
    综合排名 学校名称 项目名称 所属院系 项目类型 学制/学分
    289 渥太华大学 Master of Arts Translation studies (MA) School of Translation and Interpretation MA-Thesis 1-4年
    Master of Arts Translation studies (MA) School of Translation and Interpretation MA-Research paper 1-4年
    Master of Conference Interpreting (MIC) School of Translation and Interpretation MIC-Course-based 2年
    PhD in Translation Studies School of Translation and Interpretation PhD 4年
    PhD in Translation Studies with Specialization in Canadian Studies School of Translation and Interpretation PhD 4年
    Master of Arts Translation studies (MA) School of Translation and Interpretation MA-coursework and thesis 1年
    Master of Arts Translation studies (MA) School of Translation and Interpretation MA-coursework and research paper 1年
    PhD in Translation Studies School of Translation and Interpretation PhD 4年
    PhD in Translation Studies with Specialization in Canadian Studies School of Translation and Interpretation PhD 4年
    441-450 约克大学 Master of Conference Interpreting (MCI)   Faculty of Graduate Studies MCI-Course-based 2年
    MA in Translation Studies  Faculty of Graduate Studies MA-Thesis 2年
    MA in Translation Studies  Faculty of Graduate Studies MA-Non-Thesis 2年
    431-440 康考迪亚大学 Traductologie (MA) Faculty of Arts & Science MA-Thesis 45
    Traductologie (MA) Faculty of Arts & Science MA-Non-Thesis 45
    Technologies de la Traduction (Grad. Cert.) Faculty of Arts & Science Gr.Cert. 12







    Thu Jun 07 05:18:30 CST 2018