top10     面试时间:2015年11月14日

    【申请专业:Master of Quantitative Finance】


    2. 形容你是怎样为一位classmate defend 的

    2. 形容你的一次小组活动


    5. 举例说明你为什么是一个好的朋友

    6. 形容你是怎样处理multitask的

    9.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2015年10月1日 

    【申请专业:Master of Quantitative Finance】






    6.integrity challenged的时候怎么做

    10.学生背景:不详   面试时间:2015年9月30日 

    【申请专业:Master of Quantitative Finance】

    1.Can you think of a time when someone interpreted something you said or did in a negative way, even though you didn’t intend for it to be negative?  (休息空隙复制的)

    2.Howwould you continue to be engaged with Olin after graduation?

    3.Howwill technological innovation shape the economy in the coming decade? 

    4.Do youlike work independently or on a team

    5.讲一个你解决complicated prblem的经历,用了什么方法以及它是怎么benefit你的?

    11.学生背景:不详    面试时间:2019年1月16日 

    【申请专业:Master of Quantitative Finance】Kira

    1.  three things we should know about you

    2. if we visit your hometown, where will you take us to

    3. Why msf is right for you

    4.  Describe the top 3 reasons you are attracted to Olin

    5. What interests you most about St. Louis?

    6. the traits or skills you have will help you be valuable in finance industry

    12. 学生背景:不详;  面试时间:2019年1月18日

    【申请专业:Master of Quantitative Finance, MSQF】

    1. three things about you
    2. funniest thing recently
    3. 如果能和leader工作 想学什么
    4. st louis interests you的地方
    5. favorite thing about Olin

    coach C grade

    13. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2017年1月26日

    【申请专业:Master of Quantitative Finance, MSQF】kira

    1. last time you saw a benefit
    2. what is the most excited thing coming to us.
    3. which leader you admire most

    14. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2017年11月26日

    【申请专业:Master of Quantitative Finance, MSQF】kira

    1.tellthree things we should know about you
    2.the most challenging course in your undergraduate. what did you learn and how it means to your master study.
    3.your interest of St.Louis
    4. the traits or skills you have will help you bevaluable in finance industry
    5.favoritething about Olin
    6.Share with us the funniest thing happened to you recently.
    7. (写作)选班长那道题

    15. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年1月18日

    【申请专业:Master of Quantitative Finance, MSQF】

    1. Tell me about a time when you did or said sth and it had a positive impact on a fellow student or co-worker. 
    2. How will you engage with Olin after graduation.
    3. What is the one thing you can't live without?   
    4. Tell me a time you discoved a problem before others.
    5. Discribe a difficult situation you anticipated, the action you took and the outcome.
    6. Tell me about a time when you had a complicated problem to solve. Describe how you identified or gained a better understanding of the problem.
    excuse me??

    16. 学生背景:美本;面试时间:2017年3月23日

    【申请专业:Master of Quantitative Finance, MSQF】Megan Waite

    1. introduce  
    2. why olin  or why this program
    3. why master now?  
    4. short/long term goal  
    5. how to apply dataset to financial industry  
    6. 3 factors to choose school


    1. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2015年1月4日

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】









    2. 学生背景:双非;面试时间:2016年3月25日,面试官Nikki Lemley

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】


    1. 你名字的含义?

    2. 说说你的本科学校,为咩要读这个学校呢?

    3. go through your resume 一项一项活动问下去 主要问international experience, internship and capmus activities

    4.  career goal,你觉得未来中国的金融业有希望不?会怎么发展?

    5.  do u have any other things want to share with us?

    6. Q&A

    7. 几时本科毕业?

    3.学生背景:不详    面试时间:2016年2月13日

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】面试官jamie rapert 


    2、为什么选这个项目 我就说了自己本科也有类似交换经历,然后说这个项目很契合我的career goal

    3、为什么有这个career goal;然后又挑了我sop上的一点问了问


    5、这个项目比较intensive 你怎么看待

    我问了她三个 第一是说这个项目学生的就业情况 第二是这个项目的毕业证书和msf有没有区别 她说没有 然后又问了什么时候可以知道结果

    4.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2016年2月12日

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】面试官jamie rapert具体内容如下:


    2讲在Spain 的经历(因为我之前提到了这个)



    5 career goal

    6长期career goal如果没实现毕业后想去哪工作





    5.学生背景:不详    面试时间:2015年12月1日

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】32分钟

    1 本科教育最大挑战

    2 how to handle pressure? how to relieve pressure?

    3 how to balance courses, work, activity.

    4 career goal 

    5 why GMF? transferred...

    6 most related internship. what lesson?

    7 any travelling experience out of China

    8 any problem

    6.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2015年12月2日

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】 Jessica 30分钟

    1. introduce yourself

    2. most related internship

    what's your major responsibility and what do you do there

    3. what do you learn from your internships

    4. what's the feedback you get from your internships

    5. career goal

    6. leadership experience, which role do you prefer, leader or team member?

    7. 成绩单上有几门课成绩不太好,问了下原因

    8. why this program

    9. why you


    7.学生背景:美本,经济专业   面试时间:2015年10月16日

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】 AMY JOHNSON

    1、Why Olin

    2、有没有去过st louis

    3、本科最喜欢的课程,我说的international finance,举了货币啊汇率啊这些例子

    4、volunteer exp.

    8.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2019年1月16日

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】Kira

    • 1.three things we should know about you
    • 2.why MSF is right for you
    • 3.St. Louis interests you的方面/ Why st. louit
    • 4.Describe the impact you will have on the industry and how do you plan to remain relevant in your career
    • 5.Three reasons you choose Olin / top 3 reasons Olin are attracted you
    • 6.funniest thing happened to you recently
    • 7.basketaball team那个题

    9.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2019年1月15日

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】

    1.three things we should know about you

    2.Explain how you choose themaster of science in finance program and what you are hoping to discoverthrough the curriculum.

    3.Olin excites youmost的方面what do you like most about Olin

    4.St. Louisinterests you的方面

    5.Theimpact you will have on the industry and how do you plan to remain relevant inyour career


    7.Think about a experience working with a mentoror a leader. What do you want to learn in the program to acquire the attributesyou most admire?

    写作: For the first time in manyyears the basketball team has made it to the championship game. In order for aplayer to be eligible they must have a “C” grade average. A few days prior tothe game the coach learns that his two star players have dropped below therequired grade average. According to policy, they should be suspended from theteam but, if they are suspended, they won’t play in the championship and thewhole team is depending on them. What should the coach do?

    10.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2019年1月17日

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】Kira


    1.Three thingswe should know about you. 

    2.Ifwe visit your hometown, where would you take us to? /my hometown

    3.Themost challenge course in undergraduate, and what do you learn from it and how doyou apply that in MSF in Olin

    4.What will you impact on the finance industry and how you maintain relevant to your career?

    5.Why St. Louis? 

    6.why msf

    7. favorite book or movie

    8.think about an experience working with a mentor or a leader. What do you wantto learn in the program to acquire the attributes you most admire?

    9. Favorite food in my country 

    10.One thing most excited about Olin

    11.Why Olin - three reasons 

    12.Explain how you choose the master of science in finance program and what youare hoping to discover through the curriculum

    13.Traitsand skills that will help you become a professional in marketing analysis


    15.Funniestthing happen to you recently


    1. Forthe first time in many years the basketball team has made it to thechampionship game. In order for a player to be eligible they must have a “C” grade average. A few days priorto the game the coach learns that his two star players have dropped below therequired grade average. According to policy, they should be suspended from theteam but, if they are suspended, they won’t play in thechampionship and the whole team is depending on them. What should the coach do?

    2. Astudent is selected as Class President and is scheduled to accept the positionand speak to the entire student body on Friday. On Wednesday it is discoveredthat the student has not completed a self-study course requirement that ismandatory of all student senate representatives. The course takes a week to becompleted. Given that the student has not started the coursework and will notbe able to finish before the announcement on Friday, please describe whatactions should be taken in order to resolve the situation.

    11.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2019年1月15日

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】

    1. three things about yourself.
    2. take us to your hometown.
    3. think about a mentor, what to learn in the program that could help you implement skills and attributes?
    4.why is msf right for you?
    5.what interests you about st.louis?
    6.what interests you most about studying in Olin?

    12.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2017年1月20日

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】  Jason Brown    25分钟

    1. introduction (feel free to go through CV) + accomplishment
    2. career goal 因为自我介绍的时候提了一下short term goal,所以他让我详细说说long term goal
    3. why GMF? 
    4. if you get offers from all the programs you applied and you should make a decision, what are the most important three factors ?
    5. A situation that your leader admitted his or her mistake, what do you learn from it?
    6. A situation that you contribute to your team? (motivate others?)
    7. Q&A 时间不够了就只问了一个问题

    13.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2017年1月31日

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】Ruthie

    1, tell me mor about yourself
    2,  why master at this time
    3,  what aspect of finance draws you in
    4, what the most attractive part of this program
    5, an experience showing your leadership
    6, an experience that you are not the leadership and you meet with a conflict in the team
    7, the most important qualities you put the stress on when choosing the ultimate school
    8, q&a

    14.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2018年11月30日

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】Jami  10分钟


    2.然后问了我long term and short term goal.

    14.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2014年12月20日

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】Jamie

    1. introduce urself(我啥都说了,为什么读finance 最喜欢的课, internships career goals.....)

    2.career goals (in specific)

    3.what do you know about the wealth management


    5. what do you know abouy St.Louis

    15.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2016年12月2日

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】

    1、introduction(feel free to go through the CV)
    2、因为intro 说到比较多的实习,所以直接问到career goals,先泛泛说一说,然后要你一句话总结长短期目标
    5、why GMF

    16.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2018年1月28日

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】20分钟

    1. 补充quant方面的背景提升/更新;
    2. 她对我提问题(比如某门课成绩不理想这种);
    3. 我问了她一些关于career support的问题

    17.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2017年12月23日  

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】

    1. three things about you
    2. why MSF
    3.Olin excites you most
    4.St.Louis interests you
    5.how do you make an impact on the finance industry
    6.funnies thing happen to you recently

    写作1道题:班长那道   (5min)

    18.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2016年1月22日  

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】Jamie  23分钟

    4.问了为什么选择这个career goal

    19.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2017年11月26日  

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】kira

    1. three things we should know about you

    2. why MSF is right for you

    3. Olin excites you most的方面

    4. St. Louis interests you的方面

    5. if we visit your hometown, where will you take us to

    6. how would you make an impact on the finance industry

    7.Traits and skills that will help you become a professional inmarketing analysis

    8.Three reasons you choose Olin

    9.Favorite movie or book




    13.你认识的一个mentor身上有什么潜质你想要学习,Olin MACC会怎么帮到你

    14.A student is selected as Class President and is scheduled to accept theposition and speak to the entire student body on Friday. On Wednesday it isdiscovered that the student has not completed a self-study course requirementthat is mandatory of all student senate representatives. The course takes aweek to be completed. Given that the student has not started the coursework andwill not be able to finish before the announcement on Friday,please describewhat actions should be taken in order to resolve the situation.

    15.你是篮球队教练,要参加一个比赛 然后有一个规定是运动员成绩达到C才能参加比赛 但是你的两个star player没有达标 然后问你怎么处理

    20.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2017年3月7日  

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】Megan Waite  15分钟

    1.introduce or go through your resume
    2.why olin or why this program msf q track
    3.why master right now? or why not keep on working
    4.short/long term goal
    5.how to apply dataset to financial industry
    6.internship experience
    7.how will you contribute to program
    8.2/3 factors to choose school
    9.where do you know olin, when
    10.ideal working environment and company
    11.individual or team work
    12.experience of motivate others or negative to others
    13.conflicts in teamwork
    14.example of leadership
    15.accomplishment proud most
    16.want to work in US/China
    17.some achievements in CV
    18.how this program help u

    21.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2017年11月30日  

    【申请专业:Global Master of Finance, GMF】

    1 three things we should know about you
    2 why MSF is right for you
    3 your favorite food in your country
    4 one thing St.Louis interests you
    5 Describe the top 3 reasons you are attracted to Olin
    6 Think about a leader or a mentor you have worked with, what do you hope to learn in the program that will help you implement the skills and attributes you most admire?

    22.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2017年11月15日  

    【申请专业:Master of Global Finance, MSGF】

    1. tell three things we should know about you

    2. What excites you most about the program

    3. Your favorite food in hometown

    4. your interest of St. Louis

    5. the traits or skills you have will help you bevaluable in professional financial market

    6. favorite things about Olin

    7. (writing 5 min)Astudent is selected as Class President and is scheduled to accept the positionand speak to the entire student body on Friday. On Wednesday it is discoveredthat the student has not completed a self-study course requirement that ismandatory of all student senate representatives. The course takes a week to becompleted. Given that the student has not started the coursework and will notbe able to finish before the announcement on Friday, please describe whatactions should be taken in order to resolve the situation.

    23.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2017年11月23日  

    【申请专业:Master of Global Finance, MSGF】kira

    1. three things we should know about you
    2. why MSF is right for you
    3. how would you make an impact on the financeindustry and how will you remain relevant
    4. your favorite food in your country
    5. things St.Louis interests you
    你是篮球队教练,要参加一个比赛 然后有一个规定是运动员成绩达到C才能参加比赛 但是你的两个star player没有达标 然后问你怎么处理

    24.学生背景:不详     面试时间:2016年12月3日  

    【申请专业:Master of Global Finance, MSGF】

    1. why school?
    2.tell me a most proud moment?


    Tue Feb 23 11:38:33 CST 2021