


荏苒柔木 Tue Oct 15 10:52:28 CST 2013 阅览3425 评论










我这么做不是为了证明自己可以独立,可以自给自足。我只是想找到一个方法来战胜死神(the Grim Reaper)。其实,我是想告诉自己我可以生活得更好。





—Sanghyeon Park



Its name was Wheelie. Riding on slick, polished wheels, it was a three-foot-three-inch-high marvel of technology. Its existence and purpose formed a unique paradox—an ordinary object enabling its passengers to accomplish extraordinary things. I never thought that my seven months constrained to such a wonder could expand and change my outlook of life so drastically. Then again, I never thought I’d be bound to a wheelchair.

One Monday morning of my junior year, the subtle but persistent trill of my faithful alarm clock wrenched me awake from my dreams and signaled the start of a new day. But instead of my warm, familiar room, I found myself staring into the stark interior of a hospital. The room was decorated with colorful wires, some of which connected me to the source of my query: a heart monitor that kept beeping in error. A nurse rushed in to check the noise, and upon discovering that I was awake, bent over and clasped my hand. With an expression that read somewhere between I am sorry and God, why is it during my shift that I have to be the one to break to you the news, she informed me that my emergency heart surgery had failed. My cardiologist was much more forthright. “You are at a high risk of sudden death,” she stated matter-of-factly. The failed surgery had structurally damaged my heart, and I could die at any moment until the surgeons got a chance to correct their mistakes.

That’s when I met Wheelie.

I remember despising the wheelchair the first time I saw it—a tangible symbol of my newfound limitations. As time went on, less tangible but equally impairing barriers arose. I was told to stop. Stop school. Stop activities. Stop sports. Because, as my cardiologist phrased it, “Sudden death means that life stops.”

Not many people gave me much hope for maintaining my previous lifestyle. But Wheelie reminded me that while the world couldn’t and wouldn’t wait for me to get better, I had the choice to move forward. Just as a wheelchair must carry its passenger, no matter the weight, I learned to roll on, no matter the obstacles.

If my legs didn’t feel up to moving, Wheelie helped me along.

If there was no school bell to force me to go to school, I’d force myself to wake up early anyway.

If they wouldn’t teach me AP Calculus because there was no way I could possibly succeed, I’d research integrals myself.

If they said there was no way I could possibly coordinate a regional conference, I made it a point to show that I could and I would.

My efforts were not to prove my self-sufficiency. I did it as a way to get by, a method of dealing with what was supposed to be a monotonous wait for the Grim Reaper to knock on my door. In essence, by telling myself I could live, I found a way to live.

A couple successful surgeries later, Wheelie has now retired to a cozy corner of my garage. As I walk past it to join my friends for another day at school, I will never forget the sturdy little wheels that taught me the definition of persistence and hope. My physical immobility, while debilitating, led to an immeasurable shift in maturation. Wheelie didn’t confine me; it gave me the freedom of another perspective on life. I saw more from three feet, three inches off the ground than I ever did standing upright.


Most college applicants probably have not experienced anything as close to imminent death as the situation portrayed in this essay. The writer’s passages on attempting to maintain her past lifestyle serve as an effective vehicle for portraying her resolve in the face of adversity. The passages about her defiance while confronting a seemingly inescapable fate act as the compelling core of the essay, and she sets them up well by using the quotes from her nurse and cardiologist. While her descriptions of the different activities she engaged in during her time recovering may seem a bit self-serving, it would be difficult for any reader to fault her for a few references to achievements under such trying circumstances.

While this essay stands out for its uniquely harrowing experience, admissions officers will remember essays not for the size of the obstacle but for the applicant’s experience in overcoming the obstacle. What makes this essay powerful is not so much the author’s near-death experience as her determination to regain her grasp on life. The writer walks the reader through how she accomplished everyday activities that initially seemed impossible following the tragedy, and the story consequently leaves the reader with a resonating portrait of the author’s resolve and character.

—Sanghyeon Park


50 Successful Harvard Application Essays third Edition






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