

    1. 学生背景:985;面试时间:2016年1月29日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics】An interview (30mins) with Kory 具体内容如下:

    1. Internship or work experience期间用了什么analytical tools

    2. Why Carlson

    3. Strength & Weakness

    4. Career goals

    5. What challenges will you face in the program?

    6. Other programs applied

    7. Q&A手里拿了一个ad,所以懈怠了很多,面试没有好好准备,该打。。面试也比较放松。Kory超级nice,我在Q&A问到了就业的问题,她担心我没听到full answer,结束后给我发了一封邮件先道歉说网不好,又说明了一下placement的情况,还给了一个full report. 总之对她家好感剧增


    • 985,GPAWES)3.85,T103(23),G750,两段科研经历(没有文章发表),实习中行+小型投资公司+500强市场分析
    • 商科本,没有太多programming经历,科研里用到一些简单的


    • 2016.03.05 UMN收到录取,还是挺开心的。想当初了解BA就是从UMN开始的,算是女神校一枚。这周刚交了USC的坑费2000刀,最终选择USC
    • 2016.03.10收到$10,000 奖学金,有点受宠若惊
    • 2016.03.31decline


    2. 学生背景:Top10;面试时间:2016年2月20日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics】An interview (25mins) with zuzana 第二轮具体内容如下:

    • Go through resume
    • Analysis tool used
    • Career goal
    • About college study
    • Program challenge
    • How did you know the program
    • Teamwork
    • Strength and weakness
    • Why program
    • Other school





    • 211/985 top10,t107,g750,relevant WE 3years at no famous company.
    • 1月1压线交申请,一周多以后收到面试通知,1月22和zuzana面,2月13收到录取,2月18收到10000刀奖学金

    3. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年2月3日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics】An interview (22mins) with Kory具体内容如下:

    1.internship experience 我金融背景,所以实习是审计、外汇和行研,所以就很简略的讲了一下






    7.Why program(顺便讲了长短期规划)然后她就追问我有没有特别想去的公司了我就傻了就随便讲了一家公司,感觉被嘲笑了



    问题,问了关于experiental learning section的问题,Kory非常兴奋,讲了得有两分钟,但是我问什么时候能收到结果的时候说的还是notification day之前,我以为会告诉我两周。

    仔细想了一下现在非常喜欢这个项目,高强度编程+高就业导向,而且课程还挺全面的,包含了一些商科课程(还有会计...幸好之前学的也是英文的,但是并不想学)学校对这个项目的资源倾斜了很多。讲真这个项目我的话我就去了,算我心里排第一第二的项目(因为我也很喜欢西北的IMC,最近还参加了几次项目介绍活动,感觉超级酷,就是学费比较高 我背景估计也去不上)

    4. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年2月9日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics】因为是本校所以选的on campus,今天中午十二点去的Carlson,Zuzana人还挺和善的,门口问询处的大妈也非常nice!话不多说上面经,基本上都是老题目:

    1. Why MSBA?

    2. Why UMN?

    3. Why economics major?

    4. Any programming experience

    5. Internship go through.(这里居然问了每一个我也是惊讶了,之前的面试都只问latest的)

    6. Strengths and Weakness.

    7. Short term/long term goal

    8. Other school applied?

    9. Hobby

    10. What do you want to learn from ... three things?

    11. Any failure? Learn what from it?

    12. What challenges will you face in the program?

    13. Q&A

    5. 学生背景:港本;面试时间:2016年2月3日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics】面试官是Kory Schmitz, title是 Assistant Director of Specialty Masters Programs。约的晚上9:30面试,31分加了Skype。Kory语速颇快不过听的很清楚。具体内容如下:

    1. Go through your resume (internship, full-time job)

    2. Why BA

    3. Why Carlson

    4. Programming experience

    5. Team work experience and challenges

    6. Strength and weakness

    7. 因为我说自己比较慢热,问了一下跟international student相处有问题没有

    8. Short term/long term goal

    9. The course you are most interested in? (我说的predictive analytics)

    10. What do you do in your spare time?

    另外Kory很主动介绍了今年的情况,今年扩招一倍80人左右。我比较关心experiemental learning就又问了一下。大概的意思是几个学生组成一个小组跟一家公司匹配,然后为他们解决具体问题。覆盖的行业挺广(beauty, retail, accommodation...)今年合作的企业还在洽谈。

    2016/2/12 更新:收到ad的邮件

    2016/7/15 更新BG如下

    • 港本 酒店管理 GPA 3.66/4,T112,G720,本专业实习+阿里巴巴实习,full time 1.5年 算是商业数据分析,编程零基础,自学的excel VBA, Coursera学了点R
    • 我申了7所分别是:UT Austin MSBA;Gatech Analytics;ICL MSBA;CMU MISM(已录);UMN MSBA(已录);SMU MSBA(已录);CUHK MSBA(已录);Accept: CMU MISM

    6. 学生背景:普通陆本;面试时间:2016年2月3日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics】面试官是Zuzana, 第二轮 具体内容如下:


    2. Why BA

    3. Why Carlson

    4. Courses interested in

    5. Internship experience


    7. Failure experience/what have you learn

    8. Long/short term Career Goal

    9. Strength and weakness

    10. Other school applied

    11. Hobby

    12. Q&A

    (我的题目好像有点多啊。。。)一共22分钟,每个问题我答了之后 Zuzana都没有追问细节 只说wonderful然后继续问,是不是对我没什么兴趣 或者觉得我做的事都比较水没什么好问的。。。



    A:国际生的身份不能在校外实习,而且这个项目非常intensive所以没有实习,但是会有experiential learning project可以和企业合作,毕业直接找全职。




    7. 学生背景:双非;面试时间:2016年1月30日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics】面试官是Kory, 具体内容如下:

    • Internship.
    • Career goal
    • Short term goal and long term goal...
    • Strengh and weakness
    • 用过的分析软件
    • How to suit the program
    • Why Carlson.
    • Q&A

    本来以为是zuzana ,一连上wifi 就说了一句zuzana,结果她自我介绍是kory~~ 看到她尴尬的表情,汗。。

    anyway kory, 超级可爱,笑起来,不会很严肃,你回答她都会笑的回应的


    • 双非diy T104 G720 V41我积累的有几个500强和全球知名企业。还有名校项目,创新项目。绩点:3.6 总结,女神校录取NYU/UMN/GWU/SMU/SIT

    8. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年1月30日;录取结果:AD(收到$10,000 奖学金)

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics】面试官是Kory, 具体内容如下:

    1. Internship or work experience期间用了什么analytical tools

    2. Why Carlson

    3. Strength & Weakness

    4. Career goals

    5. What challenges will you face in the program?

    6. Other programs appplied

    7. Q&A手里拿了一个ad,所以懈怠了很多,面试没有好好准备,该打。。面试也比较放松。。

    Kory超级nice,我在Q&A问到了就业的问题,她担心我没听到full answer,结束后给我发了一封邮件先道歉说网不好巴拉巴拉,又说明了一下placement的情况,还给了一个full report. 总之对她家好感剧增就这样~

    9. 学生背景:美本;面试时间:2016年1月29日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics】具体内容如下:

    1. 你的实习对你来这个项目有什么帮助。

    2. 性格上的优缺点

    3. 你想在我们项目中获得什么,列出三点。

    4. 还申请了哪些学校,都录了的话去哪。

    5. 最近的一次失败,从中学到了什么。

    6. 对项目中的什么课最感兴趣。

    7. Q&A



    • 国内双非会计本两年,转学到美国专业变成经济和统计,GPA3.72,GRE317,会R,SAS,SQL。 国内水实习两个。应届毕业生


    10. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年1月28日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics】An interview with Zuanan 面了有22分钟,我有点担心时间是不是有点少。Zuanan人很nice,但是说话可能会稍稍带一些口音。具体内容如下:






    6. Why Carlson

    7. Why MSBA and why now




    11. Q&A

    最后问了Zuanan, 她说第一届的国际学生的就业率能有75%, 听起来还不错的样子


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】面试官:Zuzana

    Zuzana人很nice哒,会给positive的feedback, wonderful, thank you 什么的。。面试到中途的时候信号突然变差,Zuzana就把视频关了(但是我的视频还是开着的- -),最后问她问题的时候她又把视频打开了

    1.how do you know carlson
    2.talk about your undergraduate major, do you have any courses related to BA
    3. do you have any programming courses, do you do some preparation for BA
    4.favorite course in curriculum
    5.why carlson
    6. go through your internship
    7.the program is intensive, how you balance between the workshop, course, job hunting(大概是这样)
    8.give an example when you have confilict with your teammate
    9.short term goal and long term goal
    10.other school and programs
    11. what motivates you in your life
    12. what do you do for fun
    13. what's your best strength? what do you want to improve  我说了一个academic上面的之后,追问了一个性格上有什么要improve的。。
    14. most critical feedback from others

    我问了international replacement的问题,回答是最开始两年都是100%,上一年是99%,唯一的一个是去美国以外的其它地方就业了(具体地点没听清额)然后说到international student是会比较难找工作,但是学校会尽力提供帮助!
    还问了现在冷吗,回答是冷,她们正在计划带学生出去滑雪~又追问了一下他们有时间去吗,Zuzana说good question,确实是个challenge~他们会努力给学生提供很多课外活动,大家都可以挑自己喜欢的去,但是需要自己平衡学业和玩耍,最后问了什么时候会收到通知,回答是3.15



    3月8日 收到waiting list



    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】面试官:Zuzana

    1. 问我现在在实习主要做什么
    2. describe a data analytics project
    3. 在Carlson,学习课程和找工作的优先级
    4. 你觉得你在Calrson会遇到什么academic challenges
    5. most constructive criticism and how you respond and what you learn
    6. conflict experience with teammates
    7. Favorite course in MSBA
    8. why Carlson
    9. short term career goal, long term career goal
    10. 从哪里知道的carlson
    11. what motivates you?
    12. what do you do for fun?
    13. Q&A


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】面试官:Zuzana

    3,areas to be improved, how ?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】面试官:Melodie 20分钟

    4.ideal job and company
    5.Hobby,What do you do in your free time?
    8. how to balance work and life?
    9. why ba now?
    10. what's your motivation?
    11. favorite course in Carlson
    12. Q&A


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1. What does it mean for you to have a commitment to diversity? How have you demonstrated that commitment, and how would you see yourself demonstrating it here?/断线后重录:How would you describe your current thinking about diversity, and how has your thinking changed over time? 

    2. Tell us about a time when you volunteered to help others. 

    3. 说一次完成你从未接触过得事情(工作)的经历/start from zero information,具体说完成的steps,然后results怎样?

    4. What is the key ingredient for building and maintaining professional relationship? Provide examples. (

    5. 回到1900年怎么介绍手机? 

    6. Describe an academic or extra-curricular activity that helped you shape your personality. What did you learn? 

    7. Describe a situation where you were a team member. How did you decide when to lead and when to follow. How did the result impact you. 

    8. What accomplishment are you really proud of and why? 

    9.talk about a constructive criticism you received and how does that influenced your work? 

    10. 刚刚提交申请,说了一半录制就结束了。。。whatever,分享攒人品。大家加油!
    我用另一个邮箱注册了账号先试了一下,题目是:Describe a time when you showed great resilience and it paid off. What were the results?

    11. constructive criticism 


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Lua

    1. internship experience
    2. another project related to data analytics(前面intern要是讲了project的话 这部分会让你讲个新的 所以最好准备两个)
    3. most proficient language
    4. strength and weakness that you want to develop
    5. how to ensure work-life balance

    6. Why you

    7. other universities and program

    8. a time when you have conflict with your teammates

    9. how do you know this program(这个我觉得不是很重要 面试官小姐姐说是一个出于惯例问的问题)

    10. ideal job&company

    11. Long-term goal(和上面是两个不同的问题 被问的还挺具体的orz)

    12. What can MSBA bring you for the long-term goal?

    13. how do you motivate yourself

    14. what do you do for fun?

    15. what is BA(假设我是你什么都不知道的老奶奶)


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1. 三个词形容你在申请ba时最看重的三点(变相why carlson)
    3. dream company和你想在ba的职业道路上往什么path走(我说我想marketing)


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】 Lua

    4.ideal job&company
    5.how do you motivate yourself
    6.strength .weakness


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1.在carlson会遇到的academic challenges
    2. careergoal, in what company, field
    3.long term career goal(10 years)
    4.how do you motivate yourself
    5.what do you do fun/ what do youdo in spare time
    6.a data science project
    7.most proficient language
    8. team conflict project
    9.best strength and weakness
    10.other school apply for
    11.how to balance study
    12.professional experience
    13.favorite course in carlson (问了两次)


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】   26min

    1. introduce yourself.
    2. How did you know Carlson?
    3. What your undergraduate class can help you in MSBA?
    4. Why MSBA now?
    5. Career goal, in what company, field.
    6. Long-term goal?
    7. What can MSBA bring you for the long-term goal?
    8. What do you do in spare time?
    9. Most proficient language?
    10. A project you did before?
    11. How to balance life and study?
    12. What is BA?
    13. A conflict in the team.
    14. Learn from mistakes
    15. strengths, what need to improve
    16. Other programs apply,which one you would choose. 这个就实话实说了说选哪个的时候我还迟疑了一下然后说of course Carlson 希望不会有很大影响吧
    17. QA


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1.你做过的一个stupid decision是什么


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1.self introduction,

    2.project experience of using data analysis,

    3.most proficient programming language, strengths,

    4.what part wanna develop,

    5.career goal right after graduate, 

    6.why Carlson,

    7.how did u know our program,

    8.other school applied
    9.然后印象中之前面经没看到的问题还问了greatest accomplishment in school,

    10.activity after school & hobby


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Melodie  20分钟

    1. self introduction 
    2. most proficient language 3. talk about a project using data analytics
    4. why Calson
    5. why msba at this time
    6. strength and weakness 
    7. 我们专业只有一年,时间很紧张,你怎么ensure work-life banlance (记不清了,大意是这样)
    8. interest and hobby
    9. career goal, which company and which title?
    10. how do you know this program 
    11. other universities and program 
    12. 都录了的话去哪个 (我说我选carlson 然后Melodie小姐姐邪魅一笑... 不知道为啥 大概觉得我的愿望要落空了?)
    13. Q&A


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】zuzana 30min

    1.why ba (更细节的一问有你觉得你哪方面的经历和这个program匹配)
    2why change your major to ba(楼主本科mkt...)
    3.why carlson 
    6.things about internship
    8.申请了其他学校的名字 是不是相似的项目 还是完全不一样


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】  Peter 32min

    1. Self-introduction?
    2. Why BA?
    3. Why this program?
    4. How can you contribute to this program. 我答了俩想不起来第三个了。。。peter说这俩够了我们来下一问题
    5. Career goal?
    6. 还申请了哪些学校? 同时录取你你怎么办?
    7. 讲讲实习,搞过什么ba相关的东西?
    8. 觉得这个项目里最困难的部分是啥?
    9. Q&A


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】  Dr.Zuzana

    • WHY
    • 1.WHY business analytics
    • 2.WHY ____(Undergraduatemajor)
    • 3.WHY Carlson school ofManagement
    • 4.WHY NOW


    • WORK
    • 5.Internship experience
    • 6.Current job
    • 7.How work contribute to future study
    • 8.How to improve
    • 9.Team work experience
    • 10.Career Goal
    • 11.Future industry/position/title


    • 12.At ____(Undergraduate)
    • 13.At UMN(future)
    • 14.Personal hobby (哈哈我晒了自己設計訂做的衣服給Zuzana看)


    • OTHER
    • 15.Strength and weakness
    • 16.Plan B (if fail to beaccepted to UMN)
    • 17.Courses interested in
    • 18.Other school applied
    • 19.Mathematics background
    • 20Programming background
    • 21.What do I want to learn from MSBA
    • 22.Contribution to this program
    • 23.Failure experience


    • Q&A


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】   Zuzana

    1.Why MSBA?

    2.Why UMN?

    3.Why economics major?

    4.Any programming experience


    5.Internship go through.(这里居然问了每一个我也是惊讶了,之前的面试都只问latest的)

    6.Strengths and Weakness.

    7. Short term/long term goal

    8.Other school applied?


    10.what do you want to learn from ... three things?

    11.Any failure? Learn what from it?

    12. What challenges will you face in the program?

    13. Q&A


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Zuzana  22分钟

    2.why BA
    3.Why Carlson

    4.Courses interested in

    5.Internship experience


    7.Failure experience/what have you learn

    8.Long/short term Career Goal

    9.Strength and weakness

    10.Other school applied



    29.学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年1月29日   已录  10000奖学金

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】  Kory  半小时

    1. Internship or work experience
        期间用了什么analytical tools
    2. Why Carlson
    3. Strength & Weakness
    4. Career goals
    5. What challenges will you face in the program?
    6. Other programs appplied
    7. Q&A手里拿了一个ad,所以懈怠了很多,面试没有好好准备,该打。。面试也比较放松。。
    Kory超级nice,我在Q&A问到了就业的问题,她担心我没听到full answer,结束后给我发了一封邮件先道歉说网不好巴拉巴拉,又说明了一下placement的情况,还给了一个full report.

    30.学生背景:港本 酒店管理 GPA 3.66/4,T112,G720,本专业实习+阿里巴巴实习,full time 1.5年 算是商业数据分析吧,编程零基础,自学的excel VBA, Coursera学了点R;面试时间:2016年2月3日   已录  

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】  Kory Schmitz

    1. Go through your resume (internship, full-time job)
    2. why BA
    3. why Carlson
    4. Programming experience5. Team work experience and challenges
    6. Strength and weakness
    7. 因为楼主说自己比较慢热,问了一下跟international student相处有问题没有……
    8. Short term/long term goal
    9. the course you are most interested in? (我说的predictive analytics)
    10. What do you do in your spare time?

    31.学生背景:不详;面试时间:2015年11月14日   已录  20%奖学金

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Zuzana

    1. go through your resume
    2. why MSBA
    3. why Carlson
    4. Any programming experience
    5. Strength/Weakness
    6. Any failure/ what have you learn
    7. How do you feel using Python/ How comfortable do you feel?
    8. Short term/long term goal
    9. What if you failed to get AD from Carlson , any back up plan?
    10. What do you do when you have time?
    11. What's the difference between analysis and analytics


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】  Melodie

    1. intro (顺带讲讲professional经历)
    2. self-motivation reason 这个我也有点懵逼……感觉没听懂她想问什么
    3. why carlson(现在回想起来……我准备了三个点的,最精华的一点忘了说orz)
    4. 你获得过的最constructived的criticism(楼主的膝盖已经跪碎了)
    5. 平时spare time喜欢干什么?
    6. 你的优势与劣势(professional!!之前我按照面经准备了两个性格上的,跪的妥妥的)
    7. 你还申请了什么学校?如果都录取了你怎么选择
    8. 能给我讲讲你在实习经历中做的主要的工作吗?
    9. 你觉得你的实习经历如果有助于你在这个项目获得成功?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】  kory   10多分钟

    1.walk through your internship
    2.How did you prepare for BA?
    3.Which programming language are you proficient in?
    4.What do you think is the difficulty that you will encounter when study in this msba program?
    5.What is the best feedback have you ever received from your supervisor/professor in your professional/academical work?
    6.Short term/Long term goal?
    7.why not MSF (because my short term and long term goal are both financial analyst)
    8.If I knew nothing about business analytics, use one sentence to explain business analytics to me.
    9.If there is a free rider in your group, how will you deal with this kind of situation? (这不就是传说中的behavior question么?)
    10.Why Carlson?

    34.学生背景:美本 排名前50 ; gpa 3.7;会计专业; gap 一年在国外工作;面试时间:2018年2月6日     已录

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】laura 30min

    1. 自我介绍
    2. 学什么专业本科。
    3. 现在在干嘛? 
    4。在team work 中, 一般担任什么职位? 
    5。 为什么选择msba? 
    6. 为什么umn? 
    7. 有申请其他学校吗
    8. short long term goa



    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】  Melodie

    1. 自我介绍,着重professional experience
    2. 熟悉的编程语言,用这些语言的经历
    3. Why Carlson
    4. Why MSBA?
    5. 在工作学习中会被什么motivate
    6. 得到的feedback from your professor
    7. Strength,weakness
    8. 描述一次你超额完成任务的经历
    9. 最成功的一个project,怎么处理的
    10. ideal job & industry & company
    11. Hobby,What do you do in your free time?
    12. 从哪里听说的这个项目?
    13. 还申请了哪些学校,如果都录了会选哪个? 当然是选U of M!
    14. Q & A


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1.Describe a time when you showed great resilience and it paid off. What were the results?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    What does it mean for you to have a commitment to diversity? How have you demonstrated that commitment, and how would you see yourself demonstrating it here?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1. How would you describe your current thinking about diversity, and how has your thinking changed over time?
    2. 一个不能从简历上知道的、关于你自己的most interesting thing是什么?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    what is the most constructive criticism you have received and how does it help your work?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    Tell us about a time when you volunteered to help others.



    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    What is the key ingredient for building and maintaining professional relationship? Provide examples. 


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Laura

    2.current work(楼主gap)
    3.team work experience
    4.what motivate you
    5.short term goal ——industry、company


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Melodie

    1.自我介绍+professional background
    2.会哪些programming language?最proficient的一个
    3.讲一个用programming language处理的project
    7.What are some of your best strengths?
    9.Short-term career goal? Company and job title?
    10.Where found Carlson program and why did you apply?
    11. Are you applying other program? other ones?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Zuzana

    1.how do you know carlson
    2.talk about your undergraduate major, do you have any courses related to BA
    3. do you have any programming courses, do you do some preparation for BA
    4.favorite course in curriculum
    5.why carlson
    6. go through your internship
    7.the program is intensive, how you balance between the workshop, course, job hunting(大概是这样)
    8.give an example when you have confilict with your teammate
    9.short term goal and long term goal
    10.other school and programs
    11. what motivates you in your life
    12. what do you do for fun
    13. what's your best strength? what do you want to improve  我说了一个academic上面的之后,追问了一个性格上有什么要improve的。。
    14. most critical feedback from others

    45.学生背景:gpa3.80+T104(s23)+g327(3) 工科211金融专业 三段实习,和数据分析非常相关的只有一个;面试时间:2018年1月19日   

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1.自我介绍+professional background
    2.会哪些programming language?最proficient的一个
    3.讲一个用programming language处理的project(这里我觉得我处理得特不好,因为我就准备了一个,上一个问题还已经讲了!这里我就没有正面回答,我说上面我已经介绍过了,没有被追问)
    6.hobbies and interests
    7.What are some of your best strengths?
    8.What would you like to work improve?
    9.Short-term career goal? Company and job title?
    10.Where found Carlson program and why did you apply?
    11. Are you applying other program? other ones?
    12. Q&A

    46.学生背景:不详;面试时间:2017年3月9日   已录

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Zuzana

    1. go through internship experiences (每个都讲了, follow up有问用了什么analytical tool)
    2. what programming languages you know and most proficient in
    3. how did you first hear about the program
    4. why carlson
    5. strength and weakness
    6. what will you do if there is a free rider in your group
    7. short-term and long-term goal
    8. why we should choose you over other qualified candidates
    9. courses interested in
    10. hobbies and interests11. Best piece of advice received
    12. Q&A


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】zuzana

    1.上来没让我自我介绍,就问了我为什么gap year,做了啥
    5.S/L plan
    6.plan B;如果都录取了选谁呀
    7.Why Carlson
    8.Why the program


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1. 具体谈谈你用你提到的软件(SPSS)怎么完成的项目
    2. 举一下你对“大数据”理解的具体例子(案例完全没准备,随口举了个沃尔玛的)


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Ruth  25分钟

    1.你是怎么知道我们的项目的(在这个问题紧接着我把why school也回答了)
    Ruth重复了我的一些main points并且说wonderful
    2.tell me more about ur work experience
    3.why now
    4.why BA
    5.career goals(毕业一年)
    6.ur role in the teamwork


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Melodie Bard

    1. introduce yourself and talk about professional experience;
    2. Self-motivation reason
    3. Long-term short-term career goal 
    4. How your courses and internships help you fit in this program?
    5. strength and weaknesses(both professional and in character)
    6. hobbies and interests
    7. explain business analytics, use one sentence
    8. Why carlson?
    9. 因为我是现在是直博,她问我是能否全身心投入到ba项目,我说我退学,肯定可以全身心。10. Other schools


    Fri Jun 14 14:11:55 CST 2019