

记一篇没有主题的ESSAY 哈佛成功ESSAY励志篇

荏苒柔木 Mon Mar 03 09:11:48 CST 2014 阅览2737 评论













l  来自中国的美国移民

l  和当地人相比,英语还存在缺陷

l  会一门中国古典乐器-扬琴

l  细胞生物学

l  经济学

l  音乐

l  文学性


* But maybe that’s too dramatic—and dramatic is bad, so we’re told.

—Naveen Srivatsa



A senior’s worst fear: the dreaded college essay. You can even call it the bane of my existence. But that’s too dramatic. And dramatic is bad, or so I’m told. Yet, the significance of these five hundred words cannot be denied. As one admissions officer kindly informed me, “Your essay can make or break your application for you. Write it wisely.” No pressure.

I panicked. I dreamed of sitting down in front of my laptop on some sunny, bright afternoon, clacking out an essay on the keyboard. After all, the college essay is just a sample of my writing, right? Instead, I frantically ran around asking for advice from friends and family, sort of like a startled rat in a maze, but not nearly as furry.

“Write about a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Describe how you came from China just before turning nine, knowing nothing but the alphabet, and proceeded to conquer the English language,” my mom suggested. “Be sure to include how this difficult obstacle has shaped you and given you determination and confidence to succeed in your endeavors,” she added.

“Colleges like continuity. Show the college your passion for Chinese culture and music through your eight years of playing the Chinese hammered dulcimer,” said a friend over ice cream. “You are second chair in your orchestra, aren’t you?”

Upon hearing this conflicting advice, I sank deeper into the ubiquity of a dark, engulfing abyss. Scratch that—too dramatic. But I was definitely confused. As a solution to my problem, I finally settled on a mini anthology of successful application essays that I had picked up in the local bookstore. To my dismay, however, the opening words of the book were, “There is no one foolproof method for writing a winning admissions essay.” As a matter of fact, “most of the advice you are given will contradict itself.” Great. Back to square one.

So over the next week (so much for a short sunny afternoon), I scrutinized the book, one great essay at a time. There were ones narrating vivid memories of remarkable events, and there were ones depicting personal tragedy handled with such strength and maturity. Of course, each piece was unique in its own way. Finding some common thread linking those literary jewels together was impossible, though I can’t say I didn’t try.

My plan for the perfect essay went down the drain. It was back to the drawing board, as the cliché goes. Thus beaten before I even began, I started trying to capture my personality in roughly five hundred words. I wrote several essays, each covering some facet of who I am. Yet none screamed out to me, “I’m the right essay, pick me!” Much as cells varied in function come together to produce that emergent property we call life, so my essays together formed a synergy greater than the sum of its parts—me. It was then that I had an epiphany of sorts. The college essay isn’t an autobiography describing who I am; it is about being who I am.

Now that I look at the college essay as something along the lines of a personal ad, it’s not nearly as daunting. Here is who I am: I’m five feet nine inches, with jet-black hair and deep mahogany eyes. I enjoy soccer, economics, and long walks on the beach gazing at a romantic sunset. . . . Oops, wrong type of personal ad.


Fans of ’90s sitcoms will remember the episode of Seinfeld where Jerry and George are sitting in an NBC office struggling to cast actors for their new show peculiarly fashioned after Seinfeld itself as a show about nothing. Well, the gimmick worked, and the episode was a success.

Breaking the fourth wall, whether in television or in writing, is risky, but this author pulls it off by writing an essay about writing his essay. Not only that, but he does it humorously and intelligently in a manner that also conveys multiple aspects of his personality, his heritage, and his interests.

We learn much about the writer. An immigrant from China, he was at a disadvantage compared to his peers when it came to reading. He quickly caught on but held on to his Chinese roots, playing an instrument unheard of in the United States but native to his homeland. He doesn’t tell us this directly, which makes this compelling story all the more honest and all the less boastful. Moreover, his intellect shines from his seemingly casual mentioning of cell biology, economics, music, and appreciation for “literary jewels.”

Underlying this essay’s success is the ease with which it can be read. The variety of forms of delivery—dialogue, narrative, and a smattering of after-thoughts—does not leave readers bored, and the humor makes the essay enjoyable. The ideas in each successive sentence are fresh, and with a pace that’s quick, a tone that’s light, and a topic that’s fun, the character of a high school senior who’s well rounded, talented, humble, witty, personable, and ultimately a likely-to-be positive contributor to Harvard’s campus surfaces.

But maybe that’s too dramatic—and dramatic is bad, so we’re told.

—Naveen Srivatsa

参考资料:50 Successful Harvard Application Essays third Edition






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