

    1. 申请专业:教育传播与技术;学生背景:北京大学;面试时间:2009年2月11日

    ECT = Educational Communications & Technology; Time used: 20min

    It's more like a talk than an interview.

    Prof.: Hi Derek. What's the time there?

    Student: 11pm Beijing time.

    Prof.: Great! ... Why UW? Why ECT? ...

    Student: ...researches in GLS attracted me greatly ...

    Prof.: Great to hear that. What's your specific interest about educational games? Our research group is made up of around 20 graduate students and 4-5 professors. In our research group, different professors have their specialized research interests. For example, I concentrated on MMO; Kurt Squire ... mobile devices integration and digital based game for learning...; XXX ... game aggregation; YYY... sports games... So it would be necessary for you to find your interest before you get involved in our research projects...

    Student: ... Augmented Reality Games ... (experience of an investigation about Education Arcade in a course ) ...

    Prof.: ... Sounds great. ... Research is very important for doctoral students. I advise 8 doc stu, accept 1-2 per year. They particaped in GLS research projects from the beginning of their doctoral studies  ...

    Student: ... (understanding of and zest for educational gameProf. : UW ranks highly in my app list) ...

    Prof.: ... great fit ... I suggest u publically talk to some international students to know more about lifes in Madison (payment, languages, place, food, traffic...) ... I have a meeting at 9:30, send me email if you have any questions.

    Student: When will the decision be made?

    Prof.: 4-5 weeks.



    Tue Jun 21 11:47:03 CST 2016