
关键词:REF 修改

REF是由英国政府组织评估的,主要是对英国公立高等教育机构研究质量和影响力的一种评估,英国政府借以制定接下来的数年里分配给各个高校的研究预算。其评估方法主要包括对教师科研质量及产出的评估,共分36个专业领域。某学校在某领域的科研质量越好、产出越大,获得的政府拨款数额也就越大。其研究质量系通过成果质量(The quality of research outputs)、影响力(The impact of research beyond academia)、研究环境(The research environment)三个指标来衡量,打分1到4分,分数越高,质量越好;研究产出,则主要是以教师发表的论文、出版的著作、专利等来衡量的,按全职教师来折算,兼职教师则按时间比例折算为全职教师。

2014英国政府卓越研究框架(Research Excellence Framework,缩写REF)评估-杜伦大学部分:

专业名称 专业英文名 研究质量分布(%) 研究成果折算
4分 3分 2分 1分 U/C
心理学、精神病学与神经科学 Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience 29% 48% 22% 0 1% 24.7
生物科学 Biological Sciences 25% 49% 23% 1% 2% 39
地球系统与环境科学 Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences 27% 61% 12% 0 0 34.81
化学 Chemistry 35% 61% 4% 0 0 40.8
物理 Physics 31% 65% 4% 0 0 74.55
数学科学 Mathematical Sciences 24% 60% 15% 0 1% 54
计算机科学与信息学 Computer Science and Informatics 19% 66% 14% 0 1% 14.2
一般工程学 General Engineering 17% 74% 9% 0 0 34
地理、环境与考古-考古方向 Geography, Environmental Studies and 38% 35% 27% 0 0 24.91
地理、环境与考古-地理方向 Geography, Environmental Studies and 43% 36% 18% 2% 1% 62.9
商科与管理 Business and Management Studies 27% 52% 20% 1% 0 44.81
法学 Law 44% 46% 10% 0 0 24.3
政治与国际研究 Politics and International Studies 20% 51% 25% 4% 0 24.8
社会工作与社会政策 Social Work and Social Policy 22% 52% 20% 6% 0 24.05
人类学与发展研究 Anthropology and Development Studies 30% 44% 20% 4% 2% 24.75
教育学 Education 50% 31% 18% 1% 0 24.5
现代语言与语言学 Modern Languages and Linguistics 25% 50% 24% 0 1% 34
英语语言文学 English Language and Literature 52% 38% 10% 0 0 34.03
历史 History 38% 43% 18% 1% 0 28.5
古典文学 Classics 43% 43% 14% 0 0 14.2
哲学 Philosophy 20% 50% 22% 8% 0 18.85
神学与宗教研究 Theology and Religious Studies 50% 35% 14% 1% 0 24.8
音乐、戏剧、舞蹈与表演艺术 Music, Drama, Dance and Performing A 53% 37% 8% 2% 0 14.9



  • 4分= Quality that is world-leading in terms of originality, significance and rigour.
  • 3分= Quality that is internationally excellent in terms of originality, significance and rigour but which falls short of the highest standards of excellence.
  • 2分= Quality that is recognised internationally in terms of originality, significance and rigour.
  • 1分= Quality that is recognised nationally in terms of originality, significance and rigour.
  • U/C= Unclassified, Quality that falls below the standard of nationally recognised work. Or work which does not meet the published definition of research for the purposes of this assessment.
  • 研究成果折算,也即“FTE Category A staff submitted”,是主要以全职教师(兼职教师按兼职时间折算为全职教师)发表的论文、著作、专利等来衡量的有关科研成果及其产量的一个指标,数值越大,科研产量越高



(1) University of Durham REF Results REF 

荏苒柔木 发表于 2015-10-17 10:08:20.0 修改

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