


荏苒柔木 Wed Oct 23 10:16:27 CST 2013 阅览2424 评论













—Derrick Asiedu



I was eleven when I got my tiny Buddha statuette. My mom explained that if I asked for one favor and rubbed his fat belly three hundred times, he would grant it. At that age, I had ceased believing that monsters lived on top of my wardrobe, but something in me still refused to abandon the possibility of fairy-tale magic.

So I rubbed his belly three hundred times, not once, but every night, always with one wish in mind: to live in America, a world full of Disney magic, where beautiful and powerful Hollywood heroes walked the streets. I must have gotten the idea of moving from my parents, who talked about it sometimes, but when we were finally on the plane to that mysterious land, it was the statuette I was thanking, not them.

But even in fairy-tale books, the protagonist never gets to the happy ending without strife. So I, too, had to overcome the language barrier, first speaking only in choppy phrases, then thinking and finally even dreaming in English. By then, I had already given up my search for magic, and even thought that this place was just another Tashkent, with a few skyscrapers here and there, and U.S. dollars instead of soms.

But as my language improved, I realized My book had two parts.

The first one was purely mechanical—a matter of practice and memorization. But the second one was intangible: I might have been thinking and writing in English, but my thought processes, experiences, and values were foreign. I had given up on the magic too early.

As I understood more spoken English, I noticed that there were almost as many different opinions as people at my school, and each person debated his or her position ruthlessly. It seemed almost impudent to me: How could they argue with the teacher? But I gradually understood that here, the authority does not always hold the truth—everyone is allowed to have and voice his or her own vision of the world. And I got to have my own truth, too. When I joined my school newspaper in tenth grade, my truth gained a loud voice. This was when the idea of magic crept back to me, subtly, because such freedom was unimaginable in Uzbekistan, even if I had never dreamed about it as I did about fairies.

But my discoveries did not stop at freedom. As the years went on, America’s definition as “the land of opportunity” took on a new meaning for me. There are so many choices here, most within my grasp given enough time and hard work. Here, the possibility of choosing electives both broadened and defined my interest in biology and writing, and the opportunities that colleges offered awakened my ambition to change the world. None of this would have been possible in Uzbekistan, where electives didn’t exist, and everyone applied to the same college because it was the only “good” one.

But most importantly, I learned the impact that diversity had on the history of this nation, and its significance in shaping the country’s policy today. I did not need to forget my experiences and traditions to be a part of this world. My connection to my native land is a big part of what makes me an individual with unique perspectives on the world and my own future.

I discovered a new kind of magic here—one that is not embodied in miracles. It is in this world’s acceptance of my roots, and the freedom to grow in any direction I choose.

But is this the happy ending? I am glad to say that it is only another beginning. The next part of the story will find its protagonist on the steps of college, with a little Buddha statuette tucked safely away in her backpack.


This essay takes a prominent aspect of the author’s life—her move to America and exposure to American lifestyle—and makes it part of a cohesive narrative that is both inspiring and relevant to college admissions.

After starting with a creative and intriguing opening about her Buddha statue and its potential for magic, she makes the wise decision to quickly transition into the focus of her essay: her experiences and challenges as an Uzbek native who immigrates to America. She delights in learning about the rights that most Americans take for granted, such as the opportunity to express her own opinion. The writer displays a genuine appreciation for freedom and diversity and seeks to remain true to her background while she simultaneously accepts the opportunities offered by life in America—all traits that admissions officers find appealing.

While the themes and experiences the writer discusses are all excellent ones to convey to readers, she attempts to mention so many different topics that her essay seems somewhat disjointed. While her spirit of discovery and optimism remains consistent throughout, her essay suffers from a lack of specificity. The reader ends the essay with questions about many of the details she mentions. For example, biology and writing seem like strange bedfellows—how do they relate to each other, and what exactly about her electives fostered an interest in them? Although the essay should not be a retelling of the résumé, it should also offer a little more insight into the individual and what distinguishes her experiences from those of other immigrants. Overall, the subject matter is excellent, but it would be better still with a narrower focus.

—Derrick Asiedu

参考资料:50 Successful Harvard Application Essays third Edition






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