
    专业排名 综合排名 学校名称 项目名称 所属院系 项目类型 学制/学分
    14 31 多伦多大学 Master of Arts in History Faculty of Arts & Science MA Thesis 1年(10个月)
    Doctor of Philosophy in History Faculty of Arts & Science PhD 4-5年
    Master of Arts in History & Philosophy of Science & Technology  The Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IHPST) MA 1年
    Doctor of Philosophy in History & Philosophy of Science & Technology The Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IHPST) PhD 4-5年
    23 51 英属哥伦比亚大学 Doctor of Philosophy in Art History (PhD) Faculty of Arts PhD 4年
    Master of Arts in Art History (MA) Faculty of Arts MA-Coursework and Thesis 2年
    Master of Arts in Art History (Critical Curatorial Studies) (MA) Faculty of Arts MA-Coursework and Major Project/Essay 2年
    Doctor of Philosophy in History (PhD) Faculty of Arts PhD 4年
    Master of Arts in History (MA) Faculty of Arts MA-Coursework and Thesis 2年
    36 32 麦吉尔大学 Master of Arts (M.A.) History (Thesis) (45 credits) Faculty of Arts MA Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) History (Thesis): Development Studies (45 credits) Faculty of Arts MA Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) History (Thesis): European Studies (45 credits) Faculty of Arts MA Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) History (Thesis): Gender and Women's Studies (45 credits) Faculty of Arts MA Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) History (Non-Thesis) (45 credits) Faculty of Arts MA-Non-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) History (Non-Thesis): Development Studies (45 credits) Faculty of Arts MA-Non-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) History (Non-Thesis): European Studies (45 credits) Faculty of Arts MA-Non-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) History (Non-Thesis): Gender and Women Studies (45 credits) Faculty of Arts MA-Non-Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) History of Medicine (Non-Thesis) (45 credits) Faculty of Arts MA-Non-Thesis 45
    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) History Faculty of Arts PhD /
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Classics (Thesis) (45 credits) Faculty of Arts MA Thesis 45
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Classics (Non-Thesis) (45 credits) Faculty of Arts MA-Non-Thesis 45
    101-150 140 麦克马斯特大学 Master of Arts (M.A.) in History Faculty of Humanities M.A.-Thesis 1年
    Master of Arts (M.A.) in History Faculty of Humanities M.A.-Project 1年
    Doctorate (Ph.D.) in History Faculty of Humanities Ph.D.  4年
    101-150 90 阿尔伯塔大学 MA in History Faculty of Arts MA-Course-based 1年
    MA in History Faculty of Arts MA-Thesis 1年
    PhD in History Faculty of Arts PhD 4-6年
    101-150 441-450 约克大学 MA in Art History School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design MA-Thesis 5学期
    MA in Art History School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design MA-Non-Thesis 5学期
    PhD in Art History & Visual Culture  School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design PhD 6年
    MA in History Faculty of Graduate Studies MA-Thesis 3学期
    MA in History Faculty of Graduate Studies MA-Non-Thesis 3学期
    PhD in History Faculty of Graduate Studies PhD 5年
    151-200 279 戴尔豪斯大学 Master of Arts (MA) in History  Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences  MA-Thesis 2年
    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in History  Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences  PhD 3-4年
    151-200 224 皇后大学 History - PhD Faculty of Arts and Science MA-Thesis 1-2年
    History - MA Faculty of Arts and Science PhD 4年
    151-200 245 西门菲莎大学 History MA Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences MA-Thesis 2年
    History PhD Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences PhD 5年
    151-200 210 西安大略大学 M.A. in History Department of History M.A.-coursework 1年
    M.A. in History Department of History M.A.-thesis 2年
    M.A. in Public History Department of History M.A.-coursework 1年
    M.A. in Public History Department of History M.A.-thesis 16月
    Ph.D. in History Department of History Ph.D. 4年
    - 289 渥太华大学 Master of Arts History (MA) Department of History MA-Thesis 4年
    Master of Arts History (MA) Department of History MA-Non-Thesis 2年
    Master of Arts History Specialization in Medieval and Renaissance Studies Department of History MA-Thesis 4年
    Master of Arts History Specialization in Medieval and Renaissance Studies Department of History MA-Non-Thesis 2年
    Master of Arts History with Specialization in Women's Studies Department of History MA-Thesis 4年
    Master of Arts History with Specialization in Women's Studies Department of History MA-Non-Thesis 2年
    PhD in History Department of History PhD 4年
    PhD in History with Specialization in Canadian Studies Department of History PhD 4年
    - 217 卡尔加里大学 MA in History Faculty of Arts MA-thesis 2年
    MA in History Faculty of Arts MA-coursework 1年
    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in History Faculty of Arts PhD  4年
    - 451-460 萨斯喀彻温大学 M.A. in History Department of History M.A.-Project and/or thesis 2年
    Ph.D.in History Department of History Ph.D. 5年
    - 551-600 曼尼托巴大学 M.A.in History Faculty of Graduate Studies M.A.-Course-based 2年
    M.A.in History Faculty of Graduate Studies M.A.-Thesis 2年
    M.A.in Archival Studies  Faculty of Graduate Studies M.A.-Course-based 2年
    M.A.in Archival Studies  Faculty of Graduate Studies M.A.-Thesis 2年
    Ph.D.in History Faculty of Graduate Studies Ph.D. 4年
    - 152 滑铁卢大学 History - MA Faculty of Arts MA-Thesis /
    History - MA Faculty of Arts MA-Non-Thesis /
    History - PhD Faculty of Arts PhD /
    - 346 维多利亚大学 MA in Art History and Visual Studies Department of Art History and Visual Studies MA-research-focused  2年
    PhD in Art History and Visual Studies Department of Art History and Visual Studies PhD 39
    MA in History Department of History MA-thesis   2年
    MA in History Department of History MA-non-thesis 2年
    - 491-500 贵湖大学 MA in Art History and Visual Culture College of Arts MA-Coursework plus a major research project/paper option 3学期
    MA in Art History and Visual Culture College of Arts MA-Coursework and research-based thesis 5-6学期 
    MA in History  College of Arts MA- coursework plus a major research project/paper 3学期
    MA in History  College of Arts MA- coursework and research thesis 4学期
    PhD in History College of Arts PhD /
    - 651-700 卡尔顿大学 M.A. Art History School for Studies in Art and Culture MA-Thesis /
    M.A. Art History School for Studies in Art and Culture MA-Non-Thesis /
    M.A. Art History with Concentration in Art Exhibition and Curatorial Practices School for Studies in Art and Culture MA-Thesis /
    M.A. Art History with Concentration in Art Exhibition and Curatorial Practices School for Studies in Art and Culture MA-Non-Thesis /
    M.A. Art History with Specialization in Digital Humanities School for Studies in Art and Culture MA-Thesis /
    M.A. Art History with Specialization in Digital Humanities School for Studies in Art and Culture MA-Non-Thesis /
    M.A. History Department of History M.A.-Thesis  /
    M.A. History Department of History M.A.-Research Essay /
    M.A. History with Specialization in African Studies Department of History M.A.-Thesis  /
    M.A. History with Specialization in African Studies Department of History M.A.-Research Essay /
    M.A. History with Specialization in Digital Humanities Department of History M.A.-Thesis /
    M.A. Public History Department of History M.A.-Research Essay /
    M.A. Public History with Specialization in Digital Humanities Department of History M.A.-Research Essay /
    Ph.D. History Department of History PhD /
    Ph.D. History with Specialization in Political Economy Department of History PhD /
    - - 新布伦瑞克大学 MA in Classics and Ancient History Faculty of Arts MA-Thesis 2年
    MA in Classics and Ancient History Faculty of Arts MA-Report 2年
    MA in History Faculty of Arts MA-Thesis 1-2年
    PhD in History  Faculty of Arts PhD 4-5年
    - - 劳里埃大学 History (MA) Faculty of Arts MA /
    History (PhD) Faculty of Arts PhD /
    - 431-440 康考迪亚大学 Art History (MA) Faculty of Fine Arts MA-Thesis 45
    Art History (MA) Faculty of Fine Arts MA-Non-Thesis 45
    Art History (PhD) Faculty of Fine Arts PhD 90
    History (MA) Faculty of Arts & Science MA-Non-Thesis 45
    History (PhD) Faculty of Arts & Science PhD 90
    - - 里贾纳大学 History - MA Faculty of Arts MA-combines course work and a thesis 1年
    - 651-700 温莎大学 M.A. in History Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences MA-Non-Thesis 1年
    - - 布鲁克大学 Master of Arts in History Faculty of Humanities MA-Thesis 20月
    Master of Arts in History Faculty of Humanities MA-Non-Thesis 12-20月
    - - 北英属哥伦比亚大学 Master of Arts in History Department of History MA-Thesis 2年
    Master of Arts in History Department of History MA-Non-Thesis 2年
    - - 莱斯布里奇大学 HISTORY (MA) FACULTY OF ARTS & SCIENCE M.A.-Thesis 2年
    - - 川特大学 Master of Arts in History M.A. School of Graduate Studies MA-Thesis 1-2年
    Master of Arts in History M.A. School of Graduate Studies MA-Non-Thesis 1-2年
    - - 圣玛丽大学(加拿大) Master of Arts in History Faculty of Arts MA-Non-Thesis 1年
    - - 劳伦森大学 History (MA) Faculty of Graduate Studies MA-Thesis 2年
    History (MA) Faculty of Graduate Studies MA-Non-Thesis 1年
    - - 湖首大学 Master of Arts in History (MA) Department of History MA-Thesis 2年
    Master of Arts in History (MA) Department of History MA-Non-Thesis 2年
    - - 蒙克顿大学 Maîtrise ès arts (histoire) Faculté des arts et des sciences sociales M.A.-Thesis 2年
    - - 尼普森大学 Master of Arts in History School of Graduate Studies MA-Thesis 1年







    Thu Jun 07 01:38:51 CST 2018