
    综合排名 学校名称 项目名称 所属院系 项目类型 学制/学分
    289 渥太华大学 Graduate Diploma Systems Science Faculty of Engineering G.Dip. 1年
    Master of Science Systems Science Faculty of Engineering MSc-thesis 2年
    Master of Science Systems Science Specialization in Environmental Sustainability Faculty of Engineering MSc-thesis 2年
    Master of Systems Science Faculty of Engineering MSc-coursework 2年
    152 滑铁卢大学 Systems Design Engineering - MASc Faculty of Engineering MASc-Thesis 16月
    Systems Design Engineering - MASc (Nanotechnology Faculty of Engineering, Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology MASc-Thesis 16月
    Systems Design Engineering - MEng Faculty of Engineering MEng-Coursework 16月
    Systems Design Engineering - PhD  Faculty of Engineering PhD 4年
    Systems Design Engineering - PhD (Nanotechnology)  Faculty of Engineering, Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology PhD 4年
    441-450 约克大学 MA in Information Systems & Technology School of Information Technology MA-Thesis 5学期
    MA in Information Systems & Technology School of Information Technology MA-Non-Thesis 5学期
    431-440 康考迪亚大学 Information & Systems Engineering (PhD) Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science PhD 90







    Wed Jun 06 15:09:31 CST 2018