俄亥俄州立大学农业技术学院(Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute,简写:Ohio State ATI)位于俄亥俄州伍斯特,是一所小型公立两年制农学院,成立于1969年,在校学生人数612。该校位于俄亥俄州立大学食品、农业与环境科学学院内。*(1)(2)(3)
- Academic Experience: The amount of classes offered is limited due t the small size of the campus, but they try to get everyone into the classes they need.
- Academic Experience: They don't put a lot of emphasis on pre-vet majors because "everyone was pre-vet once", but they have a lot of animal related courses for the pre-vet students to take part in.
- Campus Quality: The school doesn't particularly have anything special going on artistically, but there are a lot of green spaces to go walk around and get away from the stress of the classroom.
- Campus Resources: The wireless connection is great, all you have to do use your student ID. I would say if you live on campus you wouldn't need a personal computer because there are so many that they are never all being used at the same time.
- Campus Resources: All of the resources are pretty easy to get to. Everything is easy to find and open reasonable hours.
- Campus Resources: Network is reliable 95% of the time. Sometimes you will have connection problems but that's about it. Printing papers can get expensive and usually if you can't get a paper printed the day its due the professors are cool about it. You can and you should bring a printer and laptop. Tablets aren't bad to have either.*(4)
(1) Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute Wikipedia
(2) Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute USNEWS
(3) Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute College Board
(4) Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute College Prowler
学校排名 | - | 学费(/年) | $23,604 | ||
TOEFL要求 | Required | 食宿(/年) | $8,020 | 开学时间 | 8月-9月 |
SAT要求 | 不需要 | 申请费 | - | 可申请入学学期 | 秋季、春季 |
GPA要求 | 无 | 录取率 | 98.53% | 是否提供双录取 | Yes |
学生人数 | 612 | 全日制学生比例 | 89.71% | Semester | |
国际学生比例 | 不足1% | 全日制新生比例 | 88% | 是否拥有图书馆 | Yes |
师生比 | 1:15 | 18-24岁学生占比 | 91% | 教授水平满意度 | - |
三年毕业率 | 21% | 25-64岁学生占比 | 7% | 性价比认可度 | - |
新生保持率 | 55% | 女生比例 | 43% | 个人提升满意度 | - |
转学成功率 | - | 有无校园住宿 | Yes | 学术体验指数 | - |
(1)性价比认可度:是来源于College Prowler的一个数据。如该校的性价比认可度为85%,则意味着该校有85%的学生,认为自己在该校得到的教育值这个学费
(2)个人提升满意度:同样来源于College Prowler。如该校的个人提升满意度是83%,则意味着该校有83%的学生,认为自己在这所学校获得了相当的提升
(3)学术体验指数:是College Prowler上的一个评价指标,从A+到C-共9等,等级越高,学术体验越好,C-表示体验最差。因该项指标是将美国所有大学——包括哈佛、耶鲁等著名学校——放在一起比较的,所以绝大多数社区学院该项指标的评分都不会高
1328 Dover Rd
Wooster, OH 44691-4000
Phone: (330) 287-1330*(2)
(1) Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute College Board
(2) Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute USNEWS
(3) Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute-Campus resources College Prowler
(4) Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute-The Best & Worst College Prowler