

美妙诞自无穷中 哈佛大学成功ESSAY范例赏析

荏苒柔木 Mon Nov 11 11:05:00 CST 2013 阅览2821 评论

“There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.”——Charles Darwin







在《物种起源》一书中,达尔文惊叹自然生命的力量,“endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful”。对我而言,语言无穷的变幻,让我心生敬畏。我应该把我的一生奉献给语言,就像达尔文对鸟雀、藤壶以及甲虫的感情一样。我主要研究语言种类的变化,沿袭着它们自己的方式,积累变异,与其他群体杂交,漂洋过海,挣扎着存留下来。我觉得我会非常乐意追随着计算机内存储的海量的语言的轨迹,借着人类最伟大的科技成果逐一认识它们。


1. Syllepsis:双关,是指一个动词引出两个宾语,看似完全没有联系的两个词,经过“一语双叙”修辞手法,连个词组构成很自然的连接,合情合理。如:He lost the game and his temper.(他输了比赛大发脾气。)

2. Villanelle:十九行诗 A poem composed of an uneven number (usually five) of tercets rhyming aba, with a final quatrain rhyming abaa. 英文十九行诗由五个三行体和最后一个四行体组成,三行体的韵式为aba, 四行体的韵式为abaa。

3. 闪族语:包括阿拉伯语和希伯来语、巴比伦语、亚述语(亚述人是主要生活在西亚两河流域北部(今伊拉克的摩苏尔地区)的一支闪族人,或者更确切地说是与非闪族人融合了的闪族人。)

4. 赫尔波斯:阿根廷诗人、小说家兼翻译家。在剑桥读大学。掌握英、法、德等多国文字。

5. "There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved."






—Alissa D’Gama



Syllepsis. Propinquity. Villanelle. Caprice. Of all my accomplishments, I think I am most proud of being able to speak. How wonderful that my mouth can shape sounds and dispatch syllables on command. To be sure, I don’t deserve all the credit, or maybe any credit, for this achievement. I owe it to millions of years of evolution pushing my vocal tract open and stuffing my head with a frontal cortex the consistency of toothpaste. I owe it to the parents and caregivers who poured a catalog of sounds into my infant ears until I started babbling back.

Perhaps the greater feat is not that I have a command of language but that language has arrived to meet me. What an epic journey it has made, evolving alongside its human carriers, spreading and mutating into countless local variants and dialects. And now I change it, too, with my willfully split infinitives and my stubborn use of the gender-neutral singular “they.”

As far as I can remember, my love of language began in seventh grade, when I studied some 10,000 words for the National Spelling Bee and climbed to sixteenth place before “ginglymus” fooled me with its pretentious “y.” My mom maintains that the love affair began before then, when I spelled “physiology” for a few amused grad students at the age of two. Whatever the case, words have come alive for me like organisms in so many dynamic species, each of them holding a story about ancestors I’ve never met.

Take “sesame,” for example. Like many others, it came to English through Latin and Greek, but for millennia it traveled through Semitic languages, Babylonian and Assyrian, whose civilizations grew sesame for its oil before English even existed. Now “sesame,” a survivor among so many dead species and forgotten fossils, recapitulates in three syllables the entire illustrious history of sesame cultivation west of the Indus River.

I think this is why I collect languages—English in school, Chinese at home, French for Camus’s plays, and Spanish for Borges’s short stories; Greek, Arabic, and Italian remain on my wish list. It’s because if I am patient, each will give up its structural skeleton, its lexical ornaments, and its cultural history to me; with each one I come closer to having the right label for every situation and need. Chinese gives me wú liáo, for people with too much time on their hands. French gives me décaler, for the awful feeling of being “off,” either too far forward or backward in time. Spanish provides involucrado, for things inextricably bound up in one another. And so on, each new word bringing me the joy of finding something I didn’t know I lacked.

In The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin marveled at the “endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful” that he saw in the life around him. For me, words, with their seemingly infinite variety, inspire that same reverence. I should like to spend my life with words as Darwin did with his finches and barnacles and beetles, studying how linguistic species can diverge from each other, go their own way and accumulate mutations, hybridize with other populations, cross oceans and mountains, struggle to survive invasions. I think I would be happy tracing the vast network of language even as it changes constantly before us, knowing that every word I speak adds to such a breathtaking human accomplishment.

参考资料:50 Successful Harvard Application Essays third Edition






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