三角洲学院(Delta College)位于密歇根州大学中心,是一所中型公立两年制社区学院,成立于1961年,在校学生人数10,763。*(1)(2)(3)
- Campus Resources: All campus resources are welcoming and appealing to the student body. As a student, I feel comfortable getting involved with different activities and using the resources available to make sure I excel in my classes.
- Academic Experience: There needs to be more emphasis on what can be done with an Associate's in Arts and how you can get the most out of the degree for after graduation. The business degree is built so the student can use it in different ways after they graduate.
- Academic Experience: Class registration is easy for those who are used to using computers. The professors are committed to helping their students succeed, both in and after college. Many different classes are offered. The only programs I wish they would offer are culinary and baking degrees.
- Campus Resources: Delta has a large library with a few help desks plus a tutoring center which is available through out the day. There's a career center to help you land a job, food pantry for those in need, and a gym with the option to purchase a membership.
- Academic Experience: Students get to choose their classes based on the professors, time of days, or the location since there are 3 different campuses. There's such a wide variety to choose from which makes it much easier when classes start getting full. Most professors give out a syllabus right away so you know what to expect. From there you can either drop the class and get switched into one that better suits your needs. For prerequisite classes, most work load is typical and a level higher than high school. Science classes are the hardest but if you start your way from the bottom up, it's much more capable.
- Academic Experience: The prerequisites for my program are just your basic classes that build off your knowledge from high school. The only complaint is the wait list to get into my program is around three years, so it does take a while. However, you're able to earn your associates while waiting which is great. Even better, you can work on you're bachelors if you happen to get that far. You don't have to put education on hold, and can keep advancing which is why I chose it. *(4)
(1) Delta College Wikipedia
(2) Delta College USNEWS
(3) Delta College College Board
(4) Delta College College Prowler
学校排名 | 434 | 学费(/年) | $9,123 | 5月20日 | |
TOEFL要求 | Required | 食宿(/年) | $4,080 | 开学时间 | 8月-9月 |
SAT要求 | 不需要 | 申请费 | $20 | 可申请入学学期 | 秋季、春季 |
GPA要求 | 无 | 录取率 | - | 是否提供双录取 | Yes |
学生人数 | 10,763 | 全日制学生比例 | 38.78% | Semester | |
国际学生比例 | 不足1% | 全日制新生比例 | 35% | 是否拥有图书馆 | Yes |
师生比 | 1:19 | 18-24岁学生占比 | - | 教授水平满意度 | 78% |
三年毕业率 | 14% | 25-64岁学生占比 | - | 性价比认可度 | 87% |
新生保持率 | 69% | 女生比例 | 55% | 个人提升满意度 | 85% |
转学成功率 | 26% | 有无校园住宿 | No | 学术体验指数 | - |
(1)性价比认可度:是来源于College Prowler的一个数据。如该校的性价比认可度为85%,则意味着该校有85%的学生,认为自己在该校得到的教育值这个学费
(2)个人提升满意度:同样来源于College Prowler。如该校的个人提升满意度是83%,则意味着该校有83%的学生,认为自己在这所学校获得了相当的提升
(3)学术体验指数:是College Prowler上的一个评价指标,从A+到C-共9等,等级越高,学术体验越好,C-表示体验最差。因该项指标是将美国所有大学——包括哈佛、耶鲁等著名学校——放在一起比较的,所以绝大多数社区学院该项指标的评分都不会高
1961 Delta Road
University Center, MI 48710
Phone: (989) 686-9000*(2)
(1) Delta College College Board
(2) Delta College USNEWS
(3) Delta College-Campus Resources College Prowler
(4) Delta College-The Best & Worst College Prowler