

    1. 学生背景:211学校;面试时间:2016年2月26日;录取结果:AD

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Marketing】赶deadline小能手居然在R4的最后才提交,幸运的是收到了面试。Dr Badame和Ms Christine非常友好!不过没有得到口头offer,说会7-10天之内邮件通知。

    家里的网不太好,用手机4G上的skype,基本上看不见面试官的脸(对方用电脑是宽屏),只能根据Dr Badame露出的小半张感受她们的反馈。


    How firstly heard of Marshall USC?

    Why MKT?

    Why Marshall?

    Still working? What are you doing for the company?

    What's your matrix of data analysis? (这个问题没太听懂,感觉是问我如何进行数据分析)

    Describe a challenge or shortage in your career.

    Describe yourself in 3 words, explain.

    Short-term career plan? What's the company you wanna join upon graduation?

    Any questions? (了解到Marshall marketing的课程是根据每个人的career plan定制的,在想会不会问理想公司和工作方向也会成为录取考量,毕竟要权衡上课的资源)


    1-29 压线submitted

    2-19 面试被postponed到2-26(Badame生病了)

    3-9 拿到unofficial offer3-25 通知交deposit

    3-30 正式录取 填写statement of intent

    4-2 收到I-20


    2. 学生背景:美本;面试时间:2016年2月26日;录取结果:AD

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Marketing】一点背景:美本应届生,几段本地实习(没名气的小公司),无工作经验,GMAT 730。

    申请了USC的MS in Marketing。大概提交了一个月USC提供了skype面试的机会。 面试官是 Dr. Diane Badame 和 Christine Cortez-Samson。

    Dr Badame是个挺热情的美国白人大妈,旁边的Christine一直在记笔记没有说话。面试前我一直开着skype,没想到他们提前5分钟就打来了,大概问了如下几个问题:

    1. 介绍一下你自己

    2. 你本科的专业和marketing有什么关系,为什么决定上grad school

    3. 介绍一下你的实习经历


    4. 为什么选择USC Marshall


    5. 阐述一下你对marketing未来的看法

    (我就大概说了一下我认为未来social media marketing和digital marketing会很快发展起来,并且成为主流。我说的时候她一直点头,应该是蛮赞同我的看法的。)

    6. 未来的职业规划

    (我说我短期想进agency,长期很想做game marketing,然后我就说了LA有很多game campany,这也是我想去USC的原因,Badame问我最想去哪个公司,我说暴雪在LA,她就很高兴的接茬说她前两天刚请了暴雪的人去USC做讲座。)

    7. 有什么问题问我们



    Dr Badame 好像是能说得上话的人,所以当场就拍板给我offer,还说其他正式的文件会陆续发给我。第二天就收到了unofficial offer的邮件,还是挺给力的。但不是每个学校都这样,其他学校很多面试官都只是associate,负责整理资料,没有发offer的权利。

    注:该同学还录取了西北大学的整合营销传播硕士(MS in Integrated Marketing Communications)、纽约大学职业教育学院的综合市场营销硕士(M.S. in Integrated Marketing)、约翰霍普金斯大学市场营销硕士(MS in Marketing)等。

    3. 学生背景:211;面试时间:2016年2月26日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Marketing】第四轮,Dr Badame和Ms Christine非常友好!不过没有得到口头offer,说会7-10天之内邮件通知。家里的网不太好,用手机4G上的skype,基本上看不见面试官的脸(对方用电脑是宽屏),只能根据Dr Badame露出的小半张感受她们的反馈。大概问了如下几个问题:

    • How firstly heard of Marshall USC?
    • Why MKT?
    • Why Marshall?
    • Still working? What are you doing for the company?
    • What's your matrix of data analysis? (这个问题没太听懂,感觉是问我如何进行数据分析)
    • Describe a challenge or shortage in your career.
    • Describe yourself in 3 words, explain.
    • Short-term career plan? What's the company you wanna join upon graduation?
    • Any questions? (了解到Marshall marketing的课程是根据每个人的career plan定制的,在想会不会问理想公司和工作方向也会成为录取考量,毕竟要权衡上课的资源)


    1-29 压线submitted

    2-19 面试被postponed到2-26(Badame生病了)

    3-9 拿到unofficial offer

    3-25 通知交deposit

    3-30 正式录取 填写statement of intent

    4-2 收到I-20


    • 国内211本,财经top;500 fortune WE 19months;International acedamic & working experience
    • GPA:3.06; T 103;G 710
    • AD: Marketing@UR; Marketing@Fordham


    4. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年1月20日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Marketing】是program Director和associate Director一起面的。由于提前一小时就上了skype,所以面试就提前十五分钟开始的,问题如下:

    1. Why marketing?

    2. How did you hear about us and why USC?

    3. What do you wanna do after graduation? In US or return?

    4. Which company do you wanna work for?

    5. Describe an obstacle in your career

    6. Please use three words to decribe you

    7. How can your hotel achieve a rating of 4.6/5.0 on Ctrip? 我是做酒店的

    8. Any questions for us?


    Director特地回答了我一个问题,就是这个program是五月开始的,明年五月结束。中间没有summer intern的时间,怎么办?

    Director答曰:其实同学们可以在fall或者spring拿intern来做的,因为很多课都是晚上,而且一般来说,课程安排也是mon wed或者tue thur,周五无课所以说一周只有两天上课还是留了很多的时间给同学们去做intern,选修课多数是和MBA一起上的。

    5 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2019年2月27日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Marketing】16min

    1.how did you know our program and why do you choose this program?

    2.the successful and failure experience in your work

    3.3 words describe yourself

    4.what would be the biggest challenge if you are admitted

    5.which company you'd like to work in

    6.what value can you bring to the class

    7.why did you choose xxx university [我本科转学去的学校]

    8.you finished your internship, what's now

    9.Any questions for us


    【申请专业:Master of Science in Marketing】20min

    1.Introduce yourself & Why this program; (。。。楼主面试完,发现自己忘记回答第二个问题了)
    2.Talk about one of your challenges in marketing;
    3.What will be your biggest chellenge in this program;
    4.Tell more about your career plan;
    5.Which company you want to work for after graduation;
    6.Do you have any question.


    【申请专业:Master of Science in Marketing

    1.introduce your marketing background and why you choose this specific program?
    2.most successul marketing experience?
    3.industry, company and location that you want to work in?
    4.three words to describe yourself?
    5.what you can contribute to this program?
    6.biggest challenge if you join in this program?


    【申请专业:Master of Science in Marketing】  30min

    1. mkt relevant experence and why further study in Marshall
    2. Success and failure in work (这一题在2018Fall出现过)
    3. 3 words to describe your self
    4. what you could contribute to Marshall5. career plan
    6. any question


    【申请专业:Master of Science in Marketing

    1. Introduce your marketing experience and why do you choose this program
    2. Success and failure marketing experience
    3. What would be the biggest challenge if you join the program
    4. What industry, what company and which country do you want to work in
    5. Three words to describe yourself
    6. What make you a strong candidate and how would you contribute to this program


    【申请专业:Master of Science in Marketing

    1. 为什么想申USC Marshall
    2. 毕业以后想干啥
    3. 说一下你的3个特点
    4. 说一下你的1个缺点
    5. 你在XXX段实习中主要干了什么
    6. 你对我们有什么问题

    11.学生背景:美本top40,纯理科专业,GPA 3.2,G690,三段在美当地的实习(有个mkt的很水),无WE;面试时间:2017年2月22日  已录

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Marketing】Dr.Badame   15分钟

    1)Why this program and USC

    2)分享你自己一个成功的mkt经验和失败的经验  (这个问题楼主没好好准备。。跪了,满嘴跑火车)


    4)How will you contribute to the school




    8)Any questions?

    12.学生背景:双非陆本+澳洲公费交换半年;英国Top5 硕士;T(105~110之间);GRE(V:160+);面试时间:2017年3月8日  已录

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Marketing】  15分钟

    1. 没有自我介绍
    2. How did you hear us
    3. Why MKT + Why us
    4. What makes you the unique candidate
    4. Use 3 Words to Describe Yourself
    5. Contribution
    6. Challenge 
    7. Q&A阶段

    13.学生背景:美本应届生,几段本地实习(没名气的小公司),无工作经验, GMAT 730;面试时间:2016年3月12日  

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Marketing】Dr. Diane Badame和 Christine Cortez-Samson

    1. 介绍一下你自己
    2. 你本科的专业和marketing有什么关系,为什么决定上grad school
    3. 介绍一下你的实习经历 
    4. 为什么选择USC Marshall
    5. 阐述一下你对marketing未来的看法
       (我就大概说了一下我认为未来social media marketing和digital marketing会很快发展起来,并且成为主流。我说的时候她一直点头,应该是蛮赞同我的看法的。)
    6. 未来的职业规划 
        (我说我短期想进agency,长期很想做game marketing,然后我就说了LA有很多game campany,这也是我想去USC的原因,Badame问我最想去哪个公司,我说暴雪在LA,她就很高兴的接茬说她前两天刚请了暴雪的人去USC做讲座。)
    7. 有什么问题问我们


    【申请专业:Master of Science in Marketing】9分32秒

    1.How do you hear from us and why Marshall?
    2.Describe a success and a failure
    3.Use 3 words to describe yourself(在我说完第三个词的时候,叫我explain)
    4.What industry you want to in after graduate from this program.

    15.学生背景:台灣本 GPA 3.43 GMAT 640 IELTS 7.0    4年外商化妝品集團&fashion公司Marketing and PR經驗;面试时间:2017年3月4日  

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Marketing

    1.  How did you know our program?
    2. Why do you choose this program?
    3. Successful and failure experience?
    4. 你的长短期职业规划是?
    5. What company would you want to work with after graduation?
    這題我講了一間舊金山新創公司 跟data analysis有關的fashion company(因為樓主本身做beauty and fashion產業行銷) 
    我聽到Badame說他知道 好像挺贊同
    6. Which track you wish to learn?
    7. Three words describe yourself
    8. Any questions for us?


    Fri Jun 14 14:18:49 CST 2019