法律咨询实践(Clinical Training)属于法学专业的一个分支,与其说是一个专业或是项目,不如说是一门课程。庭审辩护、家庭法、消费者权益保护法等专业通常会开设这门实践课程。*(1)
J.D.全称Juris Doctor,是一种专业学位,无需法学专业背景,只要本科学位即可申请,学制3年。美国的话需要LSAT成绩,毕业生可参加美国律师资格考试申请成为执业律师,含金量高于LL.M.;
LL.M.全称Master of Law,主要针对的外国学生,需具备法学专业背景,学制大约1年。即使是美国,申请者也无需准备LSAT成绩。LL.M.竞争力比较小,美国的话,LL.M.不可以参加律师资格考试,如想移民美国,毕业后仍需再读J.D./J.S.D;
J.S.D全称Doctor of Juridical Science,它是真正意义上的法学博士,是法律专业的高级学位,一般来说,申请者必须有从事法学研究的职业目标,且必须有LL.M.学位或JD学位方可申请。
社会及经济发展法律咨询实践 | Community & Economic Development Law Clinic |
刑事司法咨询实践 | Criminal Justice Clinic |
华盛顿特区法庭咨询实践 | D.C. Law Students in Court |
残疾人权利法咨询实践 | Disability Rights Law Clinic |
家庭暴力咨询实践 | Domestic Violence Clinic |
总体咨询实践 | General Practice Clinic |
格鲁什科·萨缪尔森知识产权咨询实践 | Glushko-Samuelson Intellectual Property Law Clinic |
珍妮特联邦税务咨询实践 | Janet R. Spragens Federal Tax Clinic |
移民司法咨询实践 | Immigrant Justice Clinic |
国际人权法咨询实践 | International Human Rights Law Clinic |
女性与法律咨询实践 | Women & the Law Clinic |
2014USNEWS咨询实践(Clinical Training)课程排名:
排名 | 学校 | 学校英文名 |
1 | Georgetown University | |
2 | American University | |
3 | New York University | |
4 | 纽约市立大学 | CUNY |
5 | University of Maryland (Carey) | |
6 | University of Michigan,Ann Arbor | |
7 | Yale University | |
8 | Stanford University | |
9 | Washington University in St. Louis | |
10 | 华盛顿特区大学 | University of the District of Columbia (Clarke) |
11 | University of New Mexico | |
12 | Harvard University | |
13 | Northwestern University | |
13 | University of California--Berkeley | |
15 | University of Denver (Sturm) | |
16 | 福德汉姆大学 | Fordham University |
17 | Columbia University | |
17 | Northeastern University | |
17 | Seattle University | |
17 | Suffolk University | |
17 | University of Tennessee--Knoxville | |
17 | University of Washington | |
23 | Boston College | |
23 | University of California--Irvine | |
23 | 威廉米歇尔法学院 | William Mitchell College of Law |
26 | 美国天主教大学 | Catholic University of America (Columbus) |
26 | 加州大学黑斯廷斯分校 | University of California (Hastings) |
28 | 巴尔的摩大学 | University of Baltimore |
28 | University of California--Los Angeles |
(1) Clinical Training USNEWS
(2) THE CLINICS Washington College of Law
(3) Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2012 25-1112 Law Teachers, Postsecondary U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
(4 Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2012 23-1011 Lawyers U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics