

香港到华盛顿的华丽变身 哈佛成功ESSAY典范

荏苒柔木 Tue Nov 05 09:51:11 CST 2013 阅览2387 评论









当我低下头的时候,看到了印在T-恤上的SAT斗牛犬标志,而不是HKIS的龙图样。同学们就在我的窗外,眼前看到的是熟悉的8523 Pelham Rd.而不是蔚蓝的天际线。我终于决定要面对现实:华盛顿就是我的家。即使从香港的朋友那里找寻丝丝慰藉也不能帮助我改变现状。



随着Model UN(Bridging the Education Gap and Creating Global Citizens)的复活,我的领导能力又一次得到了验证,但是这一次,我不是为了获得这个头衔而去做这件事情,我要真正的切身的去尝试。因此,我没有参加在马尼拉和新加坡举办的会议,我把全部的精力放在学弟学妹的教育和基本活动中。会议的成功让我感到骄傲;尽管我失去了一次游览观光的机会,但是,我却觉得教育可以拉近与别人之间的距离。






—Esther Yi



Background: After leaving Washington, D.C., at the end of eighth grade, I spent my ninth and tenth grade years in Hong Kong at Hong Kong International School (HKIS). Last summer, I returned to Washington for my junior year.

When a violinist changes orchestras, he often starts from scratch. The reputation he possessed in his old orchestra is gone. The other violinists are unfamiliar. And every orchestra director perceives perfect pitch differently. Whether the new pitch is too flat or sharp, the violinist must tune to the new director’s pitch, lest he plays out of tune with the new group.

Returning to St. Albans School (STA) and Washington, D.C., shouldn’t have been difficult. My extroversion would bring popularity. Diligence would bring academic success. Seventy-five “lost brothers” in the Class of 2008 would welcome me back with open arms.

Unfortunately, expectations proved incorrect.

After a D on my first calculus test, academic disaster loomed on the horizon. Further, rare social interaction left me miserable. Classroom enthusiasm drew eye rolling from peers. Social groups proved reluctant to accept me. But, it wasn’t my peers’ fault; rather, the idealist in me had expected too much. Nonetheless, they angered me. Their racist comments, which I thought them incapable of, stung.

Yet, the greatest sting came from losing my glorious Hong Kong life. Almost all 780 high school students knew me. Serving on the School Senate and writing newspaper articles everyone read blessed me with mobility between social groups few others had. I felt a part of things.

Unwilling to confront the loss of Hong Kong and my illusions, correspondence with my Hong Kong friends whenever possible temporarily appeased me. One Friday night, feeling especially escapist, I dialed my friend Kevin’s number, expecting him to report all the week’s occurrences. The phone rang and rang. No answer. I cried hard.

As my head hung, I saw the STA bulldog emblazoned on my T-shirt, not the HKIS dragon. Peering outside my window, I saw 8523 Pelham Road, not a picturesque skyline. I confronted the reality that D.C. was home. Deriving comfort from my friend in Hong Kong wouldn’t change that.

I decided to deal with being back.

Seizing opportunities instead of lamenting the loss of a “fabled” life helped me deal with this sea change, or, more aptly, this ocean change. Smaller class sizes at a small prep school made meaningful interaction with teachers outside of class possible. In debating my English teacher about why The O.C. captures humanity as well as The Scarlet Letter and learning, mathematically, the genetic consequences of long-term sibling-sibling reproduction with my adviser, I partook in an opportunity HKIS couldn’t offer. My former Spanish teacher invited me for Thanksgiving lunch and shared with me the story of her young, newly married son, a marine who recently died fighting in Iraq. The pain of changed reality in my teacher’s life and her resilience in coping with it inspired me to adapt. Forging these student-teacher relationships helped me to think of life more optimistically, and my teacher’s experience put my own sufferings in perspective.

In reviving a defunct Model UN team, my own experience with leadership as a process, rather than a position, began. Instead of attending Model UN conferences in Manila and Singapore, I spent time teaching underclassmen the basics of the activity and trying to educate them. Our success at the conference made me proud; although distinct from the excitement of traveling to exotic locations, teaching others successfully brought me closer to them.

Change has never been easy for me, this one especially. Nevertheless, it strengthened me for the future.

The pitch was too flat, and I mourned for the old one. But in combining the old technique with the new pitch, I now play the new music and the orchestra director is happy. The other violinists offer me the occasional smile.


Overcoming change is the grand trope of college admissions essays, but this piece demonstrates not only the writer’s ability to navigate through a life-changing move from Hong Kong to Washington, D.C., but his wise realization that change is often the major vehicle for progress, self-development, and maturation. The writer clearly lays out the stark differences he encountered as a result of his transcontinental move, detailing the different struggles that came his way and openly acknowledging his shortcomings and weaknesses in a new home. Instead of miring himself in the glory of his former days, the writer explains how he tackled new opportunities—a simple turnaround in the piece that gives him full liberty to do a quick rundown of his accomplishments at his new school.

Beyond the clean execution of the essay, which fulfills the basic expectations for a piece about how an individual overcame a difficult experience, it also utilizes an effective metaphor that appears at the beginning and end of the piece for a well-rounded effect. The writer does not simply discard his old life to fully embrace his new experience in America, nor does he envision himself as someone who has adapted to D.C. at the expense of his former home, but he sees himself as the embodiment of two different sets of experiences. Thereby making clear that he is not someone who simply overcomes change, but one who absorbs challenges and changes into his character to add to the wealth of experiences that already constitute his being.

—Esther Yi

参考资料:50 Successful Harvard Application Essays third Edition






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