哈特兰德社区学院(Heartland Community College)位于伊利诺伊州市区诺莫(Normal),是一所中等大小的公立社区学院,成立于1990年,在校学生人数5,456。*(1)(2)(3)
- Student Body: Majority of students are white and from Central Illinois. There is decent amount of African American students and a few Chinese International students. There are only a few Hispanic and Asian students. You'll still see a little bit of many different ethnicities but Central Illinois is not the most diverse place and HCC is reflective of that. People at HCC come from all kinds of economic backgrounds but many students are attending HCC because they can't afford any other college.Most people at HCC are pretty accepting of others and won't harass others for there differences.
- Campus Resources: The campus architecture is new and aesthetically pleasing. The rec center and gym is a quality facility and has all the equipment needed for a good workout. The library is comfortable and a good place to study.There are many good places to study throughout the campus. The campus is always very clean.The location is not the best, because it is near the highway, in the middle of a corn field, on the outskirt of town, and faraway from some places in B-N.
- Academic Experience: Teachers are pretty good. They provide the resources and push the students to be their best. Not all students are focused or dedicated. If an individual wants to do well they have to put in the effort to rise up over some subpar performers around them.
- Academic Experience: Classes sizes are a relatively small so teachers can focus on and help students. The workload of the class depends on the class level and teacher. Lower level classes are often times pretty simple and easy while advanced classes can have large workloads and can be difficult. But in my experience the teachers provide students with the opportunity to succeed if they are willing to work.
- Campus Resources: Resources are great on campus, the library is located in the middle of campus. The library also contains the student center where you can go get assistance with schoolwork if needed. They are always promoting campus activities which are usually during the mid day and in the main areas of the school so you know they are going on if you don't happen to look at the school website. The gym is up to date and has everything you need to practice any athletic sports.*(4)
(1) Heartland Community College Wikipedia
(2) Heartland Community College College Board
(3) Heartland Community College USNEWS
(4) Heartland Community College College Prowler
学校排名 | 187 | 学费(/年) | $12,510 | 6月15日 | |
TOEFL要求 | 最低79 | 食宿(/年) | $6,400 | 开学时间 | 8月-9月 |
SAT要求 | 不需要 | 申请费 | 0 | 可申请入学学期 | 秋季、春季 |
GPA要求 | 无 | 录取率 | - | 是否提供双录取 | Yes |
学生人数 | 5,456 | 全日制学生比例 | 43% | Semester | |
国际学生比例 | 1% | 全日制新生比例 | 32% | 是否拥有图书馆 | Yes |
师生比 | 1:20 | 18-24岁学生占比 | 65% | 教授水平满意度 | 86% |
三年毕业率 | 26% | 25-64岁学生占比 | 31% | 性价比认可度 | 89% |
新生保持率 | 58% | 女生比例 | 54% | 个人提升满意度 | 93% |
转学成功率 | 22% | 有无校园住宿 | No | 学术体验指数 | B- |
(1)性价比认可度:是来源于College Prowler的一个数据。如该校的性价比认可度为85%,则意味着该校有85%的学生,认为自己在该校得到的教育值这个学费
(2)个人提升满意度:同样来源于College Prowler。如该校的个人提升满意度是83%,则意味着该校有83%的学生,认为自己在这所学校获得了相当的提升
(3)学术体验指数:是College Prowler上的一个评价指标,从A+到C-共9等,等级越高,学术体验越好,C-表示体验最差。因该项指标是将美国所有大学——包括哈佛、耶鲁等著名学校——放在一起比较的,所以绝大多数社区学院该项指标的评分都不会高
1500 West Raab Road
Normal, IL 61761-9446
Phone: (309) 268-8000*(2)
(1) Heartland Community College College Board
(2) Heartland Community College USNEWS
(3) Heartland Community College College Board
(4) Heartland Community College -Campus Recourses College Prowler
(5) Heartland Community College -the best and worst College Prowler
(6) Heartland Community College–Academic Experience College Prowler