
学校中文名 学校英文名 专业名称 开设学位 位置
信德农业大学 Sindh Agricultural University Horticurlture Doctorate, Master Manila, Philippines
信德农业大学 Sindh Agricultural University Argronomy Doctorate, Master Manila, Philippines
信德农业大学 Sindh Agricultural University Plant Pathology Master, Doctorate Manila, Philippines
信德农业大学 Sindh Agricultural University Soil Sciences Master, Doctorate Manila, Philippines
菲律宾大学 University of the Philippines Aquaculture Master Diliman, Philippines
菲律宾大学 University of the Philippines Marine Affairs Master Diliman, Philippines
菲律宾大学 University of the Philippines Plant Breeding Master Diliman, Philippines
菲律宾大学 University of the Philippines Botany Master Diliman, Philippines
菲律宾大学 University of the Philippines Environmental Science Master Diliman, Philippines
菲律宾大学 University of the Philippines Agroforestry Master Diliman, Philippines
菲律宾大学 University of the Philippines Environmental Studies Master Diliman, Philippines
菲律宾大学 University of the Philippines Soil Science Master Diliman, Philippines
菲律宾大学 University of the Philippines Agronomy Master Diliman, Philippines
菲律宾大学 University of the Philippines Plant Pathology Master Diliman, Philippines
菲律宾大学 University of the Philippines Forest Biological Science Master Diliman, Philippines
菲律宾大学 University of the Philippines Agriculture Master Diliman, Philippines
菲律宾大学 University of the Philippines Forest Products Engineering / Forestry Master Diliman, Philippines
信德农业大学 Sindh Agricultural University Soil Sciences Master, Doctorate Manila, Philippines
信德农业大学 Sindh Agricultural University Horticurlture Master, Doctorate Manila, Philippines
信德农业大学 Sindh Agricultural University Argronomy Master, Doctorate Manila, Philippines
信德农业大学 Sindh Agricultural University Plant Pathology Master, Doctorate Manila, Philippines