初级阿拉伯语I-II | Elementary Arabic I-II |
中级阿拉伯语I-II | Intermediate Arabic I-II |
古兰经 | The Qu'ran |
伊斯兰教历史 | History of Islam |
Islamic Philosophy and Theology | |
伊斯兰法律 | Islamic Law |
阿拉伯现代文学 | Modern Arabic Literature |
伊斯兰文化宗教与政治 | Religion and Politics in Islamic Culture |
古代以色列 | Ancient Israel |
阿拉伯世界史 | History of the Arab World |
奥斯曼帝国史 | History of the Ottoman Empire |
清真寺建筑 | Architecture of the Mosque |
现代阿拉伯世界文化 | Culture of the Modern Arab World |
中东:1800年到现在 | Middle East: 1800 to Present |
大学 | 英文名 | 学院 |
澳洲国立大学(ANU) | TheAustralianNational University | 阿拉伯与伊斯兰研究中心 | Centre for Arab & Islamic Studies (Middle East & Central Asia) |
GeorgetownUniversity | 当代阿拉伯研究中心 | CenterforContemporary Arab Studies | |
University of Chicago | 中东研究中心 | Center for Middle Eastern Studies | |
University of Arizona | 中东研究中心 | Center for Middle Eastern Studies | |
兰德大学(瑞典) | Lund University | 中东研究中心 | CenterforMiddleEasternStudies |
the University of Michigan | 中东与北非研究中心 | Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies | |
洪堡大学(柏林) | Humboldt University | 中东研究中心 | Center for Modern Oriental Studies |
马尔堡大学(德国) | Marburg University | 近东研究中心 | Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies |
罗格斯新泽西州立大学 | Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey | 非洲、中东与南亚语言文学系 | Department of African, Middle Eastern, and South Asian Languages and Literatures |
George Washington University | 中东研究所 | Institute for Middle East Studies | |
University of Exeter | 阿拉伯与伊斯兰研究所 | Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies | |
the University of Pennsylvania | 中东中心 | Middle East Center | |
the University of Washington | 中东中心 | Middle East Center | |
New York University | 中东与伊斯兰研究 | Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies | |
Columbia University | 中东研究所 | Middle East Institute | |
美利坚大学(开罗) | TheAmericanUniversity | 中东研究中心 | Middle East Studies Center |
University of London | 中东与非洲研究学院 | School of Oriental and African Studies | |
德克萨斯大学 | the University of Texas | 中东研究 | Middle Eastern Studies |
UCLA | 近东研究中心 | Center for Near East Studies | |
BYU | 近东研究 | Near Eastern Studies |
Middle Eastern Studies is an interdisciplinary field. Translation: if it's your major, you are likely to end up taking courses in a variety of disciplines including (but certainly not limited to) art, philosophy, literature, and history.
What can you do with a major in Middle Eastern Studies? You can be in the Foreign Service, of course. Just like with any liberal arts major, though, you can do virtually anything.*(6)
(1) Middle Eastern studies Wikipedia
(2) Major: Middle Eastern Studies The Princeton Review
(3) Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2012 19-3091 Anthropologists and Archeologists U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
(4) Major: Middle Eastern Studies The Princeton Review
(5) Middle Eastern studies Wikipedia
(6) Major: Middle Eastern Studies The Princeton Review
布林莫尔学院 | 曼荷莲女子学院 | 波莫纳学院 |
明德学院 | 克莱蒙特·麦肯纳学院 | 卫斯理大学 |
科尔盖特大学 | 玛卡莱斯特学院 |
德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 | 亚利桑那大学 | 哥伦比亚大学 |
芝加哥大学 | 圣路易斯华盛顿大学 | 波士顿学院 |