

第一不代表最好是我的态度 哈佛成功ESSAY赏析

荏苒柔木 Wed Nov 27 09:12:24 CST 2013 阅览2235 评论










Boggle:是一款拼字游戏。首先游戏的参与者摇动六面印有字母的方形色子,在底部有一个矩阵型的方形盘子,一般而言上面有矩阵排列的小坑;参与者用力摇动那些色子,直到把所有的色子都摇到这个盘子底部,使得每一个小坑里都有一个色子占位。在比赛中,从开始计时直到结束前(用沙漏来计算时间,一般为三分钟),参与者要从这个矩阵中尽可能多地找出你记得的单词。但是寻找单词需要遵守以下一些规则:横向、纵向、或是对角线方向的相邻的字母才能组成单词,不能跳着取字母,当然选词不只是沿着某一个方向,允许拐弯,就好比贪吃蛇游戏那样;显然依照此规则,曾在一个单词中, 用过的字母是不能重复使用的。







—Frances Jin



When I was ten, my own grandma schooled me in Boggle. I had her beat by the time I was twelve. Boggle is a contest of vocabulary wherein the players wrest what words they can from sixteen given letters. I can still remember the word that bought my victory, W-R-E-N-S, a five-letter beauty worth two points. (All smaller words are only worth one point.)

Grandma had admittedly amassed an impressive hoard of four-letter words, peppered here and there with three-letter archaic jewels. Luckily, two summers of reading extensive historical fiction had readied my eye for spotting those antiquated gems, and I’d matched her word-for-word on that level. But she didn’t find the game-winner W-R-E-N-S. After jotting down quickies like N-E-W and S-E-W, Grandma had forgotten to combine those letters, a fatal oversight. I beat her by one point.

This memory epitomizes my childhood: I was a fiercely competitive kid. Straight through middle school, my arch nemesis was Kevin, the blue-eyed math prodigy in the third row. Preaching male superiority with vehemence worthy of the pulpit, he would brag shamelessly about his grades. I was obsessed with outdoing him, not only for the sake of feminism, but for the sake of my pride. After all, I beat him soundly at reading comprehension, and his spellings were obscenely phonetic. What right had he to brag? I was the real genius.

Competition had long stewed in my blood by the time high school hit, and I had girded myself to vie with a new host of rivals. However, I was not prepared for the drama club, a troupe of girls who seemed shockingly indifferent to competition. At the first drama club meeting, no one seemed concerned about that afternoon’s history test, though I recognized at least half of the freshmen from my class. Instead of chattering nervously about the answers, they were giggling belly-up on the auditorium floor or grinning atop the Steinway.

Didn’t they care? Weren’t they worried? I couldn’t understand them, lounging indolently and teasing one another. And yet, I saw the fire of competition in them during auditions; it blazed in their gestures and ignited their high notes. But as they hopped off the stage, that bonfire shrank to a contented glow: I’ve done well. It was not an obsession for them, the quality of the performance versus the quality of other performances. It was done, closed and sealed; there was no use worrying whether their piece was the best. It was a personal best, and that seemed satisfaction enough.

Like stage makeup, they’ve rubbed off on me. Now I remember to lie belly-up, relaxed and content with my personal best instead of obsessing over whether I am #1. After all, B-E-S-T is only a four-letter word. One point.


This applicant’s humorous take on a personality flaw manages to draw readers to her side as she demonstrates her personal growth. She could have benefited from tightening up the essay and drawing upon fewer anecdotes, but the essay still provides a colorful narrative that shows off the writer’s creativity and maturity.

By opening with an anecdote about a competitive Boggle game against her grandmother, the applicant immediately sets an enjoyable, humorous tone for the essay. She also alludes to her own educational rigor, when she briefly mentions the two summers she spent reading “extensive historical fiction.”

Throughout the next few paragraphs, the author describes the ups and downs of being competitive throughout her childhood. The light, self-deprecating tone of the writing keeps the reader on the applicant’s side, even as she describes her fiercely competitive nature—a true feat.

But this essay could have benefited from the use of greater in-depth analysis of fewer anecdotes. Attempting to address even one anecdote with nuance and reflection in a short essay is difficult, and tackling three weakened this essay by leaving little room for detail of the applicant’s conversion and growth.

Overall, the essay’s humorous tone effectively complements its theme, and all the components for a successful essay are present. It only requires some tightening to present a more cohesive message. Still, the applicant manages to express maturity and growth—desirable qualities in any candidate.

—Frances Jin

参考资料:50 Successful Harvard Application Essays third Edition






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