马里兰艺术学院(Maryland Institute College of Art,缩写:MICA)成立于1826年,位于美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市,成立之初作为推进机械艺术的马里兰学院,是美国最古老的艺术院校之一。*(2)
Overall Experience: Overall I've enjoyed a lot of my classes even if my foundation year forced me to take many classes I didn't want to take.
Overall Experience: People have a chance at actual jobs in the industry and branch out in many directions post-graduation.
Campus Housing: MICA has some of the most spacious dorms I've seen at any art school and for that reason alone I'm satisfied.
Overall Experience: We have a good variety of courses. That's pretty great. Not always happy with painting courses; I feel painting department lack skill/technique/material-based courses. Pretty happy with graphic design courses, we have a good variety. Wish there are higher level typography classes than Type III. I feel that our academic requirement of two academics per semester is a little much, they often get in the way of my studios. That is not to say that I'm not interested in any of the academics I'm taking. I just feel that the studio courses here are more important to me as an artist, especially for students who have a minor or double majors.
Overall Experience: Our career center is great. They are very helpful and on top of the game. I wish Career Fair could be longer than a few hours per year. I don't think the degree means too much but that is just art school in general.
Drug Safety: It's pretty easy to get alcohol and marijuana at MICA. There's no pressure to participate, but it will be around and students should be aware of it. There's a lot of marijuana at MICA. Other drugs aren't really very big. Health & Safety: Baltimore is a dangerous city and MICA makes a big effort to ensure safety for students while they're on campus. I think Campus Safety should spend more time patrolling the areas surrounding academic buildings that are further away from the academic hub, because classes can go late into the night and it isn't safe to be out alone in areas just a few blocks from the MICA campus.*(4)
- 学校概况:MICA Fast Facts
(1) Maryland Institute College of Art USNEWS
(2) Maryland Institute College of Art Wikipedia
(3) Maryland Institute College of Art College Board
(4) Maryland Institute College of Art College Prowler
(5) Questions Frequently Asked By International Students Maryland Institute College of Art
9 | 学费(/年) | $45,400 | 申请截止日期 | 2月1日 | |
TOEFL要求 | 80 | 食宿(/年) | $12,450 | 开学时间 | 8月-9月 |
IELTS要求 | 6.5 | 申请费 | $70 | 可申请学期 | 秋季、春季 |
SAT均分 | 1580-1950 | 录取率 | 47.4% | 奖学金形式 | |
平均GPA | - | 申请人数 | 3,818 | 是否提供双录取 | Yes |
(3)马里兰艺术学院本科接受秋季和春季学期入学申请,秋季学期EA、EA II、建议和最终申请截止日期分别为12月15日、1月15日、2月1日和4月15日,春季学期申请截止日期为11月5日。需要注意的是:秋季学期2月1日之后如未录满,才继续接受申请,直至4月1日之前录满为止。2016年秋季学期申请截止日期延至6月1日*(3)
本科生人数 | 1,767 | 小班比例(<20) | 71.9% | Semester | |
研究生人数 | 401 | 中班比例(20-49) | 27.9% | 教授水平满意度 | 90% |
国际学生比例 | 16%-17% | 大班比例(>50) | 0.2% | 课业轻松程度 | 67% |
师生比 | 1:9 | 六年毕业率 | 73% | 学生满意度 | 75% |
四年毕业率 | 64% | 新生保持率 | 88% | 教授博士学位比率 | - |
- AP课程:对于AP课程取得4分以上;
- IB课程:IB高水准课程取得6-7分,注意:艺术/设计选修课不可抵学分*(6)
马里兰艺术学院本科新生通过Common Application或学校官网递交申请,要求递交的申请材料包括:
- 申请表(Step 1: Application Form);
- 个人作品(Step 2: Portfolio of Artwork);
- Essay(Step 3: Essay);
- 推荐信(Step 4: Letter of Recommendation);
- 课外活动与兴趣爱好(Step 5: Activities & Interests);
- 成绩单(Step 6: Transcripts);
- 语言成绩单(Step 7: Test Scores)
- 填写身份信息表(Step 8: completing the Immigration Information Form);
- 资金证明(Step 9: Demonstration of Ability to Finance Your Education)*(3)(5)
Admission Office
1300 Mount Royal Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21217-4134
Phone: (410) 225-2222
Fax: (410) 225-2337
Email: admissions@mica.edu *(2)
马里兰艺术学院向本科学生(包括新生和转学生)提供competitive scholarship 奖学金,此类奖学金为Merit-based奖学金,主要奖励有艺术造诣或天赋的学生。申请者需要填写入学申请表和奖学金申请表(表格见外部链接)。*(8)(9)
支出项目 | 支出项目英文 | 2016-2017学年费用 |
学费(Tution) | ||
每学期 | Full Time - Per Semester | $21,880 |
每学年 | Full Time - Academic Year | $43,760 |
住宿费(Housing) | ||
校内住宿双人间 | On-Campus Double to share double bedroom in an apartment | $4,675/semester |
校内住宿单人间 | On-Campus Single for a single bedroom in an apartment | $5,185/semester |
住宿押金 | Housing Damage Deposit | $250 |
校外住宿(估) | Off-campus housing estimate per year | $7,620 |
餐费(Meal Plans) | ||
餐标一 | 200 Meal Plan (14 meals/week with $75 Dining Dollars) | $1840/semester |
餐标二 | 150 Meal Plan (10 meals/week with $125 Dining Dollars) | $1550/semester |
餐标三 | 100 Meal Plan (7 meals/week with $135 Dining Dollars) | $1250/semester |
餐标四 | 75 Meal Plan (5 meals/week with $80 Dining Dollars) | $955/semester |
基础费用(Basic Fees) | ||
入学导生 | Orientation Fee (mandatory for all entering students) | $180 one-time fee |
学生生活费 | Student Life Fee (mandatory) | $1020/academic year |
技术服务费 | Technology Fee (mandatory) | $620/academic year |
医疗保险费 | Health Insurance Fee for Fall/Spring/Summer (charge reversed with proof of personal insurance coverage and hard waiver) | $1360/academic year (estimated) |
医疗保险费(秋季) | Health Insurance Fee (Fall only) | $565 (estimated) |
医疗保险费(交流项目春季/夏季) | Health Insurance Fee (exchange program Spring/Summer) | $795 (estimated) |
安全费用押金 | Security Deposit (mandatory for all entering students) | $150 one-time refundable deposit |
TOEFL要求 | 80 | GPA要求 | 2.8 | 申请截止日期 | 3月1日 |
IELTS要求 | 6.5 | SAT要求 | Not Required | 开学时间 | 8月-9月 |
最高可转学分 | 60 | 最低学分要求 | 1 | 可申请学期 | 秋季、春季 |
申请人数 | 446 | 录取人数 | 180 | 录取率 | 40% |
(3)College Board给出的最低学分要求和最高可转学分分别为3和68,与学校官网给出信息不符,此处以学校官网数据为准*(2)(11)
马里兰艺术学院向转学生提供Merit-based奖学金,奖学金额为$1,000-$26,000,主要基于学生递交作品的质量和大学近期所修课程的GPA,申请者可在学校官网和Common Application的申请系统中见到该奖学金申请版块。*(11)
马里兰艺术学院本科转学通过Common Application或学校官网递交申请,要求递交的申请材料包括:
- 申请表(Step 1: Application Form);
- 个人作品(Step 2: Portfolio of Artwork);
- Essay(Step 3: Essay);
- 推荐信(Step 4: Letter of Recommendation);
- 课外活动与兴趣爱好(Step 5: Activities & Interests);
- 成绩单(Step 6: Transcripts);
- 语言成绩单(Step 7: Test Scores)
- 在读证明(Step 8: The Enrollment Status Report Form);
- 课程描述(Step 9: Course Descriptions)*(10)
马里兰艺术学院课程 | 与之相当水准的课程 |
工作室艺术课程(Studio Courses) | |
MICA Foundation Level | Example Transfer Course |
Drawing I (3 credits) | Basic Drawing |
Drawing II (3 credits) | Intermediate Drawing |
Sculptural Forms (3 credits) | Intro to Sculpture, 3-D Design |
Elements of Visual Thinking I (3 credits) | 2-D Design, Design I |
Elements of Visual Thinking II (3 credits) | Design II, Color Theory |
Electronic Media and Culture (3 credits) | Intro to Digital Imaging |
Painting I (3 credits) | Intro to Painting |
Foundation Studio Elective (3 credits) | Painting II, Printmaking, Intro to Graphic Design, Digital Photo, etc. |
学术课程(Academic Courses) | |
MICA Course | Example Transfer Course |
Humanistic Studies (3 credits) | Literature, History, Philosophy, Natural Science, Social Science, Religious Studies |
Science/Math (3 credits) | Biology, Chemistry, Astronomy, Calculus, Geometry, Physics,etc |
Art History Electives (9 credits) | Special Topic or Survey Art History Courses |
Modernism and After (3 credits) | Modern or Contemporary Art History Survey |
Academic Electives (6 credits) | Courses from any academic area |
专业名称 | 专业英文名称 | 专业名称 | 专业英文名称 |
动画艺术 | Animation | 平面设计 | Graphic Design |
建筑设计 | Architectural Design | 人文研究 | Humanistic Studies |
艺术史、理论与批判 | Art History, Theory, and Criticism | 插画艺术 | Illustration |
陶瓷艺术 | Ceramics | 交互艺术 | Interactive Arts |
绘图艺术 | Drawing | 跨学科雕塑艺术 | Interdisciplinary Sculpture |
纺织艺术 | Fiber | 绘画艺术 | Painting |
影视 | Film and Video | 摄影艺术 | Photography |
游戏设计 | Game Design | 版画艺术 | Printmaking |
美术 | General Fine Arts | 产品设计 | Product Design |
注:此外,还开设有艺术教育5年制本硕连读项目(Art Education 5-Year BFA/MAT)以及教学本硕连读项目(Teaching (BFA/MA))。
专业方向名称 | 专业方向英文名称 | 专业方向名称 | 专业方向英文名称 |
动画 | Animation | 平面设计 | Graphic Design |
建筑设计 | Architectural Design | 插画艺术 | Illustration |
图书艺术 | Book Arts | 交互艺术 | Interactive Arts |
陶瓷艺术 | Ceramics | 摄影艺术 | Photography |
策展研究 | Curatorial Studies | 版画艺术 | Printmaking |
时尚表达(你有更好的译本?) | Experimental Fashion | 声音艺术 | Sound Art |
影视 | Film and Video | 可持续社会实践 | Sustainability & Social Practice |
电影制作 | Filmmaking | 戏剧艺术 | Theater |
游戏艺术 | Games Arts |
- competitive scholarship奖学金申请表:scholarship application(PDF)
(1) Maryland Institute College of Art USNEWS
(2) Maryland Institute College of Art College Board
(3) International Students Procedures & Deadlines Maryland Institute College of Art
(4) Maryland Institute College of Art College Prowler
(5) Questions Frequently Asked By International Students Maryland Institute College of Art
(6) Registration & Advising Maryland Institute College of Art
(7) Tuition & Fees Undergraduates Maryland Institute College of Art
(8) Merit-Based Scholarships Maryland Institute College of Art
(9) Competitive Scholarships Maryland Institute College of Art
(10) Transfer Students Procedures & Deadlines Maryland Institute College of Art
(11) Transfer Student FAQ's Maryland Institute College of Art
(12) Undergraduate Programs Maryland Institute College of Art
马里兰艺术学院向国际学生提供语言课程(English is a second language,缩写:ESL),但并非条件录取,而是致力于提高本科新生和转学生语言能力的课程。*(1)(2)
(1) English Language Learning at MICA(WORD) Maryland Institute College of Art
(2) English as a Second Language (ESL) Maryland Institute College of Art
马里兰艺术学院开设有国际学生暑期桥梁项目(International Student Bridging Program),该项目在秋季学期前的暑期,为期3周,是为在递交申请时,语言成绩未达到入学要求,被给予半条件录取(provisional admission),但未在校方要求的日期前递交新的达到入学要求的语言成绩的国际学生开设。*(1)(2)
(1) Questions Frequently Asked By International Students Maryland Institute College of Art
(2) International Student Bridging Program Overview Maryland Institute College of Art
- 语言要求:TOEFL总分不低于80分,写作、听力和阅读单项均不低于20分;IELTS总分不低于6.5分,写作、听力和阅读单项均不低于6.0分。
- 如申请者拥有英语作为教学语言学校的本科学位,可递交书面申请,豁免语言考试分数;如申请者TOEFL/IELTS分数未达到入学要求,可在由研究院教员和招生官进行面试后给予半条件录取(provisional admission),此类学生必须在入学前达到语言要求,主要有以下3个途径,分别是:递交新的TOEFL/IELTS考试分数;入读一个暑期密集型语言课程项目;入读马里兰艺术学院国际学生桥梁课程(International Student Bridging Program,缩写:ISBP)
- 学位背景要求:正规大学本科毕业并取得学士学位
- GPA:未做要求,通常美国大学研究生院要求申请者本科GPA,尤其是大三和大四GPA不低于3.0,但艺术类院校更注重个人作品质量,对于GPA要求有所降低
- GRE:未做要求
- 申请时间:仅接受秋季学期入学申请,大部分项目申请截止日期为1月15日,最终申请截止日期在2月初~4月初*(1)(2)
- 个人陈述(MFA WRITTEN REQUIREMENTS):部分项目还要求小作文(Essay)或写作样本;
- 面试(ADMISSION INTERVIEW):所有母语非英语的国际学生在最终被录取前必须参加面试*(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)
Office of Graduate Admission
Fred Lazarus IV Center, First Floor
131 W. North Ave.
Phone: 410-225-2256
- MICA International Graduate Fellowship:每年有一个名额,奖学金额相当于一半学费,为Merit-based奖学金,自动随Offer发放,无需单独申请;
- MICA Graduate Scholarship:主要根据个人作品质量,奖学金额为10%-60%学费,为Merit-based奖学金,自动随Offer发放,无需单独申请;
- Private donors and Foundations Scholarship & Fellowship:除上述奖学金外,学生还有机会获得一些私人捐赠和基金会提供的奖学金,均为Merit-based奖学金,自动随Offer发放,无需单独申请*(6)(7)
以下为全日制学位项目学费标准,另有与约翰霍普金斯大学凯里商学院合作开设的设计领导双学位项目(Design Leadership (MBA/MA))就读整个项目的学费标准为$97,500*(8)(9)
支出项目 | 支出项目英文 | 2016-2017学年费用 |
学费(Tution) | ||
每学期 | Per Semester | $21,880 |
每学分 | Per Credit Hour | $1,820 |
每学年 | Academic year | $43,760 |
Required Fees | ||
学生生活费 | Student Life Fee (mandatory) | $510/semester |
技术服务费 | Technology Fee (mandatory) | $310/semester |
安全费用押金 | Security Deposit (mandatory for all entering students) | $150 one-time fee |
医疗保险(Health Insurances) | ||
每学年 | Academic Year Coverage (August - July) | $1,356 (estimated) |
春季学期 | Spring Semester only Coverage (Jan - July) | $790 (estimated) |
夏季学期 | Summer Grad Program (June - July) | $226 (estimated) |
Optional Fees | ||
停车费 | Non-resident "General" Student Parking Permit | $120 per year, $60 per semester |
餐费(Meal Plans) | ||
餐标一 | 200 Meal Plan (14 meals/week with $75 Dining Dollars) | $1840/semester |
餐标二 | 150 Meal Plan (10 meals/week with $125 Dining Dollars) | $1550/semester |
餐标三 | 100 Meal Plan (7 meals/week with $135 Dining Dollars) | $1250/semester |
餐标四 | 75 Meal Plan (5 meals/week with $80 Dining Dollars) | $955/semester |
项目名称 | 项目英文名称 | 学制 | 申请截止日期 |
社会设计硕士 | Social Design (MA) | 1年 | 建议:1月15日;最终:4月1日 |
批判研究硕士 | Critical Studies (MA) | 1年,30个学分 | 建议:1月15日;最终:4月1日 |
教学硕士 | Teaching (MAT) | 2年,53个学分 | 建议:1月15日;最终:4月1日 |
社区艺术硕士 | Community Arts (MFA) | 2年,60个学分 | 建议:1月15日;最终:4月1日 |
策展实践硕士 | Curatorial Practice (MFA) | 2年 | 建议:1月15日;最终:4月1日 |
电影制作硕士 | Filmmaking (MFA) | 2年 | 建议:1月15日;最终:4月1日 |
平面设计硕士 | Graphic Design (MFA) | 2年 | 1月15日 |
插画实践硕士 | Illustration Practice (MFA) | 2年 | 1月15日 |
绘画艺术硕士 | LeRoy E. Hoffberger School of Painting (MFA) | 2年 | 1月15日 |
艺术硕士 | Mount Royal School of Art (Multidisciplinary MFA) | 2年 | 1月15日 |
平面摄影与电子媒体硕士 | Photographic & Electronic Media (MFA) | 2年 | 建议:1月15日;最终:4月1日 |
雕塑艺术硕士 | Rinehart School of Sculpture (MFA) | 2年 | 建议:1月15日;最终:4月1日 |
用户体验设计硕士 | UX Design (MPS) | 15个月(远程教育项目) | - |
商业艺术设计硕士 | Business of Art & Design (MPS) | 15个月(远程教育项目) | - |
信息可视化硕士 | Information Visualization (MPS) | 15个月(远程教育项目) | - |
艺术教育硕士 | Art Education (Online/Low-Residency MA) | 远程教育/函授 | 建议:1月15日;最终:4月1日 |
工作室艺术硕士 | Studio Art (Summer Low-Residency MFA) | 暑期函授 | 建议:1月15日;最终:2月15日 |
设计领导MBA与文学双硕士学位 | Design Leadership (MBA/MA) | 2年,66个学分 | 建议:10月26日;常规:1月25日;最终:4月1日 |
(1) Admission Procedures & Deadlines Maryland Institute College of Art
(2) Information for International Graduate Applicants Maryland Institute College of Art
(3) MICA Graduate Admission: Frequently Asked Questions Maryland Institute College of Art
(4) Application Requirements for MFA Programs Maryland Institute College of Art
(5) Application Requirements for MA Programs Maryland Institute College of Art
(6) Graduate Scholarships & Financial Aid Maryland Institute College of Art
(7) Scholarships & Fellowships Maryland Institute College of Art
(8) Tuition & Fees for Fall/Spring Graduate Programs Maryland Institute College of Art
(9) Tuition and Fees for Design Leadership (MBA/MA) Maryland Institute College of Art
(10) Graduate Programs Maryland Institute College of Art