


    【申请专业:Master of Science in Information Systems】  Jason Montoya  45分钟


    • 关于学校和生活方面

    1. Why fordham?

    2. How did you know about it?

    3. How do you think about it?I mentioned New York.

    4. Do you have ever been to NY? When? How do you feel about this city?

    • 关于本科背景

    1. Moved to my acdemic bg. You were in UMN for 2.5 years. First could you please talk about the acdemic career in 此处是我国内学校?

    2. So in that U, which class was the most difficult? P.E. class[laughing...] Why? I heard little people mentioned physical class. Explain...

    3. OK, so now could you talk about the life in 国内学校?说自己是宣传部部长,但是好像说的不地道,和他扯了半天,说了说自己举办过的比赛

    4. Could you please talk more about UMN? The most difficult class?我提到了python和R,又问了我对于这几个tools的看法

    5.Do you find sth different when you first came to the U.S. [acdemic field and life]?

    6. How do you value these differences?

    • 关于职业计划

    1. 这个部分就是问了问短期长期职业计划/有没有心仪的公司和心仪的职位?

    • 关于实习

    1. 在提到实习之前,能不能说说你为什么选择毕业回国而不是留在美国?我说专业找不到工作,对于international学生很不友好。他说fordham会尽一切努力帮助自己的学生。

    2. Could you talk abou the first intership? Explain more details.我说了我的公司是干什么的(主要和海洋生物鱼有关)我的主要任务是什么(提到了collect data)

    3. How do you get those data?

    4. What do you learn from this inthership?

    5. If I was a consumer in this firm, which type of fishes will you recommend to me?直接懵逼。。。我就说我不知道鱼的英文但是我们公司只用一种鱼,主要分布在秘鲁和挪威。






    • 国内一般学校 国际商务2.76/4.00
    • 美国UMN 经济3.9/4.00
    • GMAT690
    • 考了T也没用过92
    • 水实习3段/美本阶段research一段

    录取结果(2016 Fall MIS+MSBA+MSCA):

    • Applied: CMU-21track/UW-iS/GWU/Fordham/JHU/UMich/UMD/UMN/WUSTL
    • Offer/ad:GWU($)/JHU/UMD/Ford
    • Rej:UW-iS/CMU/WUSTL



    【申请专业:Master of Science in Information Systems】   Cara


    1. How's going?

    2. Why MSIS?

    3. Why marketing?

    4. Why transfer major?

    5. What marketing experience lead you to marketing?

    6. Favorite class?

    7. Favorite marketing campaign? advertisement?

    8. Internship

    9. Fast-paced life?

    10. Ever been to New York?

    11. Career goals, ST,LT? 问很细 short-term goal 如果是找工作的,是哪方面的哪个领域的?

    12. Three qualities?

    13. What else do you want me to learn from you?

    14. Any questions?


    【申请专业:Master of Science in Information Systems】   Elaine Bennett 20分钟

    1 介绍自己(不要重复简历里面的)
    2为什么现在读研 why graduate now?
    3 说一下自己的实习经历
    4 talk about any thing important in college life
    5为什么选择fordham (千万不要说地理位置好!)
    5Q&A(问了专业和career service的问题)


    【申请专业:Master of Science in Information Systems】  20分钟

    1 介绍自己(他还特意讲到要讲自己觉得最想让他知道的特点)
    2 why MSMI why Fordham
    3 为什么来美国,现在工作的情况
    4 field needed to improve
    5 long-term goal and short-term goal
    6 最想从MSMI中得到什么
    7 想进什么公司?(翻翻他们的网站有近期毕业生的employer)
    8 有什么问题想问他


    Tue Apr 16 09:17:40 CST 2019