

    1. 学生背景:211;面试时间:2016年1月21日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Information Systems


    1. 你怎么计算西雅图有多少家星巴克

    2. 你朋友会用什么 3 character traits 形容你(我没懂他让说三个字母的还是说三个特征 幸好是练习)

    3. 你最喜欢的一个website是什么


    • 2016fall BA 211金融GMAT>700 TOEFL>100
    • Ad: GWU(BA), RPI(BA), Fordham(BA); JHU(MSF)
    • Rej: UW(MSIS), UT(BA), Bentley(BA)


    2. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年2月1日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Information Systems


    1. How will you deal with people from different background as a team leader?

    2. Why are you pursuing an MSIS from Foster at this time?



    a. How will you keep current with information systems 

    b. Tell us your experience with objective development environment.

    c. How did you become interested in information system?

    d. Tell us your experience with database 

    e.其他还有什么data mats什么的面经里有。

    3. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2017年2月5日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Information Systems

    1. Work experience with people of diverse backgrounds. How do you like it?
    2. What is your career goals?
    3. How are you familiar with an object development environment? What platform have you used?

    4. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2019年1月29日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Information Systems

    1. Have you ever had to work on a team with others from diverse backgrounds? What was the experience like?
    2. What kind of career goals would you have in mind if you were admitted to Foster MSIS?
    3. Give us an example of how you have seen information systems transform an industry.

    5. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年1月29日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Information Systems】kira

    1、How did you become interested in information systems?
    2、career plan if you are admitted
    3、Tell us about a difficult decision you had to make recently. Walk us through the problem, what your thought process was and how you ultimately handled it.


    • 1.你怎么计算西雅图有多少家星巴克?       
    • 2.你朋友会用什么 3 character traits 形容你       
    • 3.你最喜欢的一个website是什么       
    • 4.当你必须要给别人一个不好的feedback时,你会怎么做       
    • 5.为什么MSIS会要你       
    • 6.说一下information systems在行业中带来的变化/作用       
    • 7.How will you deal with people from different backgrounds as a team leader.       
    • 8.Why are you pursuing an MSIS from Foster at this time?       
    • 9.How will you keep current with information systems (Industry)       
    • 10.How did you become interested in information system.       
    • 11.Career goals if you are admitted into Foster MSIS.       
    • 12.one thing you want to change in the way of approaching challenges       
    • 13.the pathway that leads you to apply MSIS       
    • 14.Describe the most innovative change that you have initiated and what you did to implement this change       
    • 15.Give an example of an information systems-related idea that you’ve thought through or implemented.       
    • 16.Tell us about a time when you changed your style to work more effectively in a team with people from different backgrounds.       
    • 17.Tell us about a difficult decision you had to make recently. Walk us through the problem, what your thought process was and how you ultimately handled it.       
    • 18.Tell us about the project you are most proud of and what your contribution was.       
    • 19.What factors do you consider when approaching career decisions? What is the most important factor?       
    • 20.Tell us about your experience with databases. How have you used them and what platforms are you familiar with?       
    • 21.Tell me about something you learned in the recent years that is important to you.       
    • 22.What is the leadership style of your supervisor, and what would you wish your supervisor to improve.       
    • 23.如果你在autumn将要入学,有什么是你认为自己将会非常想念的东西(something you will miss)?       
    • 24.a moment you show your leadership       
    • 25.What is your ideal working environment       
    • 26.why foster?

    Tue May 14 15:20:52 CST 2019