

    1. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年4月20日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】 Megan Waite  25分钟


    1. 来过st. louis没有

    2. 本科的专业(美本 会计金融dual degree)

    3. internship and career goal

    4. why olin

    5. 别的活动

    6. 有没有别的想让我知道的

    7. Q&A


    • GMAT 750 GPA 3.63 两个四大的实习 在美国做过助教 志愿者

    2. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年4月20日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting   Megan   18分钟


    1. Is this the time you get up for school?

    2. What do you do in your work? How long have you been in the work?

    3. Is this your first time to America?

    4. What do you like about California (我的大学所在地)?

    5. What difference did you find about your home and California?

    6. Tell me something you learned from your internships in China. 

    7. Where do you want to work after graduation?

    8. Why Olin?

    9. What is not in your resume that you want us to know?

    (此处我说了my most proud achievement, not accounting-related tho XD)

    10. Why accounting? Career goal?

    11. Q&A

    3. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年4月6日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】  Megan   18分钟


    1. Why choose your undergraduate school?

    2. why choose double major?

    3. why olin?

    4. what's your duties about the current job?

    5. what else you want me to know that not on the resume?

    6. career goal?

    7. Q&A

    4. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月9日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】  Laura  50分钟


    1. why Olin?

    2. Why choose Macc?

    3. 我看到你这里说你还申请了别的学校,要是都录了你会选择去哪个学校?

    4. 说说你在UC Berkeley 上暑期课程的经历,有什么收获?然后还和我聊了一下那里的情况啥的。问我在那里有做啥teamwork,百分之多少时间讲英文。

    5. 说说你的resume上面最让你自豪的是啥?

    6. 说说你在实习中运用了哪些会计的知识?

    7. 在一个team中你更想当member还是leader?

    8. 为啥想来美帝?

    9. 如果有一段时间不用工作,想干嘛?

    10. 因为楼主上面有回答想去旅行,所以又问了去了哪几个国外的地方?


    5. 学生背景:Top2;面试时间:2016年2月29日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】   Laura  


    1. 认识的alumni和如何认识,获得了什么

    2. why macc,why olin,why usa

    3. 双学位经历,为什么选

    4. 交换经历,有啥不同,去哪玩了

    5. career goal

    6. 看essay做了很多volunteer work,为什么,有什么经历,每周花多少时间

    7. 实习,哪些实习用英语

    8. gmat很高咋考的,有什么备考经验

    9. 很多活动很多学分,motivation是啥,如何管理时间做这么多事情

    10. 对st. louis的了解

    11. achievement

    12. 这么多事情压力很大平时如何保持健康

    13. hobbies

    14. Q&A

    15. 有别的要分享的吗

    16. 明天做什么


    • Top2,110,770,3.55。无工作经验。四大审计/五百强/国内PE/MBB(不是summer),交换,社团leader,公益


    6. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月1日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】  Laura  50分钟


    1. 这么晚了,一定很累吧?刚刚下班回家

    2. 你们老加班吗?今天happy Friday

    3. 什么是happy Friday?

    4. 面试完准备出去high吗?

    5. 你们工作几个小时?累不?

    6. 你们工作必须要CPA吗?

    7. 申请学校是公司支持你还是personal的事儿?


    8. 你为什么现在想来读master?why olin(因为我提到了咨询校友,问了我校友是哪届的叫什么)

    9. 课业很challenging你听说过没?不怕

    10. 你英语挺好,你平时工作用英语多吗?

    11. 用的不多你怎么保持对英语的感觉?


    7. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2015年9月29日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】  Kira Talent


    1. 为什么要学会计

    2. 为什么要上我们学校? (What excites you in this program之类的)

    3. Best advice received

    4. 举例说明你是如何用不同的方式different approach解决问题的

    5. 你认为为new project 做计划需要哪些步骤

    6. Academic dishonesty很严重/重要在education,为什么以及怎么办



    8. 学生背景:中外合作;面试时间:2016年2月25日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting Andrew


    1. 个人background

    2. Internship experience

    3. Overseas experience

    4. 什么时候决定申请master的

    5. MSCA为什么fit career goal

    6. 从哪里听说的WashU,为什么选择Olin

    7. Hobby

    8. Q&A


    • 专业International Business EconomicsGPA 3.8
    • 学校比较特殊,中外合作,相当于国外学校的china campus
    • T115, G740, 三段实习


    9. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2015年9月28日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】 


    1. Biggest challenge in pursuing the program

    2. Your enthusiasm affects others的经历

    3. 认为自己well-rounded吗

    4. Integrity was challenged的经历

    5. Best advice received

    6. Typical decisions on a daily basis


    10. 学生背景:大陆本;面试时间:2016年2月12日;录取结果:AD

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】  Megan


    1. Why accounting ?

    2. Why your undergraduate major?

    3. Why Olin?

    4. Short term and long term career goal

    5. Anything not on your resume that you want to tell me? 我说了我的春节是怎么过的,Megan挺感兴趣

    6. Q&A

      -What are the differences between students when they first entered WUSTL and when they graduated?

      -Why your program is one semester longer than other programs?


    • 大陆本,G也是普通700+,T110,有四大实习,一些比赛和research project,海外经历比较丰富
    • WUSTL(49.84%)、WFU(33.23%)、罗切斯特大学(16.93%)


    11. 学生背景:211;面试时间:2016年2月13日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】  Megan Waite


    1. 农历新年过得开心么?  

    2. why accounting, why master, why olin 具体什么时候决定学会计的?

    3. 谈谈某个实习经历

    4. 介绍一下你的本科学校

    5. 还有什么简历里没有的要告诉我?

    6. 有什么问题问我?

    7. 申的学校都是美国的么?


    • 211 会计GPA3.41纯学渣! ACCA已过
    • T108 G760 四大审计/四大咨询/外资银行
    • 校内活动若干

    12. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年2月13日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】  Amy Johnson  23分钟


    1. highlight in college (我提了两点,第二点里面说的就是我去德国还有西班牙的交流项目)

    2. 她问了一些那个交流项目的具体情况

    3. career goal是什么,为什么选这个做career goal

    4. 你在做teamwork时遇到什么困难,怎么解决的


    6. Why olin


    ps:本来约的10:30的面试,结果10:35还没动静我就打电话给前台,结果过了两分钟马上接到amy的skpe call,所以大家遇到这种情况也不要着急


    • WUSTL MACC(38.79%); BC MSA(27.59%)


    13.不详 2016年2月11日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】  Andrew Toussaint  35分钟


    1. Tell me about yourself, what have you done in college?

    2. What have you done after graduation? What made you decide to have this gap year?

    3. Tell me more about this internship experience? What have you done?

    4. Since when you start to think about applying for graduate school and how WUSTL draws your attention?

    5. Where would you like to work upon graduation and what's your long-term career plan?

    6. What's your favorite major course?

    7. Tell me more about your long-term career plan? And what made you decide to do something in this area?

    8. Why Olin? Why MSCA?

    9. What are your hobbies?

    14.不详 2016年2月10日  OFFER

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting  Amy  15分钟


    1. 为什么想学会计 想去会计公司做cpa

    2. 问了我一个会计实习 做什么的 遇到过什么问题 如何解决的

    3. 怎么克服language barrier当我在加拿大读本科时候

    4. Why olin

    5. Highlights in undergraduate university

    6. tell me about a problem that you came across in a team project in school or in work and how do you solve it?

    7. 你了解st louis吗

    8.  volunteer work里面的本科的mentorship program

     Amy介绍了一下他们的internship program,然后说了下wustl有政策要求国际学生尽量找老美的roommate,既能练习语言也能相互学习。还说美国人很热情善良 很愿意跟国际学生做室友 相互交流学习

    15.不详 2015年11月5日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】  Megan Waite


    1. 你本科为什么学会计会计有什么好的

    2. 你为什么要来美国,为什么要上硕士

    3. 谈谈你其中一个实习。 期间我提到有帮pwc办校园宣讲会,她就让说说那次经历

    4. 提到我文书里提到参加的一个音乐社,让我谈谈

    5. 我说自己是日本摇滚饭,她就问我日本摇滚哪里好,哪里吸引我,喜欢什么乐队,我说了mr.children和radwimps

    6. 有什么文书里没提到想说的。我说了自己学了十二年琵琶,她就问怎么拼,然后立刻上网搜,搜出来图片以后问我学这个有什么收获...

    7. 有什么问她的。我问什么时候出结果,她说最晚12.16..


    16.不详 2016年1月7日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】 Kira Talent


    1. Tell us about a time when you turn a negtive attitude into a positive attitude.

    2. Acdemic dishonesty 很严重吗,why, what can be done?

    3. Why Olin Business School?

    4. What is the best advice you have received?

    5. Tell me something you have learned from academic classes (except business related classes). Is it harmful or benificial to accountants? Why?

    6. What specific tactic have you used to combat a negative attitude (either yours or someone else’s). Give an example.

    7. 你想和哪个作家一块儿吃饭,why?

    8. Do you prefer working in a team or independently? Why?

    9. How do you network?

    10. Your leadership style?

    11. Tell me about a time when you tackle a problem using different approach? What is the outcome?

    12. Do you think you are well-rounded? Why?

    13. 你每天都要做的typical decisions 是什么?

    14. 毕业后career plan?


    17.不详 2015年4月4日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting


    1. 先问我现在工作

    2. 为什么从香槟去纽约。

    3. 原来是econ为什么选择accounting。


    4. 还问我为什么转学来美国。

    5. 为什么st louis,既然你在纽约为什么又要回中部。


    6. 为什么选择Olin。

    7. 你觉得你以前那些实习(一个bank一个private equity一个social media一个pwc)能给你以后的工作带来什么

    8. 问我有什么问题问她。。

    18.不详 2015年4月4日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting


    1. 我大一转了专业,问我为什么选这个专业,为了转专业付出了什么努力

    2. 本科专业对macc的学习有什么帮助与联系

    3. 挑一个实习说一说项目时间职责和收获

    4. 怎么知道olin为啥选olin

    5. 想在哪工作,career goals

    6. anything that doesn’t appear in PS/essay/resume you want to talk

    7. 问问题

    18.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年10月14日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】kira

    1. 3 things we should know about u
    2. Why st. louit
    3. top 3 reasons Olin are attracted you
    4. most important person
    5. Why MACC/Why MACC is right for you
    6. Describe the impact you will have on the industry and how do you plan to remain relevant in your career

    19.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2012年12月7日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】  35分钟

    2.然后问我上过什么accounting课程,我说我本科是business major的,只上过basic managerial and financial accounting

    20.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年10月18日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】  Kira

    • 1)3 things about u
    • 2)what interests you about St.Louis
    • 3)the impact you will have on the industry and how do you plan to remain relevant in your career
    • 4)funniest thing that recently happened to you
    • 5)what do you like most about Olin
    • 6)实在实在想不起来了
    • 7)写作class president

    20.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月17日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】Kira

    1. 3 things about you
    2. why St. Louis
    3. favorite food in your country
    4. what MSA can bring to you
    5. what interests you most about Olin
    6. what traits or skills you possess help you in accounting profession
    7. writing: coach那个

    21.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年11月15日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting

    1. 你的三个值得分享的特征
    2. 谁是你人生中最重要的人
    3. 你认识的一个mentor身上有什么潜质你想要学习,Olin MACC会怎么帮到你
    4. Why MSA
    5. Why Olin/What excites you most about the program
    6. Why St. Louis
    7. 写作

    22.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月17日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】Kira

    1.  three things that we should know about you
    2. yourfavorite food in your country
    3. Themost challenge course in undergraduate, and what do you learn from it and howdo you apply that in … in Olin business school?
    4.  what interests you about St.Louis
    5. Thinkabout a leader or a mentor you have worked with, what do you hope to learn inthe program that will help you implement the skills and attributes you mostadmire?
    6. what most exicte you when studying in Olin
    7. basketball 那个

    23.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月11日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting

    1) Please take the next 45 seconds and share three things that you think we should know about you.
    2) Tell us about your favorite book or movie.
    3) Tell us about your most challenging course in undergraduate. What did you learn and how will you apply that to the Master of Science in Customer Analytics program?
    4) Describe the skills or traits you possess that will be valuable as a professional in the analytics market.
    5) Share with us what interests you about St.Louis.
    6) why St.Louis
    7) Class President

    23.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年2月1日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting

    1. Share with us what interests you about St. Louis?
    2. Describe your favorite thing in Olin 
    3. Describe the impact you will have on the industry and how do you plan to remain relevant in your career
    4. the most challenging course and how it means to your master study
    5. 3 things we should know about you 
    6. your favorite food in your country 
    7. Think about a leader or a mentor you have worked with, what do you hope to learn in the program that will help you implement the skills and attributes you most admire?

    24.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年10月1日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting

    1. Describe the thing you cannot live without it and why.
    2. What criteria did you use when selecting which graduate schools you would apply to?
    3. Describe one thing that you didn't know before but learned recently

    25.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年1月28日

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】kira

    1. 3 things we should know about u
    2. why st.louis
    3. why this program
    4. most important person
    5. why olin
    6. traits and skills you have to make you valuable 

    basketball 那道,两个明星队员因为成绩不达标,按规定不能参加最后的冠军争夺赛,问如果你是教练你会怎么办

    26.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年1月20日  已录

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】Amy Johnson 25分钟

    1. 3min self-intro, please cover your highlighted experience in university
    2. why master at this time, why MACC?
    3. why Olin?

    4. what are your short term and long term goals? explain them
    5. tell me a time when you took a risk
    6. tell me a time when you encountered a difficulty that is beyond your capabilities, how you tackled it and what was the result?
    7. tell me a time when you were assigned a task that requires you to communicate across functions (这题我一开始不太懂,让她clarify了一下,她说比如你是学acct的,你被分配一个你不会的东西之后会怎么做)
    8. three characteristics of an accountant?
    9. if you wake up one day and find you received offers from all programs you apply, what is the criteria you use to choose?
    10. Q & A, 我问了三个问题差不多四五分钟

    27.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年2月2日  

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】kira

    1. Give an example of three most things in your life
    2. Please share how would you like to celebrate your birthday
    3. What's the best piece of advice you have received

    28.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年11月15日  

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】kira


    1. favorite teacher or professor
    2. greatest leadership achievement
    3. an experience that you give a successful presentation recently


    1. favorite things about Olin
    2. Why MSBA is right for you
    3. your interest of St. Louis
    4. three things we should know about you
    5. favorite movie or book
    6. a mentor that you learn from and what does he/she have you want to apply for this program
    7. typing case, basketball team的那个 就是两个队员成绩不到C 但是全队必须都要有C才能参加比赛 问教练该怎么办

    29.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年11月16日  

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting

    1. Three things we should know about you
    2. If we visit your hometown, where will you take us to
    3. Most challenging undergraduate course and how it will help your MACC program study
    4. Talk about a leader you have worked with, why do you admire him/her
    5. Your interest about St.Louis
    6. Favorite thing about Olin
    7. 和其他人一样的 5min内写完
    A student is selected as Class President and is scheduled to accept the position and speak to the entire student body on Friday. On Wednesday it is discovered that the student has not completed a self-study course requirement that is mandatory of all student senate representatives. The course takes a week to be completed. Given that the student has not started the coursework and will not be able to finish before the announcement on Friday,please describe what actions should be taken in order to resolve the situation.

    30.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2016年9月25日  

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting

    1、tell us about one thing that you wish other people know you
    2. what the three important thing to you
    3. introduce a succussful company, and what makes it success
    4. what is your favorite sport

    31.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年1月24日  

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】Nikki

    1. Self introduction
    2. When did you first think about pursuing a master degree, and why do you think now is the best time for you to pursue a master degree?
    3. If you can't find a job in U.S., any backup plans?
    3. Short term career goal upon graduation and long term goal within about 7-10 years
           Follow up: you mentioned you hope to work at Big Four, any specific industry or sector? Are you open to any of them, or do you prefer one specific firm?
    4. When did you first know about Washington University?
    5. Why our program?
    6. About diversity: tell me a situation when you thought someone else was wrong, but later turned out that he or she was right
    7. If admitted, what are the 3 factors you take into consideration to decide which school you go?

    31.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年1月15日  

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting

    1.     tell three things we should know about you

    2.     tell us an important person influenced you most

    3.     your interest of st.louis

    4.     How would you make an impact on the finance industry, and how you maintain relevant to your career?

    5.     tell us one undergraduate course most challenging you and how does this course would help you when you study master in customer analytics program

    6.     top 3 reasons you attracted to Olin

    7.     CASE: a student was elected as the class president and the committee would announce the result on Friday but the student did not complete a mandatory class which is required for the class president. However, the class takes one week to complete so the student does not have enough time to complete it. What should the student do?

    32.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年3月29日  已录

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】Amy Johnson

    3.你的career goal
    4.说说你做一件beyond your capabilities的shiq
    5.说说你跟manager report bad news的时候(说完问我,从这次教训你得到什么收获呢)
    6.说说你最近获得的new skills (无语,最近没学啥啊,随便说说最近实习学会了每件事都要找backup plan)
    7.什么时候听说olin,why olin

    33.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年3月7日  

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】Kristy Collins

    1. self introduction
    2. short-term + long-term career goal
    3. how customer analytics benefit business
    4. share a time where you disagree with others. how did you do and what's the end outcome?
    5. how did you first hear about olin? why program? why school?
    6. 3 factors you look for in choosing school if you receive offers from all schools applied to

    34.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年3月9日  

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】Amy Johnson 25分钟

    1.Self intro + any noticing accomplishments?
    2.Why Olin why now why MSCA?
    3. Short-term + long-term goals?
    4. First time heard about WashU and this program?
    5. A team project that you experienced difficulties?
    6. A time you had to help others when working towards a goal?
    7. Three important factors when choosing a program?
    8. Importance of analytics in business?
    Q & A

    35.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年1月3日  

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】Kira

    1. In your opinion, what advances in technology do you foresee in the future?
    2. Describe how you want to be involved with the Olin Business School after graduation?
    3. Please share with us how you like to celebrate your birthday. 

    36.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2016年11月27日  

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting

    1. The first thing you typically notice when you see a person
    2. If you are the proud owner of a new boat, what would you name it and why
    1. How do you keep up with new trends in your industry?
    2. Give an example of a time you had to "sell" an idea to your classmates? what was the results?
    3. Decribe a company you think is innovative.

    37.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年3月7日  

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】Jason Brown

    1. Why master? Why now?
    2. Long term goal(之前说了short term
    3. Why WashU? Why Olin? How first heard about?
    4. 好会计quality(没有限定在几个
    5. Teamwork, conflict
    6. 选学校三个标准

    38.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年1月17日  

    【申请专业:Master of Accounting】Jessica Voss   15分钟

    1. introduce yourself(她提示记得包括accomplishments)
    2. 好会计的品质
    3. when did you first know WASH.U 你为什么喜欢它
    4. why now macc, why Olin macc
    4. 一个你在小组里经历conflict的例子
    5. 如果所有program都给你offer,你进行选择的3个标准。


    Thu Jun 06 16:56:06 CST 2019