

我与生物学的渊源 哈佛常见ESSAY之生与死的感悟

荏苒柔木 Tue Apr 08 09:01:00 CST 2014 阅览2289 评论






—Anita Hofschneider








送别Michelle那天,我的眼睛干干的,像丢了魂一样的站在她的亲朋好友面前念颂文。直到那一刻我还是很难接受这个残酷的事实。死亡以及其背后的谜团让我觉得毛骨悚然。在这以前,8岁的我觉得医院是个无比神奇的地方,所有病毒都会消失的无影无踪,但现在我知道医生不是万能的。在其背后,面对人们嘴里的“大病”“重病” 而言,医院唯一能做的就是在有限的时间里架起一座病人与亲友之间的桥梁。Michelle有我的陪伴但还是无法延长她的生命。而我明白唯一有效的办法就是启动身体自身的各个机能,这就是促使我对生物学感兴趣的原因所在:潜藏在生命现象中的各个机能。与Michelle并肩作战的我现在又有了新的角色扮演。社会上的爱心职业很多:医学、研究、新闻媒体,而我希望可以将自己的毕生倾注于生物学世界,拯救更多和Michelle一样的病人。



Eight-year-old girls are made in pairs. In a childhood game of “House,” it takes the bare minimum of two to script out a family. When one girl earns a weekend trip to the barn, she finds a way to bring her counterpart along. Michelle and I were two peas in a pod.

When Michelle got “sick,” my natural solution was to bring our playdates to her—even to the sterile confines of a hospital ward. In my third-grade vocabulary, “sick” encompassed anything from a cough to fevers to now the four-syllable condition, “leu-ke-mi-a.” As I soon discovered, however, leukemia did not follow the usual course of illnesses, and our games soon lost their boisterous appeal. “House” was reduced to board games when her nosebleeds became too frequent, and later to garden strolls on the roof of Stanford’s Children’s Hospital. But even those had to end.

Michelle changed with my every visit. Physically, chemotherapy depleted her body, and all I saw was the void on her head that had once been covered with neat braids. The happy girl who once drew me into a pretend world of princesses and royalty took on an unfamiliar lethargy. That confused me. How come medicine couldn’t kill the germs in her blood disease? Why wasn’t I getting sick? And why didn’t the doctors make my best friend better?

Even during my last visits, death still seemed like a sad story meant to exist only in the headlines of my morning newspaper. Our eyes were on the future as we made plans to go to the same high school and to one day buy houses on the same block. I vowed that when her hair grew back, we would even get matching haircuts. But I never had a chance to carry out my promise.

Michelle left much too soon, but my friendship with her shaped my view of time. I constantly remind myself of the transience of my high-school hours spent celebrating victorious sports games, studying for tests, and dancing to music. And yet, although ephemeral, my limited time still provides many opportunities to make enduring contributions. Ultimately, my visits to Michelle bore no healing power, but her fleeting smiles, forever preserved in my memories, were enough to influence the path that I would set for myself and the attitude with which I would face life.

I know that I will cross paths with many people in situations like Michelle’s; I look to my experience in college as a way to prepare for these greater responsibilities. Instead of playing the role of a girlfriend, I will strive to combat the limitations of modern medicine by delving into the biological sciences. With the complexity of today’s changing illnesses, the innovations in science cannot come fast enough. A cure may not yet exist for Michelle’s affliction, but my friendship with her has taught me that there are infinitely many ways to bring hope to the critically ill and to ease their suffering.

I remember standing stoic and dry-eyed as I delivered Michelle’s eulogy to somber pews of friends and relatives, unable to absorb the reality of losing a best friend. The thought of death and unsolvable mysteries still scares me. To an eight-year-old, hospitals seemed like a magical place where germs disappeared, but I now understand that doctors do not have all the solutions. Behind the scenes, hospitals are merely a joint effort by compassionate citizens using the means of the time to conquer big-worded diseases. Michelle found comfort in my companionship, but even that failed to prolong her body clock. The only way to keep a clock going is through an understanding of its function, and that is one thing that intrigues me about biology: the way it illuminates the underlying functions of life’s phenomena. Whereas I was bound to the sidelines during Michelle’s fight, there is a role I can play now. The opportunities to lend a hand are many, but whether through a career in medicine, research, or journalism, I hope to leave my fingerprint in the biological world and in the lives of the people I encounter.


The death of a friend or family member is a tempting subject for a personal statement, as it is an obvious source of rich emotion for a writer, but it can be difficult to pull off for these purposes. No matter how meaningful the event is to the applicant, admissions officers—who use the personal statements to learn more about the individual—may not be able to glean any more from grief-ridden essays than that emotion.

This essay takes this challenge and handles it well, turning a story about the passing of a dear childhood friend into a way to explain the applicant’s motivation for studying medicine, a career path to which many applicants aspire. Using the personal statement to differentiate herself from others with similar academic and career goals is wise, especially given that the essay is effective.

The essay’s subject of death is compelling, and it works best because it serves only as a backdrop to the story of the applicant herself—the applicant’s struggle with death and her discovery of medicine as a life ambition is the central message that is conveyed.

The writer does not spend too much time describing her friend’s personality or experiences, instead focusing on her own experiences, struggles, and growth, and the conclusions she draws indicate an admirable level of maturity and commitment to her goals. The discussion of science in the latter part of the essay also helps balance the sentimentality of a child’s grief, and it helps achieve a detachment that further indicates maturity and gives important insight into the applicant’s academic passions. However, there is always a danger in changing tone too drastically, and the applicant toes the line between a smooth and an awkward transition.

From the short introduction that aptly sets the scene, to the long conclusion that explains the applicant’s love for biology, the essay has a smooth flow that comes from its consistency of content and writing style. One criticism might be that the essay runs a little long, but because each sentence is thoughtful and thought-provoking, the length does not detract too much from the whole. That said, adhering to word limits is important, as admissions officers have limited time.

—Anita Hofschneider


50 Successful Harvard Application Essays third Edition

美国留学分子生物学专业介绍 哈佛大学排名第一







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