

神奇创新之旅从美丽衣橱开始 哈佛成功ESSAY赏析

荏苒柔木 Wed Nov 20 09:56:56 CST 2013 阅览2240 评论















路易斯与克拉克远征:是美国国内首次横越大陆西抵太平洋沿岸的往返考察活动。领队为美国陆军的梅里韦瑟·路易斯上尉(Meriwether Lewis)和威廉·克拉克少尉(William Clark),该活动是由杰斐逊总统所发起。




I have had an illustrious past. I have been a pirate, a knight, and a Native American princess. I have traveled to many lands, done great deeds, and witnessed incredible sights, while still eating home-cooked meals and sleeping in my own bed.

The secret to my amazing feat? Excellent travel attire . . . a motley crew of scarves, ethnic clothing, and strange items not fashionable since the ’80s—relics from my mother’s closet. To me, every slip of cloth was a passage to a new identity. I donned a silk tunic belted with a scarf and I was Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt; a long flowery skirt and I was an English lady sitting down to tea; a too-large checkered dress and I was a peasant girl diligently tending to the farm. I eventually recruited my younger brother to participate in my elaborate stories, which were not bound by time or place. Together we operated a ranch(farm) on the Mexican frontier, explored our steep hillside backyard as Lewis and Clark, and operated a spaceship headed for another galaxy. Scarves became turbans, shawls, and saris, depending on what the story called for. Dressing up was no mere play activity to me; it was serious business.

The dress-up clothes now lie under my bed in a large storage box. Sometime during middle school I stopped taking them out. My costume-fueled adventures gave way to schoolwork, swimming, and extracurricular activities. I channeled my creative energy into school projects, producing artistic masterpieces that greatly exceeded the general guidelines of “book report” or “illustrated timeline.”

During a two-week stint in a Shakespeare performance camp, I discovered acting as a means of telling stories. Infected with the acting bug, I pursued theatrical opportunities with relish, eventually landing the lead in my school’s winter play. On the stage, I was no longer a college-bound Asian-American girl. I was a poor, tough-talking truant living in the midst of the Great Depression. I feared the hopelessness that enveloped my world, but I dreamed of escaping my rural town and finding a better life.

My imagined journeys into worlds outside my own also developed into a genuine love of studying history. I found that every time period had its great themes and fascinating events and that every place had a unique story. I devoured tales from ancient Egypt, classical Greece, medieval China, and modern Europe, with their complex plots winding through wars, famines, epidemics, and revolutions. Dynamic characters and high drama—history is truly the longest novel ever written. Today’s stories parallel those of the past; people still fight over land and resources, as they have for centuries.

Real-life travel has provided me with the opportunity to go beyond the textbook pages and actually feel history. As I climbed the time-molded steps of the Great Wall, I imagined a great siege taking place, Chinese soldiers in impossibly heavy armor running up and down the wall, warding off the Mongol invaders. I stood in awe at Westminster Abbey as I read the history of England in the engraved names of kings and queens buried there. In Salisbury Cathedral, a docentcasually directed me to an original copy of the Magna Carta and was quite amused by my astonished and reverent reaction: “the Magna Carta?”

At seventeen years of age, I have just begun to explore the places I once only dreamed of. Each moment of wonder echoes the sense of promise and excitement I had as a child, picking up a brightly colored scarf and feeling the world at my fingertips.


Many college applicants face the challenge of tying together a myriad of extracurricular interests and academic pursuits in a single essay. This author chooses to explain with childhood dress-up games how she explores her “creative energy,” crafting a consistent thread throughout the essay.

The author begins with a creative introduction with statements that clearly contradict one another: “I have traveled to many lands . . . while still eating home-cooked meals and sleeping in my own bed.” Her conflicting claims leave the reader curious to know more. Details—from “a too-large checkered dress” to “turbans, shawls, and saris”—help paint a vivid image that ushers us into the author’s world. The writer details the rich abundance of colors, fabrics, tastes, and visions she has had the privilege of partaking through dress-up, and these descriptions give the reader bites of the very imagination and creativity that the essay focuses on.

The author attempts to convey a single characteristic about herself—creativity—and makes content choices in line with this mission. Beginning with make-believe, transitioning to book reports as “artistic masterpieces,” moving to theater, and ending with history, the writer draws a strong connection between the paths she has chosen to pursue.

The key to this essay lies at its end, when the author returns to her opening: “Each moment of wonder echoes the sense of promise and excitement I had as a child, picking up a brightly colored scarf and feeling the world at my fingertips.” Here, she reminds readers that the path she has taken began with a single, imaginative moment. The author solidifies her essay as she closes the circle, creating a compelling and polished narrative arch.

—Molly M. Strauss

参考资料:50 Successful Harvard Application Essays third Edition






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