
    项目名称 所属院系 项目类型 学制/学分
    多伦多大学(综排:31 专排:11)​
    MA in Language and Literacies Education Ontario Institute for Studie​s in Education (OISE)​ MA-Coursework and thesis 2-3年
    MEd in Language and Literacies Education Ontario Institute for Studie​s in Education (OISE)​ MEd-Coursework 2-3年
    PhD in Language and Literacies Education Ontario Institute for Studie​s in Education (OISE)​ PhD 4-8年
    Master of Teaching​ Ontario Institute for Studie​s in Education (OISE)​ MT-Coursework 2年
    MA in Adult Education and Community Development  Ontario Institute for Studie​s in Education (OISE)​ MA-Coursework and thesis  2-3年
    MEd in dult Education and Community Development Ontario Institute for Studie​s in Education (OISE)​ MEd-Course-based 2-3年
    PhD in dult Education and Community Development Ontario Institute for Studie​s in Education (OISE)​ PhD 4-6年
    MA in Educational Leadership and Policy Ontario Institute for Studie​s in Education (OISE)​ MA-Coursework and thesis 2-3年
    MEd in Educational Leadership and Policy Ontario Institute for Studie​s in Education (OISE)​ MEd-Course-based 2-3年
    MEd in Educational Leadership and Policy Ontario Institute for Studie​s in Education (OISE)​ MEd-Coursework and thesis 2-3年
    PhD in Educational Leadership and Policy Ontario Institute for Studie​s in Education (OISE)​ PhD 4-6年
    MA in Higher Education Ontario Institute for Studie​s in Education (OISE)​ MA-Coursework and thesis 2-3年
    MEd in Higher Education Ontario Institute for Studie​s in Education (OISE)​ MEd-Course-based 2-3年
    MEd in Higher Education Ontario Institute for Studie​s in Education (OISE)​ MEd-Coursework and research paper 2-3年
    Doctor of Education​ Ontario Institute for Studie​s in Education (OISE)​ EdD 4-6年
    PhD in Higher Education Ontario Institute for Studie​s in Education (OISE)​ PhD 4-6年
    英属哥伦比亚大学(综排:51 专排:18)​
    Master of Education in Adult Learning and Education (MEd) Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework and Major Project/Essay 2年
    Master of Education in Adult Learning and Global Change (MEd) Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework 2年
    Master of Arts in Art Education (MA) Faculty of Education MA-Coursework and Thesis 2年
    Master of Education in Art Education (MEd) Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework + Major Project/Essay 2年
    Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education (MA) Faculty of Education MA-Coursework and Thesis
    Master of Education in Early Childhood Education (MEd) Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework + Major Project/Essay 2年
    Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies (PhD) Faculty of Education PhD 4年
    Master of Arts in Educational Studies (MA) Faculty of Education MA-Coursework and Thesis 2年
    Master of Education in Educational Studies (MEd) Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework and Major Project/Essay 1年
    Master of Education in Higher Education (MEd) Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework + Major Project/Essay 1年
    Doctor of Philosophy in Language and Literacy Education (PhD) Faculty of Education PhD 4年
    Master of Arts in Literacy Education (MA) Faculty of Education MA-Coursework + Thesis /
    Master of Education in Literacy Education (MEd) Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework + Major Project/Essay 1年
    Master of Arts in Mathematics Education (MA) Faculty of Education MA-Coursework and Thesis /
    Master of Education in Mathematics Education (MEd) Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework + Major Project/Essay /
    Master of Arts in Media and Technology Studies Education (MA) Faculty of Education MA-Coursework and Thesis /
    Master of Education in Media and Technology Studies Education (MEd) Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework + Major Project/Essay /
    Master of Arts in Modern Languages Education (MA) Faculty of Education MA-Coursework + Thesis /
    Master of Education in Modern Languages Education (MEd) Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework + Major Project/Essay /
    Master of Museum Education (MMEd) Faculty of Education MMEd-Coursework /
    Master of Arts in Music Education (MA) Faculty of Education MA-Coursework and Thesis /
     Master of Education in Music Education (MEd) Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework + Major Project/Essay /
    Master of Arts in Physical Education (MA) Faculty of Education MA-Coursework and Thesis /
    Master of Education in Physical Education (MEd) Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework + Major Project/Essay /
    Master of Arts in Science Education (MA) Faculty of Education MA-Coursework + Thesis /
    Master of Education in Science Education (MEd) Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework + Major Project/Essay /
    Master of Arts in Social Studies Education (MA) Faculty of Education MA-Coursework and Thesis /
    Master of Education in Social Studies Education (MEd) Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework + Major Project/Essay /
    Master of Education in Society, Culture and Politics in Education (MEd) Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework + Major Project/Essay /
    Master of Arts in Special Education (MA) Faculty of Education MA-Coursework and Thesis /
    Doctor of Philosophy in Special Education (PhD) Faculty of Education PhD 4年
    Master of Education in Special Education (MEd) Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework + Major Project/Essay /
    麦吉尔大学(综排:32 专排:36)​
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Education and Society (Thesis) (45 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Education and Society (Thesis): Gender and Women's Studies (45 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Education and Society (Thesis): Mathematics and Science Education (45 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Education and Society (Non-Thesis) (45 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Non-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Education and Society (Non-Thesis): Course Work (45 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Non-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Education and Society (Non-Thesis): Course Work Math & Science Education (45 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Non-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Education and Society (Non-Thesis): Gender and Women's Studies (45 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Non-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Education and Society (Non-Thesis): Jewish Education (45 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Non-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Education and Society (Non-Thesis): Project Math & Science Education (45 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Non-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Educational Leadership (Thesis) (45 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Educational Leadership (Thesis): Gender and Women's Studies (45 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Educational Leadership (Non-Thesis): Course Work (45 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Non-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Educational Leadership (Non-Thesis): Project (45 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Non-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Educational Leadership (Non-Thesis): Gender and Women's Studies (45 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Non-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Second Language Education (Thesis) (45 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Second Language Education (Thesis): Gender and Women's Studies (45 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Second Language Education (Non-Thesis) (45 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Non-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) in Teaching and Learning (Non-Thesis): English or French Second Language (60 credits)(The French Second Language program is currently not offered.) Faculty of Education MA-Non-Thesis 60
    Master of Arts (M.A.) in Teaching and Learning (Non-Thesis): English Language Arts Option (60 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Non-Thesis 60
    Master of Arts (M.A.) in Teaching and Learning (Non-Thesis):Mathematics Option (60 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Non-Thesis 60
    Master of Arts (M.A.) in Teaching and Learning (Non-Thesis): Social Sciences Option (60 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Non-Thesis 60
    Master of Arts (M.A.) in Teaching and Learning (Non-Thesis): Science and Technology Option (60 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Non-Thesis 60
    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Educational Studies Faculty of Education PhD /
    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Educational Studies: Gender and Women's Studies Faculty of Education PhD /
    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Educational Studies: Language Acquisition Faculty of Education PhD /
    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Educational Studies: Mathematics and Science Education Faculty of Education PhD /
    Graduate Certificate (Gr. Cert.) Educational Leadership 1 (15 credits) Faculty of Education Gr. Cert. 15
    Graduate Certificate (Gr. Cert.) Educational Leadership 2 (15 credits) Faculty of Education Gr. Cert. 15
    Graduate Certificate (Gr. Cert.) International Leadership in Educational and Administrative Development (15 credits) Faculty of Education Gr. Cert. 15
    Graduate Certificate (Gr. Cert.) Teaching English as a Second Language (15 credits) Faculty of Education Gr. Cert. 15
    Certificat d’études supérieures en pédagogie de l'immersion française (Cert.ed.sup.) pédagogie de l'immersion française (15 crs) Faculty of Education Gr. Cert. 15
    阿尔伯塔大学(综排:90 专排:41)​
    MEd in Educational Policy Studies  Faculty of Arts MEd-Thesis 4年
    MEd in Educational Policy Studies  Faculty of Arts MEd-Course-based 6年
    EdD in Educational Policy Studies  Faculty of Arts EdD 6年
    PhD in Educational Policy Studies  Faculty of Arts PhD 6年
    MEd in Educational Studies Faculty of Arts MEd-Thesis 4年
    MEd in Educational Studies Faculty of Arts MEd-Course-based 6年
    MEd in Elementary Education Faculty of Arts MEd-Thesis 4年
    MEd in Elementary Education Faculty of Arts MEd-Course-based 6年
    PhD in Elementary Education Faculty of Arts PhD 6年
    MEd in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts MEd-Thesis 4年
    MEd in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts MEd-Course-based 6年
    PhD in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts EdD 6年
    EdD in Secondary Education Faculty of Arts PhD 6年
    西门菲莎大学(综排:245 专排:101-150)​
    Master of Education (MEd) in Arts Education Faculty of Education MEd course work/comprehensive examination 2年
    Master of Arts (MA) in Arts Education Faculty of Education MA coursework/thesis 3年
    Arts Education PhD  Faculty of Education Ph.D. 4-5年
    Educational Practice (MEd EP)  Faculty of Education MEd course work/comprehensive examination 1年
    Graduate Diploma in Advanced Professional Studies in Education (GDE)  Faculty of Education G.Dip 2年
    Educational Leadership EdD Faculty of Education EdD 4-5年
    Educational Leadership MEd Faculty of Education MEd course work/comprehensive examination 2年
    Master of Arts (MA) in Educational Psychology Faculty of Education MA coursework/thesis 3年
    Master of Education (MEd) in Educational Psychology Faculty of Education MEd course work/comprehensive examination 2年
    Educational Psychology PhD  Faculty of Education Ph.D. 4-5年
    Master of Arts (MA) in Educational Technology & Learning Design Faculty of Education MA coursework/thesis 3年
    Master of Education (MEd) in Educational Technology & Learning Design Faculty of Education MEd course work/comprehensive examination 2年
    Educational Technology & Learning Design PhD  Faculty of Education Ph.D. 4-5年
    Maîtrise en éducation en français MEd (campus de Burnaby) Faculty of Education MEd course work/comprehensive examination 2年
    Maîtrise en éducation en français MA (campus de Burnaby) Faculty of Education MA coursework/thesis 3年
    Maîtrise en éducation en français MEd (en ligne) Faculty of Education MEd course work/comprehensive examination 2年
    Languages, Cultures, & Literacies, PhD Faculty of Education Ph.D. 4-5年
    Doctorat en leadership éducationnel EdD Faculty of Education Ph.D. 4-5年
    Master of Education in Secondary Mathematics Education Faculty of Education MEd course work/comprehensive examination 2年
    Master of Science Secondary Mathematics Education  Faculty of Education MSc (thesis) 3年
    Mathematics Education PhD Faculty of Education Ph.D. 4-5年
    Graduate Certificate in Imaginative Education, Online Faculty of Education G.Cert.-course-based 1年
    Graduate Certificate in Educational Leadership Faculty of Education G.Cert.-course-based 18
    卡尔加里大学(综排:217 专排:101-150)​
    Doctor of Education (EdD) in Educational Research Werklund School of Education EdD-Thesis 3年
    Master of Arts (MA) in Educational Research Werklund School of Education MA-Thesis 2年
    Master of Education - Interdisciplinary (MEd - Int) in Educational Research Werklund School of Education MEd - Int-course-based 1年
    Master of Education - Specialist (MEd - Spec) in Educational Research Werklund School of Education MEd - Spec-course-based 2-3年
    Master of Science (MSc) in Educational Research Werklund School of Education MSc-Thesis 2年
    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Educational Research Werklund School of Education PhD  4年
    康考迪亚大学(综排:431-440 专排:151-200)
    Adult Education (GrDip) Faculty of Arts & Science GrDip 30
    Art Education (MA) Faculty of Fine Arts MA-Thesis 45
    Art Education (MA) Faculty of Fine Arts MA-Course-based 45
    Art Education (PhD) Faculty of Fine Arts PhD 90
    Education (PhD) Faculty of Arts & Science PhD 90
    Educational Studies (MA) Faculty of Arts & Science MA-Thesis 45
    Educational Studies (MA) Faculty of Arts & Science MA-Non-Thesis 45
    渥太华大学(综排:289 专排:151-200)
    Graduate Diploma in Health Professions Education Faculty of Education G.Dip. 15
    Master of Education (MEd) in Health Professions Education Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework 1年
    Master of Education (MEd) in Health Professions Education Faculty of Education MEd-Research Paper 5学期
    Master of Arts in Education (MA) in Health Professions Education Faculty of Education MA-Coursework and Thesis 18
    Doctorate of Philosophy in Education (PhD) in Health Professions Education Faculty of Education PhD 4年
    Master of Education (MEd) in Societies, Cultures and Languages Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework 1年
    Master of Education (MEd) in Societies, Cultures and Languages Faculty of Education MEd-Research Paper 5学期
    Master of Arts in Education (MA) in Societies, Cultures and Languages Faculty of Education MA-Coursework and Thesis 18
    Doctorate of Philosophy in Education (PhD) in Societies, Cultures and Languages Faculty of Education PhD 4年
    Master of Education (MEd) in Studies in Teaching and Learning Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework 1年
    Master of Education (MEd) in Studies in Teaching and Learning Faculty of Education MEd-Research Paper 5学期
    Master of Arts in Education (MA) in Studies in Teaching and Learning Faculty of Education MA-Coursework and Thesis 18
    Doctorate of Philosophy in Education (PhD) in Studies in Teaching and Learning Faculty of Education PhD 4年
    西安大略大学(综排:210 专排:201-250)
    Doctor of Education Faculty of Education EdD 3年
    Master of Professional Education Faculty of Education MEd-Online 2年
    PhD in Education Faculty of Education PhD 4年
    Master of Arts in Education Faculty of Education MA-research-intensive  1-2年
    皇后大学(综排:224 专排:251-300)
    Master of Education Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework and Thesis 18-24月
    Master of Education Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework and Project 18-24月
    Dual Master of Education Faculty of Education, School of Foreign Studies at South China Normal University (SCNU) MEd-Coursework and Thesis 3年
    Master of Education in Aboriginal & World Indigenous Educational Studies Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework and Thesis 5年
    Master of Education in Aboriginal & World Indigenous Educational Studies Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework and Project 5年
    Doctor of Philosophy in Education (PhD) Faculty of Education PhD 4年
    Professional Master of Education (Online) Faculty of Education MEd /
    曼尼托巴大学(综排:551-600 专排:251-300)
    M.Ed. (CTL) in Education Faculty of Graduate Studies M.Ed.-Coursework and thesis/exam 2年
    M.Ed.in Educational Administration, Foundations & Psychology (EAFP) Faculty of Graduate Studies M.Ed.-Coursework and thesis/exam 2年
    Ph.D.in Education Faculty of Graduate Studies Ph.D. 3年
    M. en Éd.in Éducation(Université de Saint-Boniface) Faculty of Graduate Studies M. en Éd.-Coursework and thesis/exam 2年
    维多利亚大学(综排:346 专排:251-300)
    MEd in Special Education Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies MEd-course-based(without Co-op) 2年
    MEd in Special Education Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies MEd-course-based(with Co-op) 3年
    MA in Special Education Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies MA-course-based 2年
    MEd in Leadership, adult education & community engagement Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies MEd-project 2年
    MA in Leadership, adult education & community engagement Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies MA-thesis 18
    Coaching studies (MEd) Department of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education MEd-course-based  2-2.5年
    Physical education (MA) Department of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education MA-coursework with thesis 2-2.5年
    萨斯喀彻温大学(综排:451-460 专排:-)
    Ph.D.in Education (Cross-departmental) College of Education Ph.D. 4年
    M.Ed.in Educational Foundations College of Education M.Ed.-Project and/or thesis 2年
    M.Ed.in Educational Foundations College of Education M.Ed.-Course based 2年
    M.Ed.in Educational Psychology and Special Education Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education M.Ed.-Project and/or thesis 2-4年
    M.Ed.in Educational Psychology and Special Education Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education M.Ed.-Course based 2-4年
    M.Ed.in Leadership in Post-Secondary Education College of Education M.Ed.-Project and/or thesis 2年
    M.Ed.in Leadership in Post-Secondary Education College of Education M.Ed.-Course based 2年
    滑铁卢大学(综排:152 专排:-)
    Mathematics for Teachers - MMT Faculty of Mathematics MMT-Coursework-PART-TIME /
    新布伦瑞克大学(综排:- 专排:-)
    MEd in Education Faculty of Education (Fredericton) MEd-Coursework 5年
    MEd in Education Faculty of Education (Fredericton) MEd-Project/Report 5年
    MEd in Education Faculty of Education (Fredericton) MEd-Thesis 5年
    Adult Education    
    Critical Studies in Education 
    Curriculum Studies  
    Educational Administration and Leadership
    Exceptional Learners  
    Instructional Design  
    PhD in Education Faculty of Education (Fredericton) PhD 7年
    纽芬兰纪念大学(综排:701-750 专排:-)
    MEd in Educational Leadership Studies Faculty of Education MEd-Thesis 1-2年
    MEd in Educational Leadership Studies Faculty of Education MEd-Non-Thesis 1-2年
    MEd in Educational Technology Faculty of Education MEd-Thesis 1-2年
    MEd in Educational Technology Faculty of Education MEd-Non-Thesis 1-2年
    MEd in Post-secondary Studies Faculty of Education MEd-Thesis 1-2年
    MEd in Post-secondary Studies Faculty of Education MEd-Non-Thesis 1-2年
    PhD in Education Faculty of Education PhD 4年
    约克大学(综排:441-450 专排:-)
    Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education Faculty of Education Gr.Dip. /
    Graduate Diploma in Education in Urban Environments Faculty of Education    Gr.Dip. /
    MEd in Education – Language, Culture & Teaching Faculty of Education MEd-Thesis 1年
    MEd in Education – Language, Culture & Teaching Faculty of Education    MEd-Non-Thesis 1年
    PhD in Education – Language, Culture & Teaching Faculty of Education    PhD 4年
    劳里埃大学(综排:- 专排:-)
    Education (MEd)-part-time Faculty of Education  MEd-Course-based 2年
    瑞尔森大学(综排:801-1000 专排:-)
    Early Childhood Studies (MA) Faculty of Community Services MA-Research-based 1年
    Early Childhood Studies (MA) Faculty of Community Services MA-Course-based 1年
    里贾纳大学(综排:- 专排:-)
    PhD in Education Faculty of Education Ph. D. /
    Master of Educational Leadership (MEd EDL) Faculty of Education M.Ed.-Thesis 30
    Master of Educational Leadership (MEd EDL) Faculty of Education M.Ed.-Non-Thesis 30
    Master of Adult Education (MAEd) Faculty of Education MAEd-Thesis 30
    Master of Adult Education (MAEd) Faculty of Education MAEd-Non-Thesis 30
    Maîtrise en éducation française Faculty of Education M.Ed.-Non-Thesis 30
    Master of Indigenous Education (MIED) Faculty of Education MIED-Thesis 30
    Master of Indigenous Education (MIED) Faculty of Education MIED-Non-Thesis 30
    Master's Certificate in Educational Technology and Media Faculty of Education M.Cert 15
    温莎大学(综排:651-700 专排:-)
    M.Ed.in Second Language Acquisition, Culture and Society Faculty of Education M.Ed.-Thesis 16月
    M.Ed.in Second Language Acquisition, Culture and Society Faculty of Education M.Ed.-Non-Thesis 16月
    Ph.D. in Educational Studies Faculty of Education Ph. D. /
    布鲁克大学(综排:- 专排:-)
    Master of Arts in Health and Physical Education Faculty of Applied Health Sciences MA-Thesis 2年
    Master of Education in Teaching Learning and Development Faculty of Applied Health Sciences M.Ed.-Thesis 2年
    Master of Education in Teaching Learning and Development Faculty of Applied Health Sciences M.Ed.-Non-Thesis 1-1.5年
    Master of Education in Social and Cultural Contexts in Education Faculty of Applied Health Sciences M.Ed.-Thesis 2年
    Master of Education in Social and Cultural Contexts in Education Faculty of Applied Health Sciences M.Ed.-Non-Thesis 1-1.5年
    Master of Education International Student Program (MEd ISP) in Teaching, Learning and Development Faculty of Applied Health Sciences M.Ed.-Non-Thesis 1-1.5年
    PhD in Educational Studies Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Ph. D. /
    Masters Preparation Certificate in Education (MPCE) Faculty of Applied Health Sciences MPCE 6月
    北英属哥伦比亚大学(综排:- 专排:-)
    Education (MEd) in Multidisciplinary Leadership School of Education M.Ed.-Thesis 2年
    Education (MEd) in Multidisciplinary Leadership School of Education M.Ed.-Non-Thesis 2年
    Education (MEd) in Special Education School of Education M.Ed.-Thesis 2.4年
    Education (MEd) in Special Education School of Education M.Ed.-Non-Thesis 2.4年
    Graduate Certificate in Special Education-Proposed Start Date: January 2018 School of Education G.Cer. /
    Graduate Certificate in Leading for Learning School of Education G.Cer. /
    莱斯布里奇大学(综排:- 专排:-)
    Education (MED): Curriculum and Assessment(started from Summer 2019) FACULTY OF EDUCATION M.Ed.-Non-Thesis 3年
    Education (MED): Teaching, Learning, and Neuroscience(started from Summer 2020) FACULTY OF EDUCATION M.Ed.-Non-Thesis 3年
    Education (MED): multiple literacies(started from Summer 2021) FACULTY OF EDUCATION M.Ed.-Non-Thesis 25月
    川特大学(综排:- 专排:-)
    Master of Education in Educational Studies M.Ed. School of Graduate Studies M.Ed.-Thesis 2-5年
    Master of Education in Educational Studies M.Ed. School of Graduate Studies M.Ed.-Non-Thesis 2-5年
    阿卡迪亚大学(综排:- 专排:-)
    Master of Education in Inclusive Education Faculty of Professional Studies MEd-Thesis 30
    Master of Education in Leadership Faculty of Professional Studies MEd-Thesis 30
    Graduate Certificate in Math Teaching Faculty of Professional Studies G.Cer. 30
    PhD in Educational Studies Faculty of Professional Studies Ph. D. 4-6年
    爱德华王子岛大学(综排:- 专排:-)
    Master of Education in Leadership in Learning Faculty of Education MEd-Thesis 16-24月
    Master of Education in Leadership in Learning Faculty of Education MEd-Non-Thesis 16-24月
    Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies Faculty of Education Ph. D. 3-7年
    安大略理工大学 (综排:- 专排:-)
    Master of Arts in Education(Online) Faculty of Education M.A. Éd.-Thesis 16月
    Master of Education (Online) Faculty of Education MEd-Non-Thesis 12-16月
    Graduate Diploma in Education and Digital Technologies(Online) Faculty of Education G.Dip 8月
    主教大学(综排:- 专排:-)
    Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Leadership, Societies and Language School of Education M.Ed.-Non-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) in Leadership, Societies and Language School of Education MA-Thesis 45
    湖首大学(综排:- 专排:-)
    Master of Education (MEd) Faculty of Education MEd-Thesis 2年
    Master of Education (MEd) Faculty of Education MEd-Non-Thesis 2年
    Master of Education (MEd): Education for Change Faculty of Education MEd-Thesis 2年
    Master of Education (MEd): Education for Change Faculty of Education MEd-Non-Thesis 2年
    Master of Education (MEd) with Specialization in Gerontology Faculty of Education MEd-Thesis 2年
    Master of Education (MEd) with Specialization in Gerontology Faculty of Education MEd-Non-Thesis 2年
    Master of Education (MEd) with Specialization in Women's Studies Faculty of Education MEd-Thesis 2年
    Master of Education (MEd) with Specialization in Women's Studies Faculty of Education MEd-Non-Thesis 2年
    PhD in Educational Studies Faculty of Education Ph. D. 3-6年
    蒙克顿大学(综排:- 专排:-)
    Doctorat en éducation Faculté des sciences de l'éducation Ph. D. 3-7年
    Maîtrise en éducation (Enseignement-ressource) Faculté des sciences de l'éducation M. Éd.-Non-Thesis 1年
    Maîtrise en éducation (Enseignement) Faculté des sciences de l'éducation M. Éd.-Non-Thesis 1年
    Maîtrise ès arts en éducation Faculté des sciences de l'éducation M.A. Éd.-Thesis 1年
    布兰登大学(综排:- 专排:-)
    Master of Education Faculty of Graduate Studies MEd-Thesis 27+9(research-based)
    Master of Education Faculty of Graduate Studies MEd-Non-Thesis 36
    不列颠海角大学(综排:- 专排:-)
    Graduate Certificate/Diploma in Teacher Education School of Professional Studies G.Cer/G.Dip 1-2年
    Master of Education in Educational Technology School of Professional Studies MEd-Online /
    Master of Education in Sustainability, Creativity and Innovation School of Professional Studies MEd /
    尼普森大学(综排:- 专排:-)
    Master of Education School of Graduate Studies MEd-Thesis 2年
    PhD in Education (Educational Sustainability) School of Graduate Studies PhD /







    Thu Jun 07 01:13:00 CST 2018