

517号练琴室音乐中诠释人性的乐符 哈佛ESSAY赏析

荏苒柔木 Fri Nov 22 09:21:48 CST 2013 阅览2657 评论









1.肖邦第一叙事曲(Chopin’s First Ballade),g小调,作品23号是他四首叙事曲中的第一首,也是音乐中第一首采用这个曲名的器乐作品。该作品表现了肖邦强烈的爱国主义思想,结构庞大,技术艰难,内容深刻,是一出悲壮的戏剧,一篇激动人心的史诗。豪迈的英雄气概、悲剧性的形象和爱国主义的热情反映了萧邦在华沙起义影响下的思想情绪。


3.童子军(Eagle Scout)最早形成于1907年的英国,至今已有近百年的历史。它的目的是通过各种实践活动和技能训练在身体、精神、智力上培训青少年,帮助他们增长知识、掌握技能、完善自我、家庭以及所在的社区,使之成为有责任感、能自立的公民,将来对社会做贡献。童子军的基本划分单位是“troop”(部),年龄范围是11到18岁,等级从低到高依次为Tenderfoot Scout(初级军)、Second Class Scout(二等军) 、First Class Scout(一等军) 、Star Scout(星军) 、Life Scout (生命军)和Eagle Scout(鹰军)。加入童子军后,成员们通过完成每一阶段的技能要求而得到晋级,鹰军是最高荣誉,是每个童子军向往的目标。但是要完成鹰军的技能学习和要求需要十分的热忱投入与努力,在美国,有25%的少年加入了童子军,而他们当中仅仅只有4%最后成为鹰军。有因为各种原因中途放弃了的,有没能达到鹰军的要求而停留在Life Scout阶段的,所以坚持到最后的的确是真正的男子汉。






—Sarah Howland


The stucco walls of Practice Room 517 boasted dents inflicted by frustrated musicians flinging hefty volumes of classical music. This windowless cubicle had been my musical home for the past three weeks as I undertook intensive piano performance training at the International Institute for Young Musicians in Lawrence, Kansas. A Steinway grand piano held its lid open, protesting its recent demotion from concert instrument to practice room workhorse. Carefully positioning myself on the wobbly piano bench, I began to play.

I warmed up by coaxing the lilting theme of Chopin’s First Ballade out of the grimy keyboard. The music of Chopin had always come to me naturally, for the composer’s raw sentiment mirrored the creative intuition that invigorated my intellectual existence. The single-note opening of the Ballade was a silhouette of a narrative that sharpened as I embellished its form with floating arpeggios and cascading runs. Relishing the subtlety of the musical entrance, I unraveled this melodious mystery with the same inquisitive enthusiasm I often employed to probe scientific challenges in the laboratory. The coda was a torrent of octaves, a deluge of unapologetic passion that sparkled with spontaneity. As the tone poem evaporated in a mist of musical color, the elation of discovery lingered within me.

Impatiently dashing a droplet of sweat from my chin, I launched into Bach’s D minor Concerto. As an elementary piano student, I had detested the suffocating discipline of Bach’s music. Disregarding all metronomic restraints and parental admonitions, my five-year-old self had followed the beat of my personal impulses. Recently, though, I had begun to appreciate the mechanical vitality of Baroque music, marveling that the conformity of strict time signatures could nurture musical artistry. This realization has extended beyond my musical world: I now recognize that my effervescent personality, creative inclinations, and daring aspirations do have a niche in mainstream society.

As my thick hair escaped the restraints of my ponytail, the introductory phrase of Beethoven’s Sonata Opus 109 enveloped my senses. A professor once commented that my interpretation of Beethoven’s music was a bit too jovial: “Beethoven wrote this piece with his ear pressed to the ground to feel the vibrations from sounds he could no longer hear. Devastation cannot be conveyed with a skip and a bounce.” Now, I sunk the weight of my torso into the keys, willing the spruce soundboard to resound with Beethoven’s melancholy lament. The G# hammer hit the steel string with a depth of emotional ruin I had yet to encounter outside the musical world. For a moment, the universality of musical understanding transcended the enigma of human emotion.

And then, peace.

As I rose from the keyboard, my little toe rammed into a pile of musty technique books. Glancing down at my sweaty jumper and the dirty carpet of Room 517, I did not mind that my “performance attire” and “concert stage” were ill matched with the Carnegie Hall debut pianists often envisioned. This two-hour practice session required neither audience nor applause. It was simply a musical foray into raw humanity that thrived in the space between the notes.


This essay is all about the applicant, in the best way possible: Rather than badgering the reader with tales of her musical accomplishments, she uses this essay to demonstrate her relationship with music. She takes on a difficult task—describing the auditory experience of playing the piano in silent text—and achieves it masterfully. Her often succinct phrasing, combined with references to peeling stucco and a stubbed toe, creates a piece that shows intellectual rigor.

The writer sets a mood of musical expertise by using a lot of specific terminology, and then mixes in a healthy dose of more accessible description so that even the most tone-deaf reader can understand. Unusual images, like the “protesting” grand piano, give the reader insight into the applicant’s unique perspective.

Yet, writing an essay that is entirely about a very specific interest is not always a sound idea. Ideally, such an essay conveys your enthusiasm for learning and ability to devote intellectual energy to a specific area of interest. There is no guarantee that the admissions officer reading your essay shares your abiding passion for being an Eagle Scout, and even the most beautifully worded essay won’t convince her that knowing how to tie a square knot makes you college material. The content of your essay should convince readers of your unique personality, not merely showcase a particular skill. The content is just as—if not more—important as pretty prose. It is essential to reveal a compelling personality beneath an interest that many can boast of, and a clean writing style that many can assume.

Nevertheless, this is a well-written essay that clearly demonstrates the writer’s intimate understanding of and undeniable passion for music—she is a talent, and her content makes it only too clear.

—Sarah Howland

参考资料:50 Successful Harvard Application Essays third Edition






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