

    1. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月18日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】要说一下,面试JHU之前用了整整两天时间把所有之前童子们发过的面经整理了一遍,或者是因为我没有把所有问题都准备一遍,感觉一题都没有遇到。问题还是很基础,没有因为碰到面经而受到影响。

    第1个问题:说一下自己的 education background (我说了在哪毕业,什么专业,学习了什么课程,1分钟时间紧了点,差点没说完)

    第2个问题:好像是完成一个group project的plan之类的。

    我用了greenvpn上传的,还没录的朋友还是买一下吧,不然肯定狗带(go die)

    2. 学生背景:美本;面试时间:2016年3月18日;录取结果:被拒

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】3月18才录JHU的面试video, 不好意思回馈晚了,希望赞赞人品,面试时候太紧张了,发挥失常了, 还是说下吧:

    1. 什么你计划要做但是还没完成的事情

    2. 重要的leadership

    附:lz是美本,GPA不高,Gmat也不高,但是为了JHU,专门飞到baltimore去见Director of Admission office和一个admission的小哥聊天,就是为了能争取到这个学校,没想到还是没有被录取。

    3. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月18日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】3月18日录的,面试问题:

    1. 说一个你曾经计划要做但最后却失败了的事情。

    2. 你觉得最有意义的一个 leadership experience。

    4. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月19日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】JHU Round3 Virtual interview:


    2、what does it take to get under your skin?

    5. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月19日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】用的greenvpn翻墙,感觉速度不错,值得推荐。登陆进去后和网页程序一样,就是不用各种检测了。读题后3s准备时间,1min答题,最后注意上传的时候不掉线就行了。拖延症重度患者的面试血泪史...差点就链接过期,面试还是宜早不宜晚。


    1. 你的key skills是什么?

    2. 有什么你以前没做过未来想做的事?

    tips: 作为一个口语渣,在三场面试后,深深觉得找些万能的例子会比较利于准备。team work, career goals, success and failure experience, communication skills, strength and weakness, hobby...blabla, 遇到问题的时候有这些方面的事例作支撑,讲讲故事什么的,就不会那么紧张了。

    6. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月19日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】原本是要in-person面试在北京,但没有预定上,就被officer改成了video。第三轮申请的,二月中旬submit,三月初就来了面试。



    a) tell me sth you planed to do that you did not work out

    b) what is the important of the leadership in the organization

    7. 学生背景:美本TOP60;面试时间:2016年3月19日;录取结果:AD

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】本来是打算用电脑的,但是电脑真的显示网不好,只好换成手机app了,一点点卡,还行。


    How do you rate yourself in the field compared with people in the similar background?

    What is your approach to make a difficult decision?


    美本TOP60, double major金融会计;因为美本,没有语言成绩,但提前一学期毕业了

    GPA3.87/4.0 GMAT660;两个银行实习


    Accounting, Accountability & Financial Management MSc @KCL

    MS in Finance @JHU

    MS in Integrated Marketing @NYU

    Master of Science in Global Finance @Fordham

    8. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月18日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】因为之前看过帖子所以拿的iPad用Green VPN做的,反正在网络方面没什么问题,上传两分钟就搞定啦。不过问的题目我都没准备的,别是第二个各种大脑空白,review的时候想死。


    Outside of normal education to promote yourself

    what question you expect to be asked today weren't show

    9. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月16日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】楼主12号收到JHU面试通知,要求在16号之前完成。是那种随机两题,每题两分钟回答时间,自己录像,上传提交的。有点像视频版的托福口语,并没有人跟你对话。开始之前可以practice,但开始之后只有一次机会不能重录,可以review。


    1. What is your dream job?

    2. What is the biggest challenge you are facing? How you solve? 这题基本是这个意思

    楼主是用手机录的,因为电脑测速一直通不过。如果是用手机或者ipad的话,需要下一个app,叫interviewstream mobile。之前看到大家都说为了网速考虑要翻个墙,在下载题目录像什么的都没有问题。但是上传的时候那个糟心啊,半小时看才5%,而且还时不常会回到0开始,所以就打开VPN试试,结果就嗖嗖得传完了。看来,还是要听取大家的建议啊!

    10. 学生背景:双非;面试时间:2016年3月15日;录取结果:AD

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】JHU MSF in-person面经:

    1. introduce yourself

    2. why you have so many friends?

    3. why these people want to make friends with you?

    4. what is the key of communication?

    5. curde oil

    6. what do you think of the stock market in China?

    7. Are you a person like to take risk?

    8. Internship

    9. Short-term and long-term goal

    10. Do you have a time that stood up something?

    11. Are you a leader? (Leadership experience)

    12. Q&A



    双非;G650 T99 GPA3.41

    Summer School (Tufts)












    11. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年1月19日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】JHU MSF in-person二轮面经:

    1.你想从你毕业的第一个工作里获得什么(what you are looking for……)

    2.告诉我们一个你想让我们记住的地方(one thing)

    3.你能给Carey带来什么?/contribution (20s*3)


    5. What do you feel strongly about and describe?

    6. What do you do in your free time?

    7. 在什么领域你认为需要提升自己的专业素养?

    8. Carey是不是你的最优选择?Why or why not?

    9. If you are interviewing a candidate for this program, what kind of people are you looking for?

    10. When is the last time you work in a team? What role did you play?

    11. Describe what you did yesterday.

    12. How will your friend describe you?

    13. Describe yourself.

    14. Describe an ethnic dilemma.

    15. Do you prefer routine or frequent changes in your work?

    16. What do you want to get from your first job after master graduation?

    17. What’s your ideal career?

    18. What professionalism means to you?

    19. Describe your ability of listen and response.

    20. Why Carey should admit you? / Why do think you will be fit for Carey's mission?

    21. Describe leadership.

    22. Describe one of your accomplishments.

    23. 用三个词形容自己。

    24. 是否做出过什么超出要求的事情

    25. 自己在同类背景里的人的rank。(直接说排名即可例如15%)

    26. 如果你有机会与一个历史名人见面,你希望是谁?为什么?

    27. What are your key skills?

    28. If you had unlimited time, what would you do?

    29. How is your communication skill?

    30. How do you manage stress in your daily work?

    31. how do you define success?

    32. approach for problem solving/problem-solving ability

    33.Tell me about your experience in working with community organizations

    34. What's the most challenging part when you start your study of master's degree

    35. 说一个你希望admission committee记住你的one thing

    36. Describe 2-3 of your weaknesses




    UIUC MSF; UMD MSF; JHU MSF; Fordham GF; JUH Applied Economics




    12. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年1月20日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】JHU MSF in-person二轮面经:

    Q1 你在sport或hobby中学习到了什么discipline

    Q2 一段你proud的经历

    13. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年1月19日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    第一个问题:do you prefer routine or changes in your daily work? 


    第二个问题: how would your fellow classmates describe you?

    14. 学生背景:双非;面试时间:2016年1月19日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. things you're proud of

    2. If you were financially independent, what would you do?

    15. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年1月19日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1.important qualities to work in the effective team

    2.what energizes you

    16. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年1月19日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance


    1、a achievement you are proud of

    2、if you were financial independent what would you do?



    在相同条件的所有candidates中,你觉得你rank多少 why

    说一个你希望admission committee记住你的one thing

    How do your classmates describe you


    你来选candidate 你最看中什么

    Describe 2-3 of your weaknesses

    How do you define success


    What motivates you?


    Tell me about your experience in working with community organizations

    Describe a time you made a sacrifice to achieve a goal.

    in what situation will your colleagues rely on you

    在team work中有什么creative的advice?

    你最近参与的teamwork 以及你的角色是什么


    What did you do yesterday

    Freetime 你都在做什么




    你最passionate about的事情

    A case in which you take the initiavitve to do something

    Routine or challenging job, why?

    I prefer the challenging job because it can bring me a strong sense of acheivement,for example






    Things you feel strong about

    How do you handle stress?

    how you fit carey

    Is Carey Business School your first choice? why or why not?.

    How to improve yourself outside of formal education

    What's the most challenging part when you start your study of master's degree

    what do you see in 10 years  internet

    important skills for successful communication

    你觉得怎样才能成为一个good listener?

    Ethical delimma


    最后愉悦地读到的书或文章是什么(what is the last article or book you read with pleasure?)

    17. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年1月19日;面试结果:AD

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】R2面经

    1:How do your fellow classmates describe you? 

    2. Is Carey Business School your top choice? why or why not?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. Do you prefer frequent changes or routine in you daily work?

    2. How your fellow classmates describe you?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】R2面经

    1.accomplishment you are proud of

    2.If you were financially independent,what would you do?

    20.不详 2016年1月19日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】R2面经

    1. The person you admire most

    2. Why you fit carey

    21.BA 211金融本 2016年1月19日 AD

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】R2面经

    Q1: admire的人是谁

    Q2: whydo think you will be fit for Carey's mission?

    22.985 2016年1月19日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】R2面经


    1.你想从你毕业的第一个工作里获得什么(what you are looking for……)

    2.告诉我们一个你想让我们记住的地方(one thing)




    1.   你能给Carey带来什么?/contribution (20s*3)

    2.   你从一个sport或者hobby上的discipline?

    3.   What do you feel strongly about and describe?

    4.   What do you do in your free time?

    5.   在什么领域你认为需要提升自己的专业素养?

    6.   Carey是不是你的最优选择?Why or why not?

    7.   If you are interviewing a candidate for this program, what kind of people are you looking for?

    8.   When is the last time you work in a team? What role did you play?

    9.   Describe what you did yesterday.

    10.  How will your friend describe you?

    11.  Describe yourself.(同10)

    12.  Describe an ethnic dilemma.

    13.  Do you prefer routine or frequent changes in your work?

    14.  What do you want to get from your first job after master graduation?

    15.  What’s your ideal career?

    16.  What professionalism means to you?

    17.  Describe your ability of listen and response.

    18.  Why Carey should admit you? / Why do think you will be fit for Carey's mission?

    19.  Describe leadership.

    20.  Describe one of your accomplishments.

    21.  用三个词形容自己。

    22.  是否做出过什么超出要求的事情

    23.  自己在同类背景里的人的rank。(直接说排名即可例如15%)

    24.  如果你有机会与一个历史名人见面,你希望是谁?为什么?

    25.  What are your key skills?

    26.  If you had unlimited time, what would you do?

    27.  How is your communication skill?

    28.  How do you manage stress in your daily work?

    29.  how do you define success?

    30.  approach for problem solving/problem-solving ability

    31.Tell me about your experience in working with community organizations

    32. What's the most challenging part when you start your study of master's degree

    33. 说一个你希望admission committee记住你的one thing

    34. Describe 2-3 of your weaknesses



    23. 双非政法类大学英语本 2016年1月19日 AD

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】R2面经

    1. 3 words to describe yourself 

    2. in what situation will your colleagues rely on you

    24.University of Washington 2016年1月18日 AD

    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. why you

    2. why study MSF at this point.

    学生背景:University of Washington:Applied physics  GRE 328, GPA不出色, PwC实习 证劵公司实习 SIMT 美国实习(辞职)

    收到Rochester, Maryland, Pitt msf录取,等JHU, Boston college, LSE, georgetown u offer.  

    25.华科财务金融 2015年10月26日 AD


    1. what do you do outside of work

    2. what do you do to develop leadership

    2016 FALL MSF Applicant

    本科华科财务金融  GPA(WES) 3.63; 南开会计硕士 GPA(WES) 3.57; GMAT 730; TOEFL 106; GRE 326 

    Applied: WUSTL, UCSD, lehigh

    26.985 2015年10月26日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance


    1、你的fellow classmates怎么评价你

    2、Carey是你的top choice么?why and why not?

    27. 学生背景:双非;面试时间:2018年4月2日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1.描述一个你的risky action,你是如何measure的 结果如何
    2.讲一个你没有把握的事情 你是怎么解决的



    28. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2019年1月7日

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】kira

    1. Choose two countries 地理位置相隔遥远 have a cultural event and why?
    2. Two leaders bla bla bla (forgot
    3. Should student learn other cultures and why?
    4. A time, things didn’t go by plan and outcome and what you learn?

    29.学生背景:不详;面试时间:2019年1月2日  ad

    【申请专业:MS in Finance】kira

    1. Imagine that you could fully immerse yourself in another culture for an entire year. What culture would you choose and why?

    2.分享一次a team member gain more credit than deserved的例子,结果是什么?你学到了什么?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1.   What is your most effective work setting?


    2.   Why do you want to pursue graduate degree in the US?


    3.   Why finance? // Which area you want to be professionally?


    4.   What is your motivation of dream career?(今天第二题 并且改成 What is your motivation to success?


    5.   Something you haven’t done but want to do?

    6.   How to solve that you are challenged? // Describe a situation that you resolve a conflict in your team. // An example of solving problem skill // Pleasegive an example of your analytical ability.


    7.   Comparing other candidates with asimilar background, how do you rate yourself? // Describe yourself? // What makes you unique? //What’s your strength?


    8.   How to manage your time?


    9.   How do you rate your communication skill? // 请问怎么提高交流的效率? What is your ability to listen and responsive? // How will you do when youhearing and accepting critical feedback?


    10.If you were interviewing candidates, what would you look for?


    11.Benefit from the failure


    12.Define success in team project


    13.Describe a work that you finished it beyond requirement(今天第一题)


    14.Give me an example of an accomplishment you are proud of? // Something I feel strongly about


    15.What is the challenge you face now?


    16.Is there anything you wishyou had been asked on your application, that you would like to share? // What's a question you thought might be asked today?



    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    a. tell me sth you planed to do that you did not work out
                           b. what is the important of the leadership in the organization


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    • 1.说一个你想解决的社会问题(不是home country),为什么?
    • 2.在团队合作中,如果有成员不能很好地接受他人的建议,如何解决?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1、如果一个项目有短期的收益很高,但是长期来说对国际的伙伴有不好的影响,你会不会take it:刷新了,虽然也说完了,但是和国际伙伴一挂钩,我就觉得,有点难。
    4、讲一个你没有准备的public speech的经历,结果是怎么个,学到了啥。


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. Imagine that you are asked whether or not you thinkyou can do something about the problems of the world. HOw might you approach youranswer to thatquestion?

    2. 没能keep promise的经历  outcome+学到了什么


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1.Please give an example of a time when you had to deal with distractions at work or school. What did you do to deal with the distractions, and how did it turn out?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. Imagine that you are asked whether or not youthink you can do something about the problems of the world. How might youapproach your answer to that question?
    2. 当你遇到下面这种情形的时候:你和小组成员要完成一个小组作业,但是你和他们有不同的想法。最后 outcome 是什么?你从中学到了什么?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】kira

    1. 如果你能了解一种religion,你最想了解哪一种,为什么?
    2.Tell me about a time when you misunderstood expectations and had to improvise at the last minute. What was the outcome and what did you learn?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】kira

    2、你的同事在什么情况下会rely on you


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】kira

    1.One of your members struggling for a challenge. What's your respond and what's the outcome
    2.work or academic experience 中感到fully motivated what did you do and what is the outcome


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. received more credit than deserved 
    2. introduce a product that is unique in your culture


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1something wrong in your team
    2heavy workload feel stressful


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】Kira

    • 1.Image that you had develped a new process to provide clean water in a small country. who would be on your team to implement this new process and why?
    • 2.一个你被给予过高的credit的经历,你做了什么,你学到了什么?(只记得大概意思)


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】Kira

    1.introduce a product that is unique in your culture. what product and which culture you want to introduce it to and why? 
    2.describe a time that you missed a deadline. what is the outcome and what did you learn?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance



    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. 如果你是一个很成功的organization的CEO,你会offer什么product/service
    2. tell me about a time you needed to criticize someone but you know he...will not take it well还是啥的,然后问你结果和学到了啥。。。


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. If you have to choose one currency to be used internationally, what would you choose and explain the reason (1min).
    2. what would you do when if there is a conflict in your team (1min).


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    2. 如果你获得了less credit than deserve in a successful program, 你怎么做,学到了什么


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    • 1.Imagine that you are able to live in any country in the world for three years after graduation. Where would you go and why?
    • 2.Tell me about a time when you were working on a group project and assumed a leadership role despite other team members being unsure in your abilities. What was the outcome and what did you learn?
    • 3.还遇到了别的面经里提到过的一个商业方案在你的culture可行,在别的culture不一定可行(用的好像是insensitive, 记不清了), 问你接不接受,为什么?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1.给你一年immerse yourself in another country,选哪个国家
    2.plan suddenly change,如何应对


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    2,让你讲一次经历,一个project进行到一半然后要从头开始做起(大概这个意思,什么 and 什么scratch halfway什么什么project),问结果是什么,学到了什么?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    Q1 You are the CEO of a company. You want to do a global health project. How will you talk to your share holders?

    Q2 Tell me about one time you lost in a team competition. And what did you learn from it?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1.Imagine that you could fully immerse yourself in another culture for an entire year. What culture would you choose and why?
    2.Tell me about a time you went to an event where you didn’t know anyone. What was the outcome and what did you learn?(这道没准备,被我刷走了- -)
    3.Plan suddenly change, what would you do and what is the outcome?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance



    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. 自己的career plan,还有未来想在哪里工作
    2.If you have unlimited funds and can travel to anywhere in the world, where do youwant to go and why? 
    3.You are the team leader of a group. Your team members withdifferent culture have the difficulties in understanding each other. What willyou do?
    4. Tell me about a time when you misunderstood expectations andhad to improvise at the last minute. What was the outcome and what did youlearn?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】Kira

    1. your friend offers you a job in another country, which country would you choose, what job would you choose and why?
    2.tell me about a time when you were unprepared for a speech or public assignment. what was the outcome and what did you learn 


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. 如果你做team project和differnet culture background的队友发生分歧,要怎么解决?
    2. plan suddenly change, what would you do and what is the outcome? 


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. Imagine you can fully immerse yourself in another culture for an entire year. What culture would you choose and why?
    2. Tell us an experience when you miss a deadline. What was the outcome and what did you learn?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. Imagine you were offered a position at a small local company or the same position at a large foreign company. Which position would you choose and why?
    2. project失败的经历, 结果如何, 从中学到了什么


    【申请专业:MS in Finance




    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    4、你觉得怎样才能成为一个good listener?
    5. Tell me about your experience in working with community organizations
    6. What's the most challenging part when you start your study of master's degree
    7、在相同条件的所有candidates中,你觉得你rank多少 why
    8、how you fit carey9、 你期望毕业后第一个工作是什么样的?
    10. 说一个你希望admission committee记住你的one thing11. How do your classmates describe you
    12. Is Carey Business School your first choice? why or why not?.
    13: what is your ideal work environment?
    14: Describe 2-3 of your weaknesses
    16、你的前professor对你的评价17、in what situation will your colleagues rely on you~
    18、what is your initiative?
    19、what motivates you?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】kira

    1. if you have unlimited funds and can travel to anywhere in the world, where do you want to go and why?
    2. tell me about a experience when you met a problem but had no one to ask, what's the outcome and what did you learn?
    3. imagine you have the chance to see how people in other cultures see the world. which culture will you learn and why?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    Q1:Comparing other candidates with a similar background, how do u rate yourself? (楼主一时紧张大脑空白就特别不要face的说了top student 就我那可怜的G可以直接呵呵了)
    Q2: how to define success in team project


    【申请专业:MS in Finance



    【申请专业:MS in Finance】kira



    【申请专业:MS in Finance】kira

    1)和@nrytirili 帖子里遇到的一样,这里直接引用:“Imagine that you are a leader of a team and you are doing a project in another country expect your own. Your team can't reach the deadlines(是即将赶不上ddl的意思), and as the leader what will you do to catch up with the deadline(大概是这个意思,说白了就是你打算如何力挽狂澜赶上去),and why?” 可惜我实在不明白在另外一个国家和赶ddl有什么关系,遂断网跳过
    2)很长的一道,意思是说many people live in poor countries,你有什么想对他们说?(做?帮助?有点记不清了...)and why? 估计是business with humanity in mind 的衍生题,没准备,果断跳过

    3) what country do you want to live in after your graduation, why? 这个之前看面经里有,不过我这个题里好像有什么three years。。(也可能是我记错了),反正就按after graduation答了。。
    4)你有没有经历过you and your partner have compeletly different perspeactives, what did you do and what was the outcome? 感觉就是teamwork筐里的,今年R1 JHU真的很爱问team里冲突解决,culture difference


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. imagine you could introduce a product unique to your part of the world to another culture. What product would you choose and what culture would you introduce it to and why?
    2.如果你获得了less credit than deserve in a successful program, 你怎么做,学到了什么


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1.    if your company comes up with abusiness idea, but it is insensitive to other cultures, what will you do?
    2.    If you have a great conflictwith your mentor/professor/boss, what is the outcome and what do you learn from?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance



    【申请专业:MS in Finance】   kira  15min

    1. Your favourite anminal
    2. Your favourite movie

    1. If you can run an organization and benefit some groups of people, who do you think will be benefited? 就是说如果你可以带领一个组织去帮助别人,你想帮助哪群人
    2. Tell me about a time when you need to make decisions between two equally bad options, which one did you choose and what did you learn? 面临两个一样坏的选择,你选了哪一个,学到了什么?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. If you would like to choose a foreign culture to learn from, what will you choose? why?
    2. Tell me an experience in which a member in your team deserved more credit than others.
    What did you do and what can you learn from this experience?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. do you think you are the citizen of the world?
    2. do you had a disagreement with team mates?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】kira

    1. 觉得有没有responsibility去帮助那些在贫困线以下的人们?why?
    2. 在做project过程中遇到bully是怎么解决的? 结果是什么?学到了什么?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    第一题 如果你在一个别的国家遇到了社会问题,你觉得应该如何解决

    第二题断网了 题目没有记住
    第三题 如果你有一个计划但是突然在最后时刻强行呗改变了 你应该如何解决


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】kira

    1. If you are the leader of a diverse team and your team members have different perspectives. What will you do and why?
    2. Tell me an experience you have completely disagreed with your mentor, teacher, or boss. What is the outcome and what do you learn?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1, 你要为一个小国家建造一个clean water project, 谁会在你的团队里面,why


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1.Imagine that you are a leader of a team and you are doing a project in another country expect your own. Your team can't reach the deadlines(是即将赶不上ddl的意思), and as the leader what will you do to catch up with the deadline(大概是这个意思,说白了就是你打算如何力挽狂澜赶上去),and why?
    2.Tell me about a time when you misunderstood expectations and had to improvise at the last minute. What was the outcome and what did you learn?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1.What would you learn from a foreign culture, what and why.
    2.Tell me an experience in which a member in your team deserved more credit than others.
    What did you do and what can you learn from this experience?

    3. 讲如果你在team中遇到了bully, 你怎么做,结果如何
    4. 讲如果你在team中发现自己completely incorrect, 你怎么做,结果如何


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】kira

    3.describe a time you receive more credit than you deserve


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】kira

    1. Imagine that you could fully immerse yourself in another culture for an entire year. What culture would you choose and why?

    2. Tell me about a time when you received more credit than you deserved for a successful group project. What was the outcome and what did you learn?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】Kira

    Q1:Where would you like to if you can go back to 100 years ago? You can choose any country except your own.
    Q2: What course you’ve struggled in most and what did you do to overcome the problems? What was the outcome?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. 你怎么说服股东投资一个有利于贫困地区的商业项目
    2. 说一个你一开始觉得不可能的事,然后你是怎么做的


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. 自己选一个国家生活,但是你不会这个国家的语言。选哪个?为什么?(奇怪直接跳)
    2. 如果有人对你做了不道德的行为你为怎么做?结果怎么样?
    3. 是否我们有责任帮助穷人?为什么?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. 如果有机会学习任意一个tradition的话你想学哪个?为什么?
    2.分享一次a team member gain more credit than deserved的例子,结果是什么?你学到了什么?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1.      Tell us about an example whereyou come up with an innovative idea in your study or work, why you come up withthis idea and what’s the outcome?

    2.      Can you tell me about a timewhen you used positive emotions to help you accomplish school or work goals andcope with challenges? What did you do, and what was the outcome?

    3.      一个情景题,问如果你很concern你的成绩,要给教授写封email,你会怎么写?250Word


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】kira

    Q1:Describe a situation when you broke a task into several steps.
    Q2:Describe a situation where you take an initiative to a different culture.


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】kira



    【申请专业:MS in Finance】kira

    第1题,我只记得是关于team的,里面有integrity(不认识),cornerstone value(不认识,但我确定这两个单词挨在一起),最后问如何让team members consistent(查了一下integrity有完整,正直,诚实的意思,到底是问我如何让members保持诚实的'基石价值',还是问我如何让members保持一致?)
    第2题,描述一个你required其他team members的帮助的情形,并且说一下结果。


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. Sharing information is often crucial to success. Talk about a time when your listening and speaking skills proved to be especially critical in ensuring that an objective was met. How did you ensure that others would really understand what you had to say?
    2. Tell me about an experience in which a disagreeement arose due to a misunderstanding between cultural norms. What was the experience like for you?
    实践business with humanity in mind 的人或企业(8分钟 250词)


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    Q1 describe a situation in work when things did not go well as planed.
    Q2 因misunderstanding or cultural norms产生冲突的一个经历
    Q3 business humanity in mind对你而已是什么,描述一个践行这个理念的机构或者个人


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. make improvement 或者 解决current problem的经历 and what was the result?
    2. how did you deal with your stress? what was the result


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1.how you help your team member at work?(看到过相似的,但也不太一样)
    2.what do you think is the financial obstacle in the growing global economy?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    关于写作,不知道这个是根据什么发的。之前看面筋有的笔试是Business with Humanity in Mind


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】kira

    第一个题目问的是 一个你预见会成功的solution,为什么你觉得他会成功,怎么成功的。
    第二个是在工作或者学习中你做了什么to make improvement the performance 大概好像是这个意思。


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1.How do your fellow classmates describe you?

    2.Is Carey Business School your top choice? Why, or why not?

    Practice Question:

    What is your biggest accomplishment?(记不清完整表达了但是是这个意思,可以practice 无数次)


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    2.为什么我们的项目使我们的学校对你来说与众不同(set our school apart for you)?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. at work you notice a issue need immediate attention 大意好像是遇到的一个需要立即解决的问题
    2. at work the stressful experience


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】kira

    1. 一个group member遇到了了challenge,怎么办,结果怎样
    2.accomplishment outside workplace and classroom


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    Q1 change in work or school, how did you do, what was the out come
    Q2 what part of the world fascinates you the most, why


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1.Give us an example of a time when establishing two-way communication with an individual or group was especially challenging. What did you do to help ensure that communion was two-way vs. one-way, and to what extent were you successful in your communication efforts?
    2.Please describe a time when you had to learn on the job.


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】kira

    1. 你怎样ecourage team member
    2. 你怎样inform team members about important project (还是project中的important development)


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    Q1:讲一个你要从几个alternative choices中选一个的经历
    Q2:讲一下你能在outside of the classroom给学校带来什么


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    Q1:说一个有alternative solution的task,你是如何选出最棒的solution的
    Q2:说一个analysis of complex issue with multiple sources of information

    Q:brexit 五年内的影响


    【申请专业:MS in Finance



    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1) Example of establishing two way communication and how you facilitated this process 

    2) Please give an example of a work or academic experience you felt particularly motivated. What did you do, what was the outcome?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1.describe a time when you had to analyze a problem to arrive at a solution. What steps did you take, and how did your analysis help you to deal with the situation?
    2.what is it about our program that sets our shool apart for you?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】kira

    1. 你实习经历中质疑的一个practice或procedure,请举个例子。
    2. 如果你要给你的superior写feedback,你会怎么写才能effective和efficient。


    【申请专业:MS in Finance



    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1.你做的一件事 对准确度和细节有很高的要求 你如何ensure?
    2.你遇到过最为复杂的问题 如何找到new approach 来解决它 以及outcome
    3.你如何帮助你的team member work
    4.描述一个你最近做的事情 你的优缺点对于outcome有什么影响 以及你的经验教训


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. the plan of finding employment after graduation
    2. find a new solution to a problem in the work.


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. something went wrong in your teamwork.
    2. do poor in last semester's exams, what will you do next semester


    1. describe a new situation where no guidelines are available and what the outcomes are.
    2. describe an experience how you manage your feelings of anxiety.


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1.Tell us about a time when you questioned a practice or procedure in your job or work area.
    2.What experience in your life has had the most significant impact on your outlook? Why?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance】kira

    1. 遇到somebody 非常 resistant to change的经历。
    2. 说一个你写非常complex或非常长的document的experience


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. what do you think is the major challenge in global economy nowadays?
    2. talk abt an experience you assemble a team
    作文:business with humanity in mind in practice


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. a experience you show appreciation to others because of good job. How did you do that. What is the reaction of others.
    2. a example you face frequent distraction. How did you deal with it?
    humanity in mind, what will you do after graduation


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. 为什么carey要录取你
    2. 你为什么要选择现在的field

    116.学生背景:不详;面试时间:2017年10月31日   已录

    【申请专业:MS in Finance



    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    Q1. 讲一个innovative idea in work/academic
    Q2. 讲一个你搜集了很多资料去完成一个analysis的事情
    1. greatest concerns about entering finance field
    2. you are concerning about a course grade, 写邮件给professor


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    Q2:啥team member的。。。。
    写作题:谈自己对business with humanity in mind 的理解,以及你知道的贯彻这个ideal的local companies or people


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1.A time you engaged others to share ideas in discussion
    2.Experience you had to work with different individuals
    3.第一学期跪了,plan for the next term?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1、something went wrong in teamwork, 你怎么解决的


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1.说一个你遇到的ethical dilemma
    2.说一次在teamwork中成员间有disagreement 你是如果处理的 结果如何


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. talk about a time you need to upgrade your learning to finish a work/study大概这个意思
    2. what does i mean to you a involved alum?


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    Q1: Tell us a time you have assisted others
    Q2: Discuss a time you have to learn on the job


    【申请专业:MS in Finance

    1. How do you define success in a team project?
    2. In what kinds of situations do you find it difficult to deal with people?


    Fri May 24 17:10:45 CST 2019