

朝圣通灵金字塔步入可见未知的我 哈佛ESSAY赏析

荏苒柔木 Wed Jan 08 09:48:57 CST 2014 阅览2983 评论









虽然这篇ESSAY堪称一篇佳作,但文中还是存在一些问题,如:语法错误,如:“my obsession in nanotechnology”。虽然和全文相比,可以忽略不计,但这里主要是提醒后来人ESSAY 写完后,一定要通读几遍,不要犯一些太明显的错误。要知道这段时间的修改将造就一个美好的四年大学生活,很值得。


—Elias Shaaya



On my desk are four books stacked in order of size. My Chinese-English dictionary, with its striking vermillion cover, grabs my attention. Its pages, filled with flowing Chinese characters and rigid English print, remind me of the two cultures that shape me—East and West. I am a Chinese, Filipino Texan. On family picnics, I enjoy cheeseburgers while stuffing my face with moon cakes and lumpia, Filipino egg rolls. I use both chopsticks and a knife when eating steak. I am that student who will jump into college with one arm wrapped around a toaster and the other lugging a rice cooker by its electrical cord. I tap my feet to Chinese and Japanese pop, as well as strut my viola to classical Mendelssohn tunes. In the spring, I row in my school’s crew team and participate in dragon boat races. For New Year, I greet my parents: “kong shi fa chai,” expecting to receive a red Chinese envelope filled with green American dollars. My eastern and western backgrounds are like yin and yang, pushing and pulling, weaving the harmonious whole that is me. I am a halo-halo, a Filipino word that means mixture within a mixture.

Underneath my dictionary lies Physics of the Impossible. Its pages peer into the distant future of invisibility cloaks and quantum computers. This book expresses why I love science: its ability to improve the future. My surroundings, from the infinite cosmos to the invisible atoms that compose it, derive their elegance from scientific laws. My body is a mammoth Petri dish, a conglomerate of specialized cells, bubbling with energetic reactions. Since I cannot escape science, I fully embrace it by my obsession in nanotechnology. I first delved into this world while conducting research at the Welch Summer Scholars Program. I was struck by the unbelievably precise control I had over the environment. I manipulated organized layers of nanoparticles, changing their properties at will. With the click of a mouse, I took “atomic snapshots” of my samples, allowing me to study arrangements of molecular clusters. I believe nanotechnology will be the wave of the future, and one day, I hope to be at its forefront, surfing that wave. I envision creating computer programmed “nanobots” that can repair damaged heart and nerve tissues. I could engineer a noninvasive surgery by strategically placing “nanochips” in the body that would single out and destroy cancer cells once detected. The possibilities appear endless as I pull out my book and scribble my dreams onto its margins.

At the bottom, my hefty study Bible supports the entire stack. It mirrors my sturdy moral foundation. My precious pocket Bible sits at the top of the stack. I always carry it, as I do my values. Together, the Bibles sandwich the other books in the pile. They demonstrate how my principles keep my passions in check, enabling me to walk discerningly through life, while simultaneously seeking truth and knowledge. The desire to serve motivates me to be involved in community service, to aid the homeless and the disabled. It is compassion that empowers me to rise every Saturday morning to volunteer at a pediatric hospital in Dallas. Charity compels me to save my allowance in order to donate several hundred dollars to earthquake victims in Szechuan, China. With integrity, I serve as chairman of my school’s Discipline Council, charged with the task of upholding the school’s honor code, recommending penalties to those who violate it. The awareness that I am imperfect and that life is fleeting keeps me humble. No matter how life changes, my values remain the same. They give me the motivation to improve myself and others.

My books tower like a miniature ziggurat, each work adding a distinct step to the terraced temple’s overall structure. Similar to my books, my passions, insights, and ideals form the individual building blocks that establish my identity. In many ways, I am akin to a library, filled with nonfiction stories and distinctive accounts that vary in drama and suspense. Over the course of a lifetime, I write my own unique plots through my daily actions. Each moment is a romance, mystery, or adventure waiting to be read. So next time someone says he can read me like a book, I will vigorously pump his hand and say, “Pleased to meet you.”


This essay earns points for framing the applicant through original means. By seizing on treasured books to narrate, the applicant gives the reader a real sense of his passions, heritage, and aspirations. The series of examples he gives, particularly at the beginning, carry a real momentum that propels the reader through the essay. In a pile of applications, admissions officers will see dozens upon dozens of essays touting multicultural identities. It’s crucially important to stand out. This essay accomplishes that aim by putting forward a thought-provoking metaphor for the applicant. Remember always that readers spend minutes, not hours on your writing. Be interesting.

Another particularly compelling portion of the essay is the treatment of spirituality embodied by the two Bibles the writer owns. He explains how his Christian morals and principles allow him to navigate through life’s challenges and give him a sense of purpose. Overall, the multiple layers of the author’s identity shine through in the essay and make the applicant seem alive and approachable.

Though the applicant obviously won the admissions officers in the end, it is worth noting that the essay suffers from grammatical errors (“my obsession in nanotechnology”). Certainly, such flaws are not enough to completely discredit an otherwise compelling essay, but applicants should take the time to carefully proofread their pieces before submission to make sure that small mistakes do not aggregate into a larger problem with the writing. It is worth your time to check for grammatical consistency in a piece that can tip the scale on where you spend the next four years of your life.

Briefly, this essay serves as a great introduction to the writer. It deals with sensitive topics such as race and religion, but in the end gives the reader a great sense of who the applicant is, where he comes from, and where he intends to be in the future. The writer’s anecdotal examples make his voice better heard in the essay, and he uses this voice to display his talent, potential, and originality. Overall, the essay describes what is most important to and about the applicant, which makes it an effective component of a college application.

—Elias Shaaya

参考资料:50 Successful Harvard Application Essays third Edition






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