

风采大赛上的完美蜕变 哈佛大学优秀ESSAY赏析

荏苒柔木 Sun Dec 22 11:16:25 CST 2013 阅览2593 评论










ESSAY15:A night Unforgotten

---By Frederick Antwi

An hour before the commencement of the personality contest, I deposited my bag carefully in a corner of the changing room. From my vantage point, I could see the muscular seniors comparing their lovely three-piece suits and musing about which one of them would win the title. A bony, stuttering junior with no suit and no new shoes, I swallowed hard and resolved to give the pageant my best shot. Since the first round of the program was a parade in traditional wear, I nervously pulled out my kente, draped the beautifully woven red and yellow fabric around my thin frame, pinned on my “contestant number five” badge and hurried to take my place in line. Wishing hopelessly that my mother was among the spectators and not working in some hospital in a foreign country, I stepped out onto the polished wooden stage. Immediately, one thousand two hundred curious eyes bore into me. My cheeks twitched violently, my throat constricted and my knees turned to jelly. I fought for control. Bending my arms slightly at the elbows, I strutted across the stage in the usual fashion of an Asante monarch and mercifully made it back to the changing room without mishap. The crowd erupted into a frenzied cheer. As I returned for the “casual wear” round, something magical happened.

It was singular emotion that no words can describe. It began as an aching, beautifully tenderness in the pit of my stomach, gradually bubbling into my chest, filling me with warmth and radiance, melting away all the tension. Slowly, it effervesced into my mouth, onto my tongue and into words. As I spoke to the crowd of my pastimes and passions, words of such silky texture poured out from my soul with unparalleled candor and cadence. The voice that issued from my lips was at once richer, deeper, stronger than I had ever produced. It was as though an inner self, a core essence, had broken free and taken control. Severed from reality, I floated through the remainder of that remarkable evening.

One hour later, the baritone of the presenter rang out into the cool night air. “Mr. GIS Personality 1993, selected on the basis of confidence, charisma, cultural reflection, style, eloquence, wit and originality, is Contestant number…” “Five! One! Five! Five!” roared the electrified crowd. My heart pounded furiously. My breathing reduced to shallow gasps. “Contestant number five!” exploded the presenter in confirmation.

For a few sacred moments, time stopped. My ears screamed, and my lower jaw, defying the grip of my facial muscles, dropped like a draw-bridge. Then I rushed forward, bear-hugged the presenter and embraced everyone else I could lay my hands on! Amidst the tumult, the Manager of KLM Airlines mounted the stage, presenting me with a meter-long Accra-Amsterdam-London return ticket. As I stood brandishing my sky-blue cardboard ticket, posing shamelessly for the cameras and grinning sheepishly at the throng, a pang of regret shot through me. If only my mother could have been in that crowd to witness and indeed be a part of this most poignant of all memories.


“ The unusual experience” is a staple of college entrance essays, but in this case the experience is truly unusual-a personality contest for men. It’s also interesting to see Antwi’s transformation from shy to superstar. Antwi concentrates on a fixed event in time and uses it to show the spectrum of his personality-shy, confident, excited, lonely- in an amusing and entertaining way.

It’s no wonder Antwi won the contest. He’s a great storyteller. He has an acute sense of detail-”one thousand and two hundred curious eyes,” “the fashion of an Asante monarch”-and is good at heightening drama. The essay is also upbeat and fun to read.

It would have been nice to know what Antwi said in the third paragraph instead of simply reading about the “unparalleled candor and cadence” with which he spoke. Also, Antwi does not explain the what, where, or why of the contest, which are all important to know. Overall, however, his personality shines through as stellar.







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