

追踪实事报道采编热门新闻 新闻学专业解析

荏苒柔木 Tue Nov 26 09:39:25 CST 2013 阅览1926 评论

“Journalism majors learn to report, write, and edit articles for publication or broadcast.”





Journalism majors learn about every conceivable kind of Journalism (including magazine, newspaper, online journalism, photojournalism, broadcast journalism, and public relations).

That's not all, though. In addition to specialized training in writing, editing, and reporting, Journalism requires a working knowledge of history, culture, and current events.

As a journalism major, you’ll not only master the art of reporting and writing, but you'll also learn about libel and other legal issues that affect the media.

“Most students considering this major don’t realize that they will be required to write, write, write, whether they are in print news, broadcast news, or advertising/public relations.”

Patsy G. Watkins, Associate Professor and Chair, Lemke Department of Journalism, University of Arkansas

Are You Ready To...?

Complete an internship

Study libel laws

Keep up with current events

Learn to be an ace researcher

Learn how to find and interview sources

Sharpen your editing and computer skills

Work on the school newspaper

It Helps To Be...

A quick study with a keen curiosity who can gather, absorb, and deliver information in the heat of a looming deadline: that’s what journalism is all about.*

数据来源:新闻学  College board


统计学 Statistics
新闻报告与写作 Reporting and News Writing
新闻摄影 Photojournalism
写作技巧 Feature Writing
编辑写作理论 Editorial Writing and Methods
编辑 Editing
公共政策问题 Public Policy Issues
法律与道德 Communications Law and Ethics
美国新闻史 History of American Journalism
广播新闻 Broadcast Journalism
广播电视报道 Radio and Television Reporting
调查报告 Investigative Reporting
立法政策 Legislative Politics
媒体制作 Media Production


美国研究 American Studies
沟通障碍 Communication Disorders
咨询辅导 Counseling 
英语 English
电影学 Film
历史 History
大众传媒 Mass Communication
心理学 Psychology
广播电视 Radio and Television
言语病理学 Speech Pathology 
技术写作 Technical Writing 
视觉传媒 Visual Communication







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