勒努瓦社区学院(Lenoir Community College,缩写LCC)位于北卡罗来纳州的金斯顿镇(Kinston),勒努瓦郡,是一所公立社区学院,成立于1958年,拥有在校学生约3千人。勒努瓦社区学院也是北卡罗来纳社区学院系统的一员。*(1)(2)
- Academic Experience: At the time, I am just going for an associate in arts degree. However, the program lines up with the school I plan on attending after I graduate from this school. The workload is not to heavy, depending on which class and teacher you have since some teachers are go lighter on you than others.
- Academic Flexibility: My school experience has been nothing but great. I have enjoyed going to school both online and in the classrooms. I also had some great teachers. I haven't had any frustrations with school or about my credits transferring.
- Campus Quality: Very clean environment. Trash is never on the ground or trashcans overflowing. Restrooms are always clean.
- Campus Quality: What sets our school apart from some other colleges would be the level of creativity. A lot of the students who come here are generally well-rounded individuals who are very talented. The academic programs like the Early College, also sets it apart from other colleges. However, the early college idea is becoming more popular.
- Student Body: Students are easy to get along with. They show a lot of school spirit.*(4)
(1) Lenoir Community College Wikipedia
(2) Lenoir Community College College Board
(3) Lenoir Community College USNEWS
(4) Lenoir Community College College Prowler
学校排名 | - | 学费(/年) | $8,016 | 7月1日 | |
TOEFL要求 | 70 | 食宿(/年) | $6,364 | 开学时间 | 8月-9月 |
SAT要求 | 不需要 | 申请费 | $100 | 可申请入学学期 | 秋季、春季 |
GPA要求 | 无 | 录取率 | 58.6% | 是否提供双录取 | Yes |
学生人数 | 2,983 | 全日制学生比例 | 42.7% | Semester | |
国际学生比例 | 不足1% | 全日制新生比例 | 32% | 是否拥有图书馆 | Yes |
师生比 | 1:10 | 18-24岁学生占比 | 44% | 教授水平满意度 | - |
三年毕业率 | 14% | 25-64岁学生占比 | 38% | 性价比认可度 | 100% |
新生保持率 | 56% | 女生比例 | 61% | 个人提升满意度 | - |
转学成功率 | - | 有无校园住宿 | No | 学术体验指数 | - |
(1)性价比认可度:是来源于College Prowler的一个数据。如该校的性价比认可度为85%,则意味着该校有85%的学生,认为自己在该校得到的教育值这个学费
(2)个人提升满意度:同样来源于College Prowler。如该校的个人提升满意度是83%,则意味着该校有83%的学生,认为自己在这所学校获得相当的提升
(3)学术体验指数:是College Prowler上的一个评价指标,从A+到C-共9等,等级越高,学术体验越好,C-表示体验最差。因该项指标是将美国所有大学——包括哈佛、耶鲁等著名学校——放在一起比较的,所以绝大多数社区学院该项指标的评分都不会高
Phone: (252) 527-6223
Fax: (252) 233-6879
Email : krhill01@lenoircc.edu
Contact: Kim Hill, Enrollment Management Coordinator*(1)
(1) Lenoir Community College College Board
(2) Lenoir Community College USNEWS
(3) Lenoir Community College College Prowler